Do you let them or not?

@lisa0502 (1724)
December 8, 2011 10:05pm CST
We all know that they have ratings on movies. Now do you always follow those ratings when it comes to your kids? If yes then why? I am a kind of person who will watch a movie and then decide which of my kids can watch it and which ones can't. There is one movie that is rated "R" that we will not let any of our kids watch no matter what age and that is Cujo. Now I know that the kids that have moved out can do what they want in their own house but they can not watch it here. Just because we do not believe that after that movie they will see dogs in a different way. So what do you do with your kids?
2 responses
• United States
9 Dec 11
My kids are already grown & now have children of their own. However, we allowed our children to watch movies, even those rated "R" at a pretty young age. Their father & I were always open with the kids, explaining things that happen in the world, on TV, etc. They knew from a young age that the monsters on TV were not real.. they were people dressed in masks. They watched Cujo, Children of the corn & some other movies that many kids are not allowed to watch. But, they knew it was a movie & was not real. They never had nightmares about any movies & they are still animal lovers. Everyone parents differently. What works for one family may not work for another.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
9 Dec 11
My mother followed them blindly, and I resented it as a child and teenager. I plan on being a bit more like you as my three year old grows up. I will watch the movie and make the decision based off of that, if it is still questionable in my mind, then I will watch it with her.