Do you care about what other people think of you?

@menzis00 (273)
December 5, 2011 4:51pm CST
Does this concern you? Do you spend a lot of time in the morning just getting ready to go out and to look nice so that people won't say bad things about you, or you just don't care what will the evil people's tongues say about your style, haircut, behavior etc.? I'm not like that. I don't care what other people think of me, except of course some close friends or family, people that I respect a lot and respect their opinion, no matter whether it is positive or negative. But there are some people who get hurt when a stranger says they don't like their new haircut or if they hear some bad gossips. I don't, I live my life the way I think I should live it and I don't care if someone who I don't know or don't care about says something bad about me. How about you? Tell me your opinions and experiences..Happy MyLotting!
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17 responses
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
6 Dec 11
I wish I was like you! I'm pretty unsecured about myself and I don't like people judging me. I don't mind if they're a stranger who I have no clue who they are because they can judge all they want, I don't know them. I'm not going to see them again. Though, I don't like people I see often judging me like I still go to school. I have a friend who cut her hair just up to shoulder length but she left out some dragon tails in her hair, she liked the style. But some random girl in a younger year than hair approached her, grabbed her dragon tails and started to criticize how it was not cool to have that and it's not fashionable to have those hairs sticking out. My friend got pretty depressed about it and the next day she cut them off. I don't get why a total stranger would approach someone like that and start criticizing them. That's so rude! It's a free world, who cares how you look or how people label you. Society is pretty judgmental and I hate those stares people give you.
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@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
You hate those stares people give you? Come to my town and take a walk around the main street, where all the caffees are and their terracces are full of young people. You walk right by them and you can actually feel how everybody is staring at you like you're their prey and they're about to attack you. It can be pretty awkward when you just walk normally and half of the city is staring and commenting you. Everyone does it, you just learn to ignore it with time and it doesn't touch you and you don't care.
6 Dec 11
Hello, in my opinion i don't care what people say to me. Well I don't care for them also .Well i do live my life in the right way thus i should stand with it.I don't want people who are very judgmental whom they dont know who i really am.We have our own lives well fixed it first before we will judge others situation or life.Well to if i am in the right tract no one would avoid or tell taht i am wrong either.
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@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
A lot of people, especially those who are very judgmental should firstly see themselves in the mirror and then go out and judge others. I don't judge anybody, everyone has it's reasons why they are the way they are, I respect in a way everybody, especially those that are brave enough to stand out from the crowd with their originality and are usually not accepted by the community.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
6 Dec 11
Hi menxis00, No I don't care what other people think of me. However, I do think of how I look and think of my self. When I get ready to go out in public, I do like to be presentable (for myself) I don't get my hair style for the sake of others, it is what I like and how I feel about it that counts. I don't live my life to satisfy others, I live my life to satisfy God. I owe no man nothing but to love him. And in loving others I treat them with respect and kindness. That is my opinion of it. Have a blessed day.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Hi to you too Chevee. Self-awareness and wanting to look good is, of course, a good thing. If you dedicated your life or a part of your life to satisfy God I respect that, and I also think that you should respect other people and treat them kindly, of course if they deserved it.
• India
6 Dec 11
Well you know I am like you, I don't waste my time in the morning choosing clothes what to wear. What will people say if I wear the repeated clothes, what would people say about my hair etc. I don't care about these all. You know I get ready for anything in minutes. But I do care what people say about me a little bit some times. I think everyone does, not me only.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Yeah I just wear whatever is the closest to me to wear, except if that's dirty. I don't care about hair at all, I'm getting a haircut just for me because I look silly to myself when my hair grows a bit. Maybe there's somewhere in us that little piece of us that cares about other peoples' opinions, it just that it surfaced in someone, and in someone it's still lying deep.
@br3ndy (468)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 11
Actually i have same opinion like you. Usually i don't really care about what other people says excep for my close friends or families. But, there is time where we should concern about that when many people say somthing bad about us. If there only one to four people saying that then its not really a problem for me. ^_^
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@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
If you look it that way, if your whole school says you stink then of course anybody would wash, but i'm thinking about those little things that some people say to you that don't really play much of a role in your life. There are some people that get really upset even if just one person tells them something and they are worried about their and the other people's opinion.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
6 Dec 11
hI MENZIS, yes I most certainly do care what other think about me because I feel like they treat you accordingly. I don't live my life to please others but I do care what they think..I try very hard not to purposely give people any reason to dislike me but I know that regardless of what we do and no matter how we live our lives there is always going to be someone who does not like you or agree with your way of for that reason I don't care.. But I believe there are some real rude cruel people in the world and they don't make life easy...
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Hi to you too. You remind me of my friend, who doesn't care what people think of him but still tries to please everyone and be good with everybody. He is good with all the people in town and wouldn't like if there were people who didn't like him or would act rude to him (unfortunately there always are people like that). It doesn't matter if someone agrees or not with your way of life, it's your way so live it the way you want...right?
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
6 Dec 11
I've never been one to linger in front of a mirror. But I have often convinced myself that I really did not care what people were thinking of me. As I have gotten older, I have realized that this was not totally true, and it is probably a harmful attitude toward life.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Well, depends on about who do you not care. When your friends say something good or bad to you it's because they want to help you and they are doing it for your own good so that can't do any harm to you, at least that's my opinion. It can only help you.
@julianmac (396)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 11
Hi menzis00, I have always made sure that I'm well-behaved and look decent in public. So, I wouldn't bother if anyone comes up to me and start commenting on my looks or anything else for that matter. Besides it's our life and none of us are going to live forever. Might as well we make the best of it while we can instead of emphasizing on what others might think or feel about us.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Hi! Well there's always going to be somebody who is going to tell us something bad, if we hang onto it for a lot of time we'll spend our lives just trying to improve that and worrying ourselves about the things those people said. I don't want my life to be like that. I'm myself and that's the way I plan to be until my life ends one day.
