Someone who has everything

@EavesJ (95)
United States
December 9, 2011 7:40am CST
My wife has plenty of things. She has almost everything a girl could want, except for the things I can't offord yet. Christmas is coming up and I have no idea what she could want that I haven't gotten her yet. It is freakin hard I tell you, just to think of the things you think someone might need or want. Of course I know that Christmas isn't all about the gifts you get. But it is nice to recieve a gift.
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20 responses
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
hi eavesJ, As a woman it is really touching if a guy put an effort to think what he should give Maybe you can make a joke on her ask what present she wants to receive this Christmas so you will have an idea. You can take her to a romantic dinner with a bouquet of flowers happy mylotting
@devi53 (347)
• India
10 Dec 11
Hai bhaby i am also like your opinion.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
9 Dec 11
Give her something from your heart like a beautiful love letter, maybe a poem or take her out on a romantic date and treat her like you did when you first fell in love. Those are the kinds of things that fade away when people are married for a while and those are the kind of things that would keep life in a marriage if people thought to do them every little once in a while. Give her a new razor and a good reason to shave her legs.
@EavesJ (95)
• United States
9 Dec 11
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
12 Dec 11
Is there somewhere that she likes to go but you don't care about? For me, it might be a cat show or a quilt show. Give her a couple of tickets (even if you have to draw the tickets yourself) and promise to willingly go with her or let her take a friend, her choice. If she chooses to be accompanied by you, you must go cheerfully, try to show interest, and never be impatient to leave. If the idea of accompanying her sounds like way too much for you to bear, you might just suggest that she might like to take "Jane" or someone else who actually shares her interest. Then, when she returns from her outing, you must listen attentively without yawning.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
Your wife is very lucky, my friend because she almost has everything. I think the best gift you give to your wife is unending love or a love that last forever...because no can afford love. Money can't buy love and that the best thing you give this season to your wife..
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@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 11
Just try to take a look what was Her dreamer when at school, college or before She met you. It has to be one thing that she didn't get or achieve at the past. That would gonna be a perfect surprise for Her. Try to get that info from Her friends, collega, etc.
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@madmax11 (83)
• Mexico
10 Dec 11
I know how you feel mate, I havent seen my Dad in 2 yrs, i'm going to see him in 2 weeks and I havent a clue what to get him...I'm just waiting for inspiration
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@derek_a (10874)
10 Dec 11
I know exactly what you mean here. I just never know what to buy my wife as a present. Nowadays, I just ask her what she wants, and quite often she will get something she really wants - not something that I think she wants - and then I will wrap it up for her and give it to her on the day.. It works very well. She does the same with me.. It's so much easire._Derek
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@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
Aww your are pretty sweet. Anyway, flowers is always great. Make sure it's her favorite flowers though. If she has none then roses is always nice. I personally would prefer an orchid because it will not eventually die and dry up. I can actually take care of it. It will also be nice if you cook or bake for her. Cooking maybe be easier. treat her to a romantic dinner without kids. Give her a card, a handwritten one, expressing how much you love and care about her. Tell her how you look forward for the future with her. Tell the truth though. Don't just tell her things to make her feel great, say things that you actually mean. Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
• Indonesia
10 Dec 11
Women love to be adored. I think word of praise can also be an unforgettable Christmas gift. Compliment her honestly and not excessive, until she was happy with what you do. She is a woman who has everything, so it was not wrong of you to show more concern to her with the beautiful words from you. Just try out and good luck. Happy Christmas and mylotting as well.
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@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
10 Dec 11
How about a bouquet of christmas flowers. Just stay home and cook dinner for her, light some candles. How about buying little toys and go somewhere and share with those homeless children, I am sure she will feel satisfy with that. How about You two go to church that day and pray together. There are so many things that you can do to make your wife happy you know her more than anybody , dont think just in gifts, there are other kind of gift that we expect from our husbands . Happy hollydays mylot friend.
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@kaichoukebz (1190)
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
As what the saying goes, it is better to give than to receive. Do you believe in this saying also? Anyway, sometimes, less is more. I knew that your wife will be happy to anything that you will give to her as long as it comes from the heart. Merry Christmas :)
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@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
hmm, if i were a someone who has everything then I think i would rather have an experience as a gift rather than a material thing. Gifts are wonderful, but it's better if it is something more special than just something you can hold. Maybe you can take her somewhere she really wanted to be? do something exciting together!
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• Philippines
10 Dec 11
I think flowers will do. Sometimes, girls will appreciate the ways of the old times.
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@Arieles (2473)
• United States
9 Dec 11
While it's true that most of us enjoy a gift, I know I would appreciate some well thought out time together. A dinner by candle light maybe, a night at a hotel and a sitter for the kids. Something the both of you would enjoy doing together. A lot of times what we really need is just time with our significant others.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Dec 12
hi Eaves do what my hub b y did one year,he took me to the ritziest restaurant and he ordered ahead all my favoreite things, and he and I, no kids with us, they werewith gram, shared a wonderful meal like newly weds then' after he presented me with a gorgeous display of floers f rom a local flowergrowers and I loved every b loom and all the food. it was so different and s uch a surprise too . try that this tim e.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
9 Dec 11
i was like that one xmas and the kids had no idea. so, one got me a gift card for body works and another a gift card for barnes and noble, since i love books. and one bought me some really warm lovely jammies and slippers. even if you already have those, its a winner.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
Hmm it is nice to see a man think of such for his wife. I salute you. My hubby is also bad at thinking gifts lol.. he would just give me money so i could shop on my own.. but it is fine with me because i could buy something that i could really use or buy something that i really want. I would want books..but he does not which book i love, he knows my fave authors yet he cannot track which book i have read or havent read. As for your wife, look into her and see what things she wants or what does she like to do? from there think of things she will appreciate and still be within your budget. And slip a note with it with an " i love you" and a single rose. she will love it.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
I think whatever you give her will mean so much for her. You can go for movies and have a romantic dinner afterwards and hand her over your gift to her.
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10 Dec 11
Yup for me also .. I m not too much expecting to received gifts from someone.Because too much expectation can cause frustration to your self also. I will thankful then if i have receive one this Christmas here we suffer crisis so we wont spent much this Christmas instead we must be thankful that we have a complete family, life we are in, we are healthy whom people who are ill wishing to be healthy too and wishing to enjoy life more in the family, to love ones also.Everyone of us have lots of wants and needs it just depend on us on how we will be contented of what we have.
• United States
9 Dec 11
Look at your budget and get her a gift certificate to someplace you know she would like to spend the money, like maybe you can't afford to get her hair done, a manicure, a pedicure and a massage but you might be able to afford to have the hair done and a manicure, so get her a gift certificate to a place that offers all and let her chose which she wants.