What is your concept of Christmas?

Christmas  - Pasko Filipino-TV
@nicanorr (1789)
December 18, 2011 8:03pm CST
This discussion is universally open to all, notwithstanding the kind of religious beliefs practiced. Just post your views all about Christmas. What good does it bring to you and your country? Does it ushered in ill effects. Should its practice be pursued? Why? Does it contribute to the well-being, growth and total development of a child? How?
6 responses
@whatrow (792)
• United States
24 Dec 11
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the fact that the Son of God came to earth in the form of a child. After all of those years of waiting, it finally happened.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
24 Feb 12
I agree with all your views propounded in this Christmas issue. Acknowledging your response this late is better than none at all. Reviewing my past issues and discussions gives me this opportunity to post this reply. Thanks again.
@lovetmyou (111)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
To me Christmas is what Christianity all about. It's about the miracle of Christ. It about the love trust that Joseph had for Mary and the Love they had for God.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
lovetmyou, I was inpired reading your meaning of Christmas which prompt me to ask the following question: What has Christmas to do with us people on earth? Please explain?
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
Christmas for me is that time of the year where everyone has to be nice to everyone no matter how they really feel about them. I don't know why but people seems to be friendlier and nicer than usual during Christmas. It is also that time of the year to be thankful and reflect on your year.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
Thanks, tessa9 for your early response. May I hear more views.
@Lhenni (1242)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
My Christmas!... Giving thanks to God for His gifts to us that he gave long, long before. We usually hear mass on this day together. It's hubby's reunion day with relatives in his birthplace. We go there, a vacation from work to give time to share and enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Kids longed for this day to happen. So I don't let them down, I wrapped gifts, give it to them on Christmas day. Eating dinner together as family on the night. Fun-fun-fun! Sleepness night on Christmas eve! We paint the night red! A really enjoyable day to long for! I think children growing to see how their family is being oriented positively will have good impact on their well being. They will value the pleasant atmosphere of what they see. They will mold to be a good citizen in the long run. It really all be started in a family!
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
Lhenni, you really have a nice and meaningful discussion of the issue. May I listen to more views about Christmas.
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
My view of Christmas is JUST A SPECIAL OCCASION for my family and relatives. This is the only time we reunite altogether and have more fun! Since the majority of us in the family are having "own" livings now, we seldom completed ourselves during the occasion. :/ But! We still enjoy the season even without the others. :)
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
haengbok1987, you've a very special view of Christmas. Just asking: Is Christmas the only time when we can have more fun?
@MANJET (84)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 11
To me, Christmas means holiday ^^ I like all kinds of celebrations because I get to rest and have fun for a while. Christmas itself is a good celebration and I hope it will go on and on. Such celebrations bring people together and of course gives our children a happier and memorable childhood. So as to say, it contributes to the overall good development of a person. However, we should always remember that the main guy in Christmas celebration is Jesus and not Santa Claus XD
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
Manjet, thanks for the advice that Jesus be made the central figure in the celebration of Christmas. I see that you are a celebration lover; in your own words you want it to go on and on. Will it be good for the family finances if celebrations one after the other will be practiced? What do you say?