Filipinos wanting to be Fairly White

@mathejo (155)
December 6, 2011 9:43pm CST
I think its ridiculous how many of us Filipinos wanting to have a fair white skin. We are supposed to be Brown my fellow country men! and you know WHY?!? because we live in a tropical country where the sun always shines! and we are surrounded with beautiful beaches to get tanned. We should be proud of our Skin, nothing against with other colors but yeah love your own and be comfortable with it :)
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13 responses
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Most of us wanted to be something that we are not, straight wants curly, fair wants tan and tan wants to be white. Let's face it, Filipino mens likes fair women than tan, that's why ladies wants to have a fair skin like my self.
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@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
To each is own. I respect your opinion. I respect everybody's opinion.
@fsuma86 (364)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
I am a Filipino and my parents are both Filipino but I think you will not be proud of my response. Ever since when I was a kid I am gifted to have a fairly white skin and I wanted more. I always use whitening lotion and when I am not working can't get the fact that I'm still going to be whiter so I'm using Glutathione and it really works for me. Though, I still wanted to be more whiter I am proud that I am a Filipino!
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Hey we are living in free country your just stating your opinion to each is own so yeah..keep on keeping on doing what ya like.
@fsuma86 (364)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Hi! Thank you so much!
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Although I am not against people wanting to have a fair or white skin, I certainly agree with you that we Filipinos should ne proud of our skin. In fact many foreign people admire our skin color so and so that they bath in the sun hoping to get tanned. Aside from having this beautiful skin color, it also provides us eith protection from the harmful effects of the sun. Noticed that in our race, skin cancer is not that common. It is certainly something that we should be happy and proud.
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Yup we are lucky our skin is not light because skin cancer is not that prone to us.
@fheroan (615)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Hi there mathejo! I agree with, I'm Filipino too but since we live here in Baguio City, I'm not that brown... but its still more of a brown shade but not only that, my dad has some Spanish blood too, but I like being brown. See, a lot of Caucasian foreigners come here in our country just to get tanned, and it is really hilarious, that we Filipinos in the other way want to be white. There are disadvantages when you're white. You get red easily when it's hot. When you got skin problems, it's very obvious. One reason why foreigners wanted to get tan is not really because it is the trend nowadays, but see, they got freckles more unlike us.. and being tan would hide those freckles. And i really think that tan color is just suitable for a man. So yeah, we should be proud of our own complexion!
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
I love the skin of people who lives in Baguio brownish red or that sort of thing. Nothing against with the white skin people but yeah i love my own nuff siad.
@dong88 (795)
• China
7 Dec 11
Hello! In fact dark skin, is a healthy skin. I like the skin. Really. Dark skin very healthy, very beautiful! Happy every day!
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Good for you buddy!
@wulania (1524)
• Indonesia
7 Dec 11
yeah we have the same problem. we indonesia want to white. having white skin is all indonesian dream, alsmot 99.995. but westerner from europe and america visit indonesia and have sun bathing at the beache because they want to get their skin burn brown. lol
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
isn't ironic huh ;p
@Neriz69 (1093)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Yeah that's really funny, I can understand it if you don't want to be overexposed to the harmful rays of the sun, but as it is, Filipinas are really shelling out to pay for whitening products which is unnatural and may cause more harm to our skin than good. I hope that they accept what God gave them, because there is a reason why we are colored brown and not white.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
I am fair skinned and it's natural (reddish white) It is their choice, their wish to be fair like how white people get tanned to have darker skin. So,...let them get what they want, even for a while.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
19 Dec 11
Yes, most filipino woman likes to have fairer skin because they think it makes them looks better and beautiful. It's the same for all woman around the world, where skin, snow white skin is an envy. However in European countries, it's the complete opposite where they see tanned skin as a skin of being healthy. Another reason for European woman wanting dark skin is due to there are not much sun in their countries. It's a world of conflict where people just want what others are having and never contend with what we already have.
@crossbones27 (49050)
• Mojave, California
7 Dec 11
I agree who wants to be pale skinned all the time. Trust me I am white and it is a pain to keep a tan in the winter time.
@r3jcorp (1382)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Being a daughter of both natural born Filipino citizen, I don't have any traces of foreign blood. My skin is brown though not dark brown and I am very proud of it. I think my looks match my personality and I wouldn't look any better if I am two white. Anyway, I wouldn't look like a foreigner even if I have a super white skin. My nose is not too pointed, my height is only 5 feet and my eyes is very round and big. You are right, we should be proud of our skin. I am not against those who are taking care of their skin, but I pity those who are trying very hard. Like those who would endure the pain of needled just to have a gluta chemicals for desperately wanting to have a whiter skin. Soothing our own skin with Vitamin E and lotion is enough for me. We should be comfortable with our own color. Not everything that we saw from other countries may be rigth for us.
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
Good for you. W should Love our own and be Proud of what we have and what we are :)
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
7 Dec 11
You are really a true Filipino. You are against those people who wanted to get their skin whiter. Filipinos should be proud of the color of their skin. Their is nothing wrong with our skin color. In fact, those foreigners wanted to get tan or have a dark skin. And yet we want to get whiten. That's ridiculous.
@mathejo (155)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
Yes very funny indeed come to think of it. why don't we just exchange race with them ;p kiddin..
• Philippines
1 Jan 12
haha, definitely ur right man. Filipinos should be proud of their skin, cuz that's the Gift coming from God . We should just take care of it :) Instead of making ourselves white to look good, let's just make our skin flawlessly beautiful . :) But let's admit that some of us are really attracted to women with white skin like Koreans.. but when we go to other countries with white skin, they will be amazed by us because we have tan skin and they began to be jealous on us. ur right, it's really IRONIC . XD