My job? A constant and daily attempt to clean off my desk!

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
December 13, 2011 11:13am CST
Yes, that’s what I do for a living - I keep my desk clean (lol). Seriously though, at work I’m the receptionist (among other things), and my desk is the first thing you would see if you walked through the front door. Come on, people - I know it’s tempting, but please do not put that piece of paper or whatever else you may be holding on my desk. I already have enough! That’s exactly what I feel like saying all the time. It’s funny because what I do all day is paperwork (balance bank accounts, input cash receipts, format Microsoft Office documents, etc.), ship packages, and so on, and all of it involves attempting to get the papers and packages off my desk. The only thing that doesn’t fall into this category is answering the phone. Trust me, I’d absolutely love to get the phone off my desk too! The phone and the team members are my main obstacle, which both fall under the same category of "interruptions." So you see, my job is really just a game that is played over and over again. I’m not complaining by any means. The interruptions, packages, and papers that are waiting for me when I arrive at the office each day equal job security. That’s definitely a good thing! I just thought I’d drop in and post a more lighthearted discussion about what I do all day since today has certainly been an exception...I’ve actually had time to breathe while my desk has been somewhat clear at least half the time I’ve been here today. I love when that happens, but I also embrace challenges, so when I have a potentially crazy day - bring it on! So...what do you do all day?
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9 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
13 Dec 11
I used to do work like yours and I loved it. Now I sit here at my desk all day, at home, writing articles and making what money I can. I know about the desk--mine piles up terribly! All the things I accumulate all day like dog biscuits, dog toys they bring to me, dishes from meals, notes I write down and promptly forget about, my coffee cup and carafe and water receipts of bills I've paid and mail I've opened. About once a week I file stuff, clean up my notes and wipe off the desk so it looks nice--for about an hour then it begins piling up again!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
27 Dec 11
Hi, Dragon! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a cluttered desk. When I think mine here at work is bad, then I remember how mine at home looks - ugh! It's only a small one (at home), but you wouldn't believe how much stuff piles up. My husband keeps telling me that if I'd just go without a desk at home (since I never actually sit down and use it; it's just a place for me to pile receipts, papers to file, and things like that), then I wouldn't have this problem. I might try going without once I can get it cleaned off. I think his is a good idea that just might work. My reasoning for it is that I sit at a desk at a computer all day, so I never do that at home when I get off work. I sit in the recliner on my laptop computer at home since it's much more relaxed and comfortable there. So...I probably don't need the desk. In your case, you actually work there on a daily basis. Good for you for tidying up once per week! I'd be lucky if I even did so once a month if that were the case for me. I'm not usually a cluttered person. I'm actually more of a neat freak, but lack of time (and priorities) to tidy things up causes these things to happen. At work, it's a different story. When I'm done working for the day, I tidy things up. You'd never know I was there. While I'm at work, though, my desk is cluttered and covered with paper. However, I like it that way for when I'm present because if I'm not at my desk when someone needs me, then they at least know I'm around because I have my work out on the desk. If my desk is cleaned up, and my desk lamp is off, I'm out to lunch or headed home! Thanks for sharing. I'm really glad you understand this daily task and challenge for us secretaries!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
27 Dec 11
By the way, I also have dogs at home so those dogs toys and treats aren't foreign to me either! Of course, most of the time, treats and biscuits are nowhere to be found because they've scarfed them down already. And their toys, they leave those lying around everywhere on the floor. My hubby and I have yet to train them to put their toys away. Now wouldn't that be adorable? I'm also a coffee drinker, so it's not uncommon for me to have a coffee mug or two on my desk at work. I even have one of those beverage warmers for the times when I'm continuously interrupted to where my coffee gets cold before I have a chance to drink it! The warmer does the trick. I would absolutely love to work from home as you do, but I'd have to get a bigger desk and some better tidying up techniques first - LOL! I'm glad you have the opportunity to write your articles from home. It seems so much calmer and more convenient to be at home. Thanks again for sharing your experiences!
