Something to say...
By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
December 11, 2011 10:38pm CST
We all have those days when it seems like we've got so much to say to get it off our chest. Maybe it's at a time when it seems like no one else will listen or when no one else understands. I would like to invite you to share it here! If you feel like today is one of those days as I described, please share what's on your mind. I think it's really important to do so because it's healthy to say what we need to say, to get it out there so it's not bottled up inside of us. Thanks in advance for sharing because I know we all need it!
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10 responses
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
12 Dec 11
When I was young I thought No one Wanted to hear what I wanted to say so I never spoke. Now I say what is on my mind because I Now know I have worth. Now if they don't want to listen , it is on them.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 Jan 12
The sad part is my parents Wanted to hear what I wanted to say but since at school they didn't I rarely spoke Period!How ironic, I was the only child at home and you were one of many and yet we learned the same lesson! Keep speaking up, believe me it Does feel better than staying mute!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 Jan 12
It really is amazing how similar our childhoods were in some ways! I've learned my lesson about being quiet lol.
Speaking of "speaking up," I have a mini vent for you...ok, maybe it's not a small one, but I have to get it out there because this discussion is about having something to say! I love my job, and my coworkers are like one big family, so there are rarely any major issues, conflicts, etc. I really can't complain because it's so much different than my old job, and so much better! However, yesterday and today were another story...
Today is my husband's birthday, so I told my coworker at least a week in advance that I just wanted to take the day off if she was willing to cover. She said it would be no problem whatsoever, and she's usually really good about covering when I take time off. Since I'm the receptionist, someone always has to sit at the front desk during normal business hours. Anyway, yesterday afternoon she came up front and said, "I hate to do this to you, but..." I knew exactly what she was going to tell me. I wasn't getting today day off - fantastic! She said she couldn't get a ride to work (she carpools to work with a friend most days). Her friend was working from home today, which in most cases means my coworker could borrow her friend's car to get to work. I don't know why she didn't have that option all of sudden. I also don't understand why she couldn't drive herself to work with her own car that just got fixed, as a matter of fact. And even if she didn't have that option, her daughter works evenings so she said she could borrow her car and then she could be back in time for her daughter to go to work. This coworker also asked a fellow coworker to drive her in to work today, but he had to stay home with his son who was sick. (She even made it out to be his fault when he couldn't drive her because she let that determine whether or not she was coming into work.) It just seems to me like she'd be at work if she wanted to be. She'd find a way.
To give you some background, our work usually allows for 4-5 paid personal or sick days per year. It's not much, but it's better than nothing! This particular coworker takes probably 2-3 personal days per month! The amount of paid personal days approved is technically at the management's discretion, but that's pushing it a little, in my opinion. She also complains about her job all the time and takes every excuse she can get not to come into work. She told me yesterday that she loves when her ride has to work from home so she has an excuse to stay home! Knowing all of that, it made it really hard for me to be understanding of her situation knowing all of that.
I was fuming all night yesterday when I found out. I was going to surprise my hubby and just stay home till he realized I had the day off - lol. I was even going to bring him a nice breakfast in bed with some yummy coffee. He could watch TV and enjoy a nice breakfast without doing anything. I'm glad I didn't make plans to throw a surprise birthday party for him like I originally wanted to do because having to work after all would've really messed that up! I eventually told my hubby my secret plan last night once I found out it wasn't happening. He was disappointed, but he said it was fine...yeah right! I knew he was bummed, but the part that really made me mad was that it wasn't just me taking a day off; I was doing it for him! And for her (my coworker) to be so thoughtless of other people by making things all about her did not bode well with me. I've covered for her so many times that her taking advantage of the situation is the last straw.
When I showed up this morning, my manager who I report to directly was up front within seconds wondering what in the world was going on when I show up, and he has a voicemail from her that she's not coming in. I explained the whole situation to him, sparing no details. I'm done covering for her when she pulls that on me. I also mentioned it to the HR lady when I told her I was at work after all (so she wouldn't dock me a vacation day when I was actually there for the day!)
I know it's hard without knowing her personality for you to completely understand the dynamic of the situation, but like you said earlier, you can't just let people take advantage or they'll get used to it. It's really sad because I considered this coworker to be a pretty good friend as well. This thing just frustrated me to no end, so I had to share! Hopefully it all makes sense...sometimes I feel like I'm rambling - lol!
Having something to say and getting it off my chest feels good.
This discussion definitely came in handy! haha
I hope you have a great night and enjoy your weekend!

