can a child never repay parents?
By heartbit
@heartbit (237)
December 19, 2011 12:41am CST
it was a bad day...
yesterday i accompanied my mom to the mall to buy gifts for her godchildren and to help her, i carried two bags of gifts. once at home, i realized i only have with me one bag. i must have left it in a cr or restaurant or somewhere.
my mom got angry, as expected. and i really feel stupid inside of me for misplacing that bag and i really feel hurt all the more with my mom's nagging so in retort, i told her i would pay for everything. my mom got angrier and told me that i can never pay her for everything, even if i tried.
now, im just in front of the pc consoling myself here in internet. i know i should apologize but i really want to do it when i already have the money to pay for what i've lost but that would be in january in my next allowance and the gifts need to be ready on december 25, so useless for me to use my allowance. also, i got a feeling that when my mom told me i could never repay her, she is no longer referring to the items i lost. i think its more than that. i don't know if i insulted her by saying i would pay her when i know deep down it's not required or she feels like im burning her in her own oil coz the allowance im going to use to pay her would also come from her.
oh im confused. i do want to pay. but is it ever true? a child could never repay her parents?
8 responses
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
I think your mother was just really angry with you, that's why she said that.
Well, when she said that, she don't actually mean it. Yes, we can never repay them in financial means, those sacrifices they had while they were raising us up, and what's she's trying to mean.
Though we can never repay them in monetary means, we can show them how much we love them, by being obedient and helpful to them.
Try to apologize and hug her, when she has cooled off. Ask her how you can make up for the loss, in a loving and humble way.
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@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
19 Dec 11
Do we really need to repay?
I mean, of course we have to treat our parents with respect, we have to listen and to learn from them, also we have to love them and to help them whenever we can. We never should leave them unattended. They take care of us during our childhood and we take care of them once we are adult and they are getting old. That's the way to pay them for all the did for us and gave us: with our love and attention. But never with money our material objects.
Your mother never can ask you to pay her for everything. Once a women decides to be a mom (to get a child), from that day on it's her responsability to take care of you and to educate you. Finally, it's her decision that you are alive. (Or did she ever ask you if you want to be born?)
It's normal that she is angry. You lost a bag, which is difficult to repair. Maybe she had to work hard for all the gifts she bought and now she lost a part of them. But she never can ask you to pay everything she did for you during your life and she will have to understand it and I am sure that she allready knows it. But she might have answered you in a moment of anciety and she did not realize that she might hurt you.
@heartbit (237)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
hi all,
thanks for all your responses. i just don't have the strength to answer each one coz just reading your responses is already making me cry. thank you all for setting my thoughts straight and for giving me very good advice. but right now, just the thought of having to apologize, how to go about it and when to do it is already making me nervous.
i have taken all your responses to heart. and it is really a good feeling to find good people like you here in my lot.
@safety69 (592)
• Taiwan
19 Dec 11
Hi heartbit. I was reading all the comments our mylotter friends wrote , and all of them including me agree that You own an appology to your Mom , just go next to her and ask her how she feels. then , whatever her answer is, you just tell her how sorry you are for what happened , and do it with your own words from heart, just in a simple way, she is your mother , what she spects from you is that you are really sorry and that you most be careful next time. ok . good luck and dont be sad. Tell us what happen after you appologize .

@cearn25 (3452)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
Let it pass. Your mother got angry at you because of the bag which you probably lost somewhere in the mall. You should be sorry too. Don't just say that you will replace it. How about you will look for it? Maybe there are good citizens out there who keep it. Just try.
@kaichoukebz (1190)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
I think you must apologize to your mother for losing the bag. I believe that you did not meant to lose it. Circumstances like that often occurs and I think, it is considerable. I know that your mother loves you and she never meant to say that to you. She was just very mad at that time.
I do not believe that you could not repay your parents. There are lots of things you can do for them. be good at school and study your lessons everyday. I believe that you will bring happiness to your parents. Bringing happiness to them will surely repay those sacrifices they had done for you. Later on, when you grow up and have a decent job, I am sure you can help your parents. Be good always.
@bb_gabs (205)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
I think your mother just said that because she is still angry. Have u tried coming back at the mall and try to go back to the places where u have been? Maybe there is a lost and found section at the mall, and if you are lucky enough, maybe you can get the one bag of items you have lost. If you think it is impossible to see that bag, then just humble yourself, put your self in your mom's place and I know, you will also know and feel what she have felt. Do not argue with her, just listen and be quiet, so that the topic of what you have done will not be opened again. Try to do things you are not always doing, like, if you don't help in cooking, try to help her to cook, clean your room, clean the whole house, the backyard, even the bathroom, in that, your mom will see that you are really making thing up to her, just a little sacrifice for the wrong you have done will be seen by your mother. Parents is parents, and I think we cannot really repay them, unless you become a parent too someday, in the right time.
@AshwinSajith (602)
• India
19 Dec 11
You know this is a very good discussion because this a question that every son / daughter has to ask themselves. Our parents do so much for us and love us unconditionally expecting nothing in return from our side. But then can we do anything from our side for them?
I personally feel that whatever we do we can never ever repay them for whatever they have done for us . ButI believe we can do the following to makle them happy-
1. Love them unconditionally back, give them time in your busy schedule, call them daily and speak and meet them whenever possible.
2. Parents usually dont like to take money from us , so i give them giftrs whenver I meet them and special occasions which they like.
So I feel though we can never repay them, being there for them always is the leat that we can do. Cheers :)
@Inderjeetkaur (944)
• India
19 Dec 11
Oh oh! It's sad to know that you missed the bags bought for your mother's godchildren. I know you did not leave those bags purposely. See, your mother must have bought those gifts with all love and affection, but when she found out you missed those bags it was obvious for her to be angry with you. Sometimes, in anger people say things they do not mean to say. Don't take those words so seriously.
Then you asked, if a child can ever repay his/her parents. Well, a child can certainly repay the money spent on them by their parents, but they can never repay the unconditional love and affection bestowed upon them by their parents.
I feel you should apologize her and when you get your next allowance buy something from it for those children. Ask your mother to come with you and distribute those gifts to the children.
@sabado_dc (1001)
• Philippines
19 Dec 11
If it was my mistake, I would never say that I am going to repay it. That sounds inappropriate. No matter how big or small mistake we did, irrespective to its purpose, we should always put the gap that distinct us from the ones aggrevated, especially our parents. She is your Mom and asking an apology in a right manner would be sufficient enough. Mother always have an open arms, do hug her.