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
14 Dec 11
I have just had an insane week, normally I can predict what is going to happen and just take it easy between things happening, but... this last week! I am finally looking at a day where I can mostly hang around the house - and I plan to do just that!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 11
Hi there! I'm sorry your week was so crazy, but I'm glad to hear you got some time to relax out of it. When things are hectic like you described, I try to do the same...just rest. There are always things to be done, but if you run yourself too hard, then you'll get sick or worse. The body does need to rest. That's why I'm thankful the majority of my job at work is done sitting down. I'm really busy all day usually, but at least I don't have to run all my energy by being on my feet constantly. I admire those who do have jobs like this and think it nothing to be running around on their feet all day. I hope they have good, comfortable shoes! I'm sure I'd be able to get used to a job like that, but it wouldn't be my favorite nor my first choice. I feel a little lazy that I get to sit at a desk all day, but I've never sat around twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do. I have to force myself to take breaks even! I also plan errands that I must get up to do around the office. I'm not supposed to be away from the phone (switchboard) for long in case someone calls...the administration doesn't like people calling in and being directed automatically to voicemail; they prefer the personal touch of a live person answering the phone. Sometimes I just have to get up and take a walk anyway, so my errands are a good excuse. Well, I hope whatever your crazy week caused for you recently that you have an equally amazing and restful time! I'm sure you're a hard worker, so you definitely deserve that! Thanks for your response.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Dec 11
I'm on my feet walking all work day long . So on my day off, I'm online. In a way my job is to clear things too. I pit library books back on the shelves . when I do my job well , there are empty carts . That is like your empty desk.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 Dec 11
You work at a library? I'm a little jealous! I love books, but I'd probably be reading them instead of filing them if I worked there...might get myself into trouble - lol! Of course, being on my feet all day long would get old very fast since that's not what I'm used to, but that's neat that you clear out your cart as your way to kind of gauge what you're getting done. That's me - I have to be able to tell what I'm getting done. I don't like doing the same thing all day, but I do like to be able to tell what I've gotten done. Some of the work I do isn't like that, but it's nice when it works out that way. Thanks for sharing!
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Dec 11
I love that I get to do the same thing everyday. Well every cart is different but shelving is the same. I never was into reading. The last long book, written for adults I read was weird and was about 8-10 years ago! I usually read small books but Never on duty! I lost weight with all the walking . I love it.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
27 Dec 11
It seems as though you are in the perfect place for what you love to do! It's so funny that you don't enjoy reading as much as some people. Like I said before, your job would be like poison to me because I'd never get work done...I'd be tempted to read everything instead! In a way, it's good your job is always the same. You know how to do what you do, and you do it well. You've also lost weight - good for you! That's a great perk to a job because you probably don't even realize how much exercise you're getting until you see the pounds drop. Very cool! Plus, if everything goes back in the same place, I'm sure you can navigate your way through the library better than anyone else by now. It's a good thing if they keep the genres in the same places because that would be such a pain if they were constantly changing and updating their systems so you'd have to learn new places and filing methods all the time. I'm glad you enjoy your job!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
16 Dec 11
Whew! That sounds like a very busy job! I'm glad I don't have a job like that because I get so stressed and forget all about myself when I get so busy. Sometimes I don't get to brush my teeth in the afternoon because of too many things I'm doing. Thank God I don't get busy always like that. Most of my job involves writing. And I write at my own pace. Although there are times when I have deadlines but I finish it on time because I don't like having backlogs. It makes me worried 24hours even during sleep!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 11
My job keeps me pretty busy most of the time. At times it can get a little hectic and crazy more than usual too. I figure, if I'm doing my job well, then I keep everyone happy lol! It's probably good you don't have a job like mine. I don't view my job as stressful, but as a challenge. I like taking on responsibilities that make me a better employee and even a better person. However, if you don't handle pressure well, then I'm really glad you don't have to deal with it! I envy you that you can work at your own pace. Some aspects of my job sure would be nice like that. Of course, I'm sure you still have deadlines here and there, right? Those are certainly tough, but I'm glad you get to do what you enjoy!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Dec 11
jj4ever hi well i am retired so what I do all day is mylot and mysurvey too. I like one of the mylotters above me used to shelve books and media all day and on my feet all day.But those days are long over. I was younger then and not prone to falls either. I also belonged to the 10,000 step club as between walking on my job and off my job Igot in 10,000 steps each day.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 11
Hi Hatley! Sounds like you had a lot going on years ago. I'm glad you got to retire and put your feet up, so to speak, after years upon years of hard work. Sounds like you thoroughly deserve your retirement! I think it'd be fun to be at home all day and spend my time making money online. That would be my dream. I'm slowly working my way there, but for the sake of having a steady income, I still have to go to work each day. Maybe someday I won't have to work, but can still have an income. That's a long-term goal, but you never know! Thanks for describing the 10,000 Step Club. I haven't heard of it before and wasn't familiar with it. If the weather were always nice out here in Michigan, I'd love to get in a lot of walking each day. I enjoy my walks, and I have dogs who would be thrilled about it too! Thanks for your response!