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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
I grew up the same way. I had five other siblings, so I was always taught children were to be seen and not heard, and there were so many of us that that rule stuck! Now I've resolved to do the same as you by speaking my mind and not letting others take advantage.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
15 Dec 11
I think one of the many inconsequential things that's been bugging me this morning are the winter tires that I bought more than a couple of weeks ago. Leading up to winter, I kept reading articles about this season becoming one of the worst. And I bought in the hype, and finally bought some winter tires. It wasn't cheap!
And the funny thing is, it's been unusually warm ever since I've got them on my car. It hasn't even snowed yet!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jan 12
My husband keeps telling me how much he wants deep snow because he drives a Ford truck, and he has to get his "off road fix." I told him because he wants it, that's why we haven't gotten much snow yet! I don't mind either way. Personally, I'd prefer a warmer winter, but we've had such a warm winter here in Michigan that I really can't complain! Today was our first good snow, so that will probably give the hubby some fun in the truck for the time being lol. Isn't that ironic that as soon as you get a good set of snow tires, the snow is nowhere to be found? If your weather was anything like ours earlier this week, hopefully those snow wheels came in handy in the torrential downpours! I couldn't believe how hard it poured in January here! It was crazy, but I was glad for the fact that it was above freezing. Well, I'm glad you shared a little of your frustration with me. I definitely understand how much snow tires cost. I had to get a couple tires to put on the rear of my car a couple months ago, and that was painful. Perhaps you have snow now to try out those wheels! Take care!!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
I want warm weather too! In the couple of days that snow has covered the ground around here, I've had my fill of the stuff. I'd probably enjoy it more if I knew it wasn't sticking around for the next few months. I think winter should be no more than three months, but less would definitely be nice. What do you think of a one-month winter? That's more like it! One month of snow, sleet, ice, or whatever else it decides to do. I shouldn't really be complaining since we had weather in the 50s earlier this week, but I suppose it makes us appreciate the other three seasons when we have them!

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Dec 11
The other day I was really wishing I could join a b!tch club! somewhere I could rant and complain, etc and also talk all about childhood abuses w/o burdening others.. I go to a little that same day and things worked out in a way which made me feel greatly improved!

@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
That's funny, but it's actually a really great idea! We human beings are wired that way where we have to have conversations and interactions with others. Being able to get stuff off our chests is like therapy, so why not join the club? I'm sure it'd be a popular place too! Thanks for sharing. 

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
2 Jan 12
They say this about anger and I know being a victim of suppressed anger and what it can do to you. If you as you stated bottle things up, you bubble away inside like a volcano and one day you can't suppress it any longer and you explode big time, most of the time at the wrong person or someone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Writing can help, expressing yourself in words on paper rather vocalizing them or punching a pillow. I used to find going to the gym and taking it out on the weights helpful. I am not good at confrontation or expressing myself when I am cross, hurt or anger, the only way I know would be to suppress it deep down and carry it around with me day after day and it was unhealthy. Providing you can do it safely, let rip and move on. Happy new year to you!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
19 Jan 12
Happy New Year to you too, my friend! Here's your long overdue BR as well as my comment.
I wholeheartedly agree with you about anger. I have many friends with this problem, and I see the effects. It's really sad. I didn't used to be an angry person myself, but lately, I have no idea why, sometimes things can just set me off. I've been told anger is like a pot that's constantly boiling and ready to spill over. When you add that spark to the mix, the fire is going to start blazing.
You know, I think stress has a lot to do with anger sometimes. Same thing - if something is stressing inside someone, and they don't let it out, it could probably result in anger...what do you think?
Over the years, knowing lots of people who struggle with anger, I've tried to be a more compassionate person because of it. I think understanding why people are the way they are will really help with that.
I'm really glad for your honest opinion. It sounds like working out is a great solution, and it only helps you physically too! When I was in college, I used to run a mile or two right after class, then I'd shower and go to dinner. That helped me a lot more than I even realized at first. Not only was I relieving the stress of the day - homework, classes, etc. - I was also pushing my metabolism to where when I ate right after running, I would eat so much more than normal because my metabolism was still in full swing from all the calories and energy I'd burning by body needed to get that back. It was great therapy for me! (And as you know, I'd struggled with gaining weight all my life, so I was glad for the increased appetite!) I wish I had the way to do something like that nowadays.
Thanks so much for your honest response. It's always great hearing from you!

