What is Remembered are the Bad Deeds

@cearn25 (3456)
December 18, 2011 6:20am CST
I really hate it when people always talk about a person's bad deeds. What I mean here in my discussion is that whenever a person commits mistake, it will always be in there mind and that is the one always remembered. When a person dies, it is the opposite. What is remembered is already the good habits and the good that have done of that person. Do you agree?
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7 responses
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
18 Dec 11
It depends, for me if he/she is naturally a bully, and he/she did this very often, then I would remember him/her as such, but if he/she was the very kind person I know of, then all i would remember most his/her good deeds. Well this is just my opinion :)
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
18 Dec 11
Thank you davaome and gavrilovich for taking time to respond in my discussion. It is nice to know your opinion. But for me, I just noticed that most people cares much about only the bad. How about the good?
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
18 Dec 11
I do agree with that Gavrilovich that sometimes we need to go deeper. It helps us have a better conclusion. cearn, some people still look for the "good", it just depends on the person if he wants to keep attacking you with the bad. Like crab mentality, always pulling you down. My parents look at the good side of me at times, like when I graduated, and when I first went abroad to work. things that will make them proud.
19 Dec 11
Sad to say that is how many of us tend to view others. It actually depends on the severity of ones mistakes. For petty mistakes, I think it is not justifiable to always recall the mistakes. All of us commit mistakes many times so it's better if we forgive one another and forget the past mistakes. How good it would be if all of us view one another not on the mistakes that we do but on our positive attidudes. We do not need to loose someone before we appreciate the good qualities of a person. It will be too late and useless to do that. So while we are still living it is important that we cultivate the positive side of us and try not to focus on the mistakes of other persons.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
29 May 12
Great response! I love it! It is vital that we stay on the positive side of the person than always talking about the bad deeds of a person. Let us be happy. However, we can't deny the fact that this is how sick our society nowadaws. A lot of people are getting judgmental.
@GemmaR (8517)
18 Dec 11
I think that you're quite right when you say that most of the things that we remember about a person are the bad things that they have done in their life. I know that when I think about any of my friends, I will always think about the negative things that they've done before I get around to thinking about the positive things. Because of this, it is very important that you try to do a lot of positive things in your life, because you have to make the effort to level out everything bad that you've done that other people might be remembering.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
I believe many of us can relate here with regards to my discussion. We all experienced this.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
18 Dec 11
Well, it all depends on how much a person has done good or bad. If most of the deeds were good, good will be remembered. Same with the bad deeds. Life builds perceptions, a good life has a positive influence on the people associated and will be remembered, as will the bad deeds.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
People will not talk about you if you have done nothing. But remember that there also those other people who find ways in order for you to be down.
@Mashnn (4501)
18 Dec 11
That is true. Most people will talk bad things when one is alive but once the person die, I think we feel quilty since the person is no longer there and start talking of the his or her positive side.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
18 Dec 11
hi cearn, I do not agree..If I know a person and their past, its not only the good I think about because there could be an incident where we shared a bad/negative time and it was something that we never shared with anyone else...That would be something even tho bad that I would definately remember.. I would never speak bad about anyone deseased..because they are not here to defend themselves...But we have to remember that even tho they are deceased..they were still human being and I just don't think anybody expected then to have lived a perfect life.... Have a wonderful holiday....
@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
18 Dec 11
There's a saying that goes, "If I am right, no one remembers. If I am, wrong no one forgets." It doesn't only happen to showbiz people but also to ordinary people like us We're lucky if the people surrounding us are understanding whenever we commit mistakes.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
A good morning to you my sunshine neelia_lyn. That saying is indeed true. I have experienced being treated by that. If we have done wrong, all the wrong and mistakes we have done in life are being enumerated.