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
16 Dec 11
In a way, my job is the same. I work in quality, and ours is a small shop. So everything that gets done or gets shipped passes through me. All it's paperwork I have to sign off. Everybody in the shop drops off paperwork on my desk, and I would have different things, at different stages of completion on my desk. People would sometime joke around and say 'hey there's some free space on your desk, I'll drop off my paperwork there'!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Wow, sounds like you play a pretty crucial role in production at your job! In a way, I'm sure it's wonderful that everything passes through your hands, but I think that's probably a blessing and curse, right? Everything has you fingerprints on it, so to speak. I have to be careful what I take credit for around here because a lot of things I do aren't necessarily in my job description, but I do them to keep things rolling. I don't like to hold anyone up. In a way, I have to be careful of what I volunteer to do too. I've gotten burned before trying to help when I had no idea what I was doing...not so much because I was trying to do something I didn't have the training for yet, but because I was receiving my instruction from someone who had no idea what she was doing! Had I known she had just as much knowledge as I did, I probably would've thought twice about trying to help. Hopefully you've had all good experiences. Sounds like you enjoy your job! You know, when people joke with you about putting paperwork on the "clean" spot on your desk, that's probably a silent compliment because they know you're a hard worker and get your stuff done. That's why they have to give you a hard time when they see there's room on your desk for more work lol. Thanks for your response, Bounce!!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Dec 11
I'm glad you understand what I mean. (I felt like yesterday when I was commenting on posts and such that it was an "off" day for me. No matter how much I tried to explain something, it didn't ever seem to make sense. Anyway, I'm glad you got the point lol!) No matter how careful you are at work, there are always those times when stuff like this will happen. I remember one time in particular when my coworker was out, and I was her backup. I had to be able to do most everything she would've done if she were working, so that in and of itself was a lot of pressure! On top of that, she isn't the best at explaining things, so her training skills leave me still a little confused each time was sit together and go over things...and I ask lots of questions as it is! Sure enough, while she was gone I received an order from a customer I wasn't familiar with. It wasn't a typical order I normally processed, but the sales person was more than willing to help me put the order together. I was so grateful for the help that I didn't bother asking her the details; I just followed her lead. I figured, she was the sales person, this was her customer, so I'm sure she would know what they wanted. Definitely came back to bite me! Come to find out, the part number I used was wrong so the end user got the completely wrong item - and it was something they needed super fast! I think it got there on time, but it wasn't even the right thing. It ended up costing us quite a bit extra in shipping charges and time, but there was no way for me to know since I wasn't trained on it. Of course, had I left the order for a couple days till the normal girl got back, it wouldn't have gotten messed up, but the order would not have been processed either. Either way, I would've had negative results so it was a tough spot to be in, but you know, if you never try, then you never learn things! I'm glad I at least tried to help out because I only ended up making more work for myself. I didn't want anyone else cleaning up my mess because I learned how to process those types of orders going forward! It was a good learning experience, but it is always tough learning the hard way, especially when it was in no way my fault whatsoever. You can't explain that to the customer because they don't care; their stuff was late or it wasn't the right stuff. They just want it worked out and don't care who screwed it up or why. I try to keep that in mind going forward too - lol! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to deal with things like that. It's always nice knowing when something understands.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
29 Dec 11
I know what you mean about being burned! Sometimes I trust people too much that they did their part, that the one time I didn't bother checking is the one time there's a big error on the part or the shipment!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
2 Jan 12
Isn't it typical when you come to find an important document or piece of paper on your desk it's not there, yet you find everything else dumped on your desk apart from what you need! That important message, phone number or file you were working on. And people have a knack of waiting until you've taken your eye off your desk to slip something on it. I don't currently work so I have my own office in my bedroom and I am online most days and my desk is nice and tidy, I can only blame myself if it gets messy but its not usually paperwork that messes my desk, it's food. Having a bad habit of eating and snacking when I am on the computer! Bad wolf...