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@icyrose123 (133)
• India
12 Dec 11
you are absolutely right.It is necessary to speak your mind at some point of time otherwise it will end up making your day so dull. Today my baby is unwell do to change in weather here. It really puts me off when something happens to my baby. I know its so common but its a motherly feeling. I'm really unable to concentrate on my work and not in a mood to be in office. I can neither go home as I have loads of work here. Hope and pray that everything will be fine with my little one soon.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
How is your little one feeling? I know it's been a little while since I posted this discussion, but I hope he or she is feeling much better. The weather has been crazy lately, hasn't it? I think that's true all over the world! It's been really odd here in Michigan. I hope everything worked out for you at work. It's hard being at the job without being able to do anything at home. My husband and I don't have children yet, but that would really bother me to be at work when my child was sick at home...unless, of course, my hubby was home taking care of the child. I hope everything worked out for you and your baby.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
12 Dec 11
Okay, thank you for this opportunity. I just want to say, thank you to everyone who has ever been there for me. For the times when life was good, and for the times when things were really rough. Thank you for sticking by me when I needed you the most. Sometimes life can throw us curve balls, and when they do, it's really great to see who your real friends are.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
That's really sweet of you. It's so easy to go through life so quickly that we forget to thank those who were instrumental in getting us to where we needed to be. We don't take the time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I try to do the same in my life, to stop and thank others. It goes a long way, and I'm glad you took the opportunity to thank those special people in your life!
@for3verfamous (2190)
• Canada
12 Dec 11
Right now I am just very stressed about school and work... I do feel like nobody understands sometimes, it`s a natural feeling. People always feel like nobody understands their problems, but in reality there is always someone out there going through the same thing as you. I`m really worried about paying for University and it`s getting hard to balance school and work right now!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
Hello, sounds like you are having a tough time between school and work. That would be really hard working while going to school. I hope things start looking up for you! On top of all that, I'm sure the finances are tricky too. I didn't have to work while I went to college, so I can only imagine all the pressure you're feeling right now. Wow...well, if it helps put a positive light on things for you, I've heard that it looks really good on your resume when you go to apply for a job if you worked while you went to school. It shows the employer that you can prioritize and meet deadlines...even if those deadlines are school assignments or paying school bills on time/early. My sister-in-law paid her own way through college while she worked and went to school. She did so for two years, and I admire her for it. I think anyone who does that deserves recognition for it! Best of luck to you. If you ever need to get something of your chest and vent about it, I'm here for you! I hope all goes well for you. 

@conquer2012 (324)
• China
12 Dec 11
absolutely right, it is so great to speak out what blocked in your mind. I found it a little better when I said what I thought and what troubled me. I need more sharing and more comfort from others if I have been hurt. The voice from places of the universe is so kind and so warm to me. with it I can felt the power and strength. Everyone in the world has to have someone to talk with ,to talk to and also needs someone to listen to. Now I am so lonely that I can hardly breathe in my room. Because the one that listened to me and talked to me has gone like the wind. The worst in the world is that there is no one listens to us when we talk and no one can hear from us when we want to say something. what is a pity .
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
Hi there, I have to agree with you! There's nothing worse in the world than not having someone to listen. Everyone needs that shoulder to cry on and that ear to listen. If we can't get our thoughts and feelings out in the open, then what is the point of having emotions? They shouldn't be bottled up inside. I don't think things were meant to be that way. Human beings thrive on communication and interactions with others. I don't know how hermits and monks can go without talking or being with other people because I need that each and every day! Thanks so much for your honest response.
@ichiroushin (12)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
what's on my mind right now? hmmn.. i really dont know. Haha. I'll be having an exam today for a new job and I am not prepared. Whew! I hope my stocked knowledge and luck is on my side. Haha.
I just resigned on my previous job because of personal reasons. And now I want to relax this Christmas. Some sort of short vacation for me. But luckily or what else I can call this one, someone emailed me and inform me that they are in need of a staff. So I emailed back and now I am taking an exam. haha.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
Hi there! How did your exam for the new job go? Did you get the new job? I hope you had a wonderful Christmas vacation from your old job, but now that the holidays are over, hopefully you have a new job now! Best of luck to you in your job search, if that is the case. Thanks for sharing!
@imcath03 (79)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
I already experienced that,it seems that no one is willing to listen . We can feel that they don't care or bother to know what's on our mind.When i feel that i begin talking to God. And saying everything that upsets me. AFter that i will be fine.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
20 Jan 12
What a great solution - to talk to God. I do just the same. He is Someone Who is always there and will always listen. We also need that human conversation and interaction every day. There is nothing worse than not having anyone to listen to us. We need to speak our minds and get things off our chest rather than keeping them bottled up inside. If you ever need to do so, please comment back. I'm here to listen!