• Indonesia
6 Dec 11
No, I don't care people say something bad mouth about me. People have the right to have opinion on me and I could not force them to have liked me of what I did. I occasionally try to hear what they say or suggest in my behalf, I will try to open hearts and willing to change my appearance. And certainly I do this not for their sake, but purely for my own good.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
It's ok that you want to improve yourself, everyone should try to do that, but because they want to be a better person, not because of others, so it's ok that you want to change yourself because you want it.
@sjvg1976 (42023)
• Delhi, India
6 Dec 11
Hello menzis00, No i don't care for what others think about me unless and untill the person who thinks is my close friend or in relation.It does not affect me if someone who don't know me say soething about me.I have also seen lot of people who get upset by just thinking that someone is talking about me but that's really a bad habit and one should not be concerned of what others say about him/herself.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Hi sjvg1976, That's exactly my point. I just care about my friends and family, people that are the closest to me, concerning about something somebody might said or if somebody I don't even know said bad things about is just stupid. But well I guess everyone has it's ways..
• United States
6 Dec 11
I care just a bit. Usually if a stranger takes the time to criticize how I look or act I only pay little mind to it because hey, they're strangers, I shouldn't put much weight to it since they don't know me - but it's still good to take it in just a little, because any form of criticism can help me improve. When it comes to friends and family I care a bit more because they're closer to me.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Of course that when friends criticise you you care a bit. Well actually I care a lot, because they mean a lot to me and I have a habit they don't like I will try to change it, I don't want to lose them because of something silly or that we have a fight over something I could change. For strangers, just like you said, they're just strangers..
• Philippines
6 Dec 11
caring about my look depends on my mood. sometimes i'm not atleast bothered if i look like someone who has been chasing dogs if my mood is all flat. but when at a moment that i'm in a good mood i tried to atleast make myself more presentable than my usual. but generally, i just couldn't care any less what others may think about me. it's hurts then more than i am... hehe...
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Yeah you're right, usually they're just jealous and burn from anger when they try to insult you or tell you something bad and you show them you don't care about their opinion, makes them feel unimportant, a thing those badmouths hate. Mood can affect how you feel about yourself also, when you're in a good mood you automatically look better to yourself and to other people.
6 Dec 11
I do get conscious on my looks. Its kind of a girl thing. However, I don't care much about what might people think or say. I will be myself and try to be aware of myself so as not to be affected easily. The more you are aware of yourself, the less you care of what people say about you. 'Coz you fully know the truth and what you really are.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
You're right. If you know yourself and are sure in yourself then other opinions don't really matter so much to you, if you know that's the thing you wanted to wear,do etc. and that's the thing you chose, and not somebody else.
• China
6 Dec 11
Well,I care,but not very much.It is not possible that everyone likes you.More or less someone may say something bad about you front of you or behind of you.You can not stop everyone making bad conments on you.What we should do is just live in our ways and change ourselves in good direction.Just be optimitic.Just be youself.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
Welcome to MyLot xiamagevin. I agree, there's always going to be people that will for some reason just hate you or talk bad about you, it's their need. I'm optimistic as for these situations, and I am myself, I have my own style and my own dose of originality.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
5 Dec 11
Yes I care very much what people think of me, I think it is a good thing that people like you and think well of you, I would hate to think people did not like me, but I won't be a fake person to get that either.
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
You're right there, you should always be original and yourself no matter what other say. Follow your style and enjoy it. There are some people that completely change themselves just because other people's opinions and then they regret it afterward and they end up worse than before.
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
5 Dec 11
Everyone is at least a bit concern what people think about them . Its more about do you care what they think at all ? If you dont care about their opinion , you will not care what they say and if they lie you can easily prove them wrong by being yourself . Normally people say , people badmouth you because eighter you are good person or they are jelous .
@menzis00 (273)
5 Dec 11
Yeah, that's usually the case, jealousy and stuff like that. But seriously, if some person I know but I'm not that good with her/him came up to me and said a lot of bad things to me I just wouldn't care, I don't let things like that touch me or my feelings at all..
@areskya (398)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 11
I care about other's opinion. Those opinions given to me mean that they are giving more attention to me, no matter they know me well or not. They will not give me any comments whenever they don,t see me or give their time to think about me. What a kind of person are they! They spend some of their time to think and talk about my strenght and weakness. Further, Whenever I heard about a bad things talked about me, of course, I feel feel uncomfort too, (although just a little) but it gives me some reflection about myself whether I need to be better in the future. I believe the power of critics given makes me double or triple to be better than now, it is such kind of power that force me to show that I'm not like that and I'll do more effort to do best in getting my aims. It's me, whatever I am. Whereas I am talked about my goodness, what a proud of myself I am! LOL, haha, being so glad on that day. It can raise my confidence and give me more motivation to do more. Yeah, it is life. I can't force anybody to talk a good thing about me, but I can force myself to take the good things from their words. This is my way in enjoying my life. Let's us enjoy this beautiful day! Happy day for all of us
@menzis00 (273)
6 Dec 11
You have a good point there. Critics are always welcome, it's just that I care only about ones that persons I respect and know good really mean a lot to me and if some friend criticised me in a bad way of course I would try to improve myself on that point. That's how you improve yourself. But when someone I don't care about says something bad to me, I just don't take it close to heart. On the other hand, who wouldn't love if a cute girl came up to him and said something like "I love your style, haircut,..etc". Boosts your confidence, but still in a few moments I would forget it.