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Hello Wolfie, That's great that you don't have to work right now...I mean, hopefully it's a positive thing from your perspective as well - lol. I'd love to work at home (or not have to work) only to have to keep my desk at home neat. Because I'm always at work, my poor, messy desk at home always gets neglected. I never take time to clean and tidy it up, so more stuff just gets piled on. I think because I'm seeing and working at my desk on the job during the week, that constant reminder makes me keep the desk clean (along with the fact that others see it, too, and if I were cluttered, that would be embarrassing). I sit at a reception desk, so it has taller sides on it to where people can't see what's on my desk unless they peer over or come around to the other side. That's nice because it can get cluttered with paperwork when I spread out. It's nice having a large space to work with, though! But you know, the more space you have to work with, the more space to keep clean. My husband tells me he wants to get rid of my desk at home because I've never used it, I don't have a desktop computer anymore to put on it, and it only collects junk. If he eliminated the desk, I wouldn't be tempted to pile junk on top of it. I think he's right! I just have to work my way to that goal now by filing my paperwork and receipts. I hate paper - it's the worst! I don't know when that'll ever happen since it's not my first priority, but this weekend could be a good goal to start - lol. I couldn't have said it better myself about how the thing I'm looking for is never where I need it to be, but everything else is! Also, paperwork always magically appears on my desk as soon as I walk away. People are constantly leaving things for me to do, and it only takes place within seconds of my leaving my desk! I don't leave my desk much either because I have to be available to answer the phone and don't have a wireless hand or headset right now. I'm glad you understand my daily predicaments! Regardless of the struggles I face at work, however, I'm very grateful for my job and most definitely enjoy it! Thanks for your response!!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
18 Jan 12
By the way, I'm not the most tidy when it comes to food at my desk either. My keyboard broke a couple months ago, so IT had to get me a new one. When he looked at my old one, it was embarrassing all the food and particles he found lol!
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
14 Dec 11
Desk? You mean you can actually see your desk? I have two huge stacks on mine. Every morning after I make my bed, one gets moved to the bed so I have room to work at my computer. Every now and then when it gets too high to move easily, I try to get rid of stuff or file it. It seems the stuff just won't stop coming in the mail. It's another part of having a business where every publisher sends about six catalogs a year + the regular junk mail and the bills, etc. I just can't keep up with it.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 11
LOL - you sound like me, Bagarad! My desk at work I can definitely see because I do my very best to clean up after myself each day before I go home. I figure, if I'm going to be cluttered and disorganized, I'll save it for my house where no one really can see it (I can easily hide it by closing the door!). Whereas here at work, it would be quite embarrassing if I were a slob, and everyone who have to look at that every day. I try to be courteous of that here on the job. I'm not usually a disorganized person. I'm actually quite a neat freak, but my organized tendencies are always challenge by my lack of time! Interruptions are also one of my worst enemies, as I mentioned earlier in the discussion. If those two things didn't exist, I'm sure I'd have no problems staying on top of things! Like you said, the junk, mail, catalogs, magazines, newspapers, work, and other things all pile up no matter what we try to do to avoid it. It's almost impossible to keep up with! I can completely understand where you're coming from. By the way, my desk at home you cannot see. You know it's a desk or table or something only because you can see the legs...but the surface of it is completely covered by papers and other things. I so need to tackle that project, but it's not at the top of my list of priorities, and I'm really not looking forward to doing it, so that's why it waits...maybe someday I'll get to it - LOL! Thanks for sharing!!
• China
1 Jan 12
Happy New Year,your colleagues than those of our company better,they do not like that you do green,(lol)like to clean up their desk,they are like to dress up as clowns his desk.Can I ask what you do,you are doing clerical work?Or financial work?Can see that you worked very hard.However,not tired physically,and to pay attention to rest!Because I was engaged in the process development work,so I write every day to see a number of books and writing program code,the time when they look at other people's blog network,microblogging learn some techniques,of courese,will find time on the MyLot written post,take a look at at MyLot friends.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Happy New Year to you as well! Sorry for such a late response back. I actually do clerical (administrative) as well as financial work. I track all the money (payments) that come in vs. what money goes out. I also assist the CEO, CFO, President, Chairman, etc. It's quite a bit of variety in my day, but I love it! That's really neat what you do. Sounds very interesting. I'd love to start a blog someday and learn more about codes and web design. I think I could do well at it, but just don't have the time to learn right now. It sounds like you're a very hard worker too! It's just like you said - my exhaustion at the end of the day is not due to being physically tired; it's a mental thing every time. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about because of what your profession is as well. Thank you for your response!