, Is it a Legit or Scam

December 7, 2011 11:15pm CST
I recently joined with this website ( because I was attracted with the program that they are advertising. Members are just have to promote their site and presto you are earning a descent amount of income (based on their total earning stats) that compensates your work. But my Question is.. Does anyone actually received payments?.. Anyone could provide a PROOF of Payments? Another one is... Does anyone tried to send email to their admin? I sent email (3x) but I dint receive a reply even a simple acknowledgement from them. All I know is, A legit business owners are eager to answer emails from their members because they also wanted to earn trust and to motivate members as well. Your advice/comments are highly appreciated
1 response
• India
23 Dec 11
it is 100% scam site.. beware of such sites...