A day without Mobile phone

@Nigildas (169)
December 7, 2011 12:04pm CST
Its hard to believe that i spent my entire day without my mobile phone, Me being a college going guy always need my mobile phone in my pocket. Unfortunately day before yesterday my mobile phone had a dirty fall and its screen developed a crack and eventually i had to replace it with a new screen so i had to give it in the shop and the person said it will take at least one day to replace it. From morning i was missing my mobile phone so much, I was not able to text my buddies, i was not able to call anyone. I felt very lonely. That is the time i thought people who were born before 1980's how did they manage to spend their time. I personally find it very difficult to be without my mobile even for a day. The craziest thing is even wen i have a branded watch on my wrist i take out my mobile to see the time. This is the impact of mobile phones in our life.
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11 responses
• India
3 Jan 12
I find very difficult to pass out a day without my mobile phone because my friends live in it. So I never share my mobile among others and I care it much. Mobile phone also helps us to browse the whole world with low cost. So I used to care it
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
12 Dec 11
You are so right, as I can't be without mine either.It seems that our cells have become a way of life, and it is so hard to think otherwise.I go crazy without mine.I have mine with me whenever I go out but when it nerds charging, then I have to leave it home.I try to plan it though, that I won't have to charge it that day, do I can take it with me.I really dint know what I would do without your, since I use mine everyday.Take care, and have a very good day.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
8 Dec 11
yes, cell phone had become a part of our life.. it`s hard for living without cell phone..sometimes a cell phone is like a food for a few people.. their life is really depends on cell phone.. a cell phone become a good remember tools for the owner... a cell phone can become a modem for getting information from internet a cell phone can become a meaning for someone
@Xansus (946)
• Bulgaria
8 Dec 11
Well i'm the only one here that dont use its mobile that much . I Talk 1-2 year with it and i can check the time on my watch or pc , so i'm perfectly fine without a phone . Its more of a need to have just if someone look for me or want to hear me that badly :P But overall i dont use phone at all , i even forget to reaload its batteries with weeks now .
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
8 Dec 11
Very hard or may be say impossible a single day without mobile phone. Now phone is necessary thing for our life. But now people are using it in wrong way calling and talking till late night then ear may be lost.
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
Mobile Phones, for me, is more of a necessity now, than wanting it. People communicate everyday and have things done through verbal conversation, and with the fast response of the use of the Mobile Phones, we finish things much more faster compared to the time of people not having the luxury of mobile phones. I have the same habit, that's why i leave my watch often at home because i'm always holding my cellphone and instead of looking at the watch for time, i use my Mobile phone. I would say I text alot, I could send hundreds of text messages a day and get banned by the service provider for abusing the unlimited text promos that i avail. So i know how you feel when you can't use it in a day. but now, my attention is away from the cell phone because i am always at home and i rather communicate using the internet. Well have a good day Happy mylotting
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
8 Dec 11
Hi... I too can't live without my phone for one day... Cell phone has become part of our daily routine... And yet, I remember before 10 years, I did not even have my own cell phone... LOL
• China
8 Dec 11
I think people nowadays have been used to the existence of mobile phone. As for me, i will feel a little strange if i leave my mobile phone at home.I will think that maybe someone will call me but i lose it,maybe someone will send a short message to me,but i don't see it.We will feel so strange without mobile phone,it's because we are scared to lose touch with the society ,not because we like the mobile phone very mush as our baby.
@Lhenni (1242)
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
Mobile nowadays been so beneficial in everydays life. But come to think of it, if not invented, we will surely survived still *lol ... well, thanks that it is invented! We tend to move forward what the new-age is offering. I myself is a phone lover too for it is my speedy connection with my family and friends. I love to be in touched with them that fast. But it's okay too if I can't use it for a day, no harm done. There's PC to make busy with. Happy MyLotting!
• Philippines
8 Dec 11
t must be hard for all of us to take away our cellphones from us. Because most of our day-to-day transactions happens with the air of a phone.
8 Dec 11
It is hard to believe although I have done the same. Actually, it feels great. It felt like a breath of fresh air and freedom. I didn't have any worries; no emails to check, no calls to make or answer, no texts or alerts coming in. As good as it feels, everyday since then I have taken it with me. Why? Why? Why?