What's under your Christmas tree?

December 20, 2011 11:04am CST
When my girls were little, all the presents went under the tree after they went to bed on Christmas Eve ~ because Santa was coming, of course Now, they are 18 and 21 and I STILL do the same thing I wrap all their gifts and everything stays hidden away wherever I can find space. This year, the laundry room is off-limits (not that anyone else does laundry anyway LOL!) as I have their gifts waiting in there. We have dinner at my sister's on Christmas Eve, come home and they go to bed and, once they do, I bring out the gifts and put them under the tree so they wake up Christmas morning to a complete surprise. This is truly part of the joy for me - seeing them excited and happy, even now, just as they were in their footie pajamas when they were toddlers. What do you do with the Christmas gifts at your house? Do they go under the tree as soon as they are wrapped or do you put them all out at one time?
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12 responses
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Dec 11
Well my daughter is only 10 months old so we don't have to his Christmas presents or her Santa presents right now. So all of her gifts are under the tress but not the ones that are at her grandparents house they have her gifts that they bought her I gave almost all of the ones that my parents got for my daughter. She has one from them we wrapped and one from my brother and his wife nothing from my other brother and his wife yet.
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• Canada
20 Dec 11
Even though your daughter is 10 months old, I bet you will have a lot of fun with her this Christmas. I cherish the videos I have from when my girls were babies/toddlers at the holidays. I wish you all the best!
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
21 Dec 11
Like any other baby shell be more interested in the paper off of the boxes then on then but it's fun to see little kids reactions it can be quite interesting to see.
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• Canada
21 Dec 11
So true, ShyBear88! Plenty of times, my girls opened toys and played with the boxes rather than the toys inside!
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
21 Dec 11
I Live alone and my daughters have their own houses and family. Each year one of them gathers everyone for Christmas at her house. The tree is there and we all put our presents under it. We have a special diner and each of us takes something to eat. After that, the presents are given to the children . There´´s an adult and a young helper and we all show our admiration for each present
• Canada
21 Dec 11
Awwww how wonderful, marguicha, that you all get together. Not all families can do that and, for those of us that can, it's very special. Our dinner is always on Christmas Eve and we do it at my sister's home, although I always do half of the cooking and half of the work once we get there We open presents together and try to make it last as long as possible hehe Very happy holidays to your and your family!
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
22 Dec 11
Merry Christms to you too, friend! I enclose a picture of a Christmas a couple of years ago while the presents were being opened. We are in Summer so the tree is at the garden.
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@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
22 Dec 11
There´´s the picture.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
20 Dec 11
We never did it that way growing up. My parents put most presents under the tree before Christmas. They would slowly add some and we'd always be peeking and investigating to see what was new. We got 1 present from "Santa" when we went to my grandpa's house on Christmas. But basically they just took any 1 gift from our pile and put it in Santa's bag. Now that I have a daughter, I didn't know what to do about this. I really like seeing presents under the tree leading up to the holiday - it makes it more festive! But some people tell me that it's should be a Christmas Morning surprise. I didn't have it this way so I didn't see it as a big deal. I like the idea of my daughter poking around, shaking things, and wondering what they are. I even plan to trick her sometimes by putting noisy things in with her present so she can't guess what it is :) But to keep the "Santa" thing going, her BIG gifts and her stocking stuffers won't be there until Christmas Eve night. Those ones can be from "Santa".
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• Canada
20 Dec 11
I think what's really important is that you have traditions that you value. I've often wondered what it would be like to see the presents laid out under the tree ahead of time, rather than just the tree skirt and the empty stockings under there. It's so exciting to me when I finally get to see it all come together. I always worry that I haven't bought enough or done enough... and then, when I've put out the gifts and stockings, I stand back and get just the best feeling ~ I know they're going to be so happy when they wake up. I think it sounds like you're making it fun for your daughter... especially with the little noisy things that will have her wondering right up until Christmas Day Merry Christmas to you and yours!
• Canada
22 Dec 11
It's funny because I'm a "list person" myself. I write down every gift I buy - even the stocking stuffers - and also note that it's been wrapped ~ just so nothing gets left in a hiding place to be found months after the holidays Thing is, it can look different on paper than under the tree. As my girls have gotten older, their gifts have gotten smaller in size (especially when it comes to electronics and such)... so it doesn't always look like I've bought as much, even though I've spent quite a bit. Fortunately, they are very appreciative of anything they receive and really don't have expectations for specifics.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
21 Dec 11
I always wonder too if I have enough or bought enough. That's part of the reason I like to start wrapping and putting things under the tree early - so I can see it all come together. I'm a planner :) I would freak out if I had to set it up on Christmas Eve in the middle of the night, and worry if I forgot something! Sounds like your kids wake up surprised and happy :) Hope you have a Merry Christmas too!
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
21 Dec 11
Right now we have gifts that we have been given by others. The gifts for the kids are strategically hidden around the house. We will put them under the tree when the kids go to sleep Christmas Eve. I am not sure, but I think I am more excited than they are.
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• Canada
22 Dec 11
ersmommy1, I completely know what you mean! It's always a lot of work putting Christmas together but, when Christmas Eve comes around and I put all the gifts out, I'm like a kid myself! My joy at the holidays comes from seeing my girls so happy. We've never been a family that shops during the year "just because" - they get something for their birthday and then they get Christmas presents. Anything else is just necessities. Since they aren't always getting new things, it makes the holidays that much more fun and special. Have a really wonderful Christmas with your family!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
20 Dec 11
Like you, we wait until Christmas Eve to put out the gifts. If I put them out now the kids would not leave them alone, and they'd probably find a way to open them and then rewrap them so I'd never know they had been opened.
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• Canada
22 Dec 11
I would do the same thing... it can be hard to resist temptation for some things (like really good chocolate LOL!) but I can completely avoid finding presents. I've had plenty of Christmases where I didn't receive anything from a spouse or partner (although always did from family), so it's a very happy thing to be able to open gifts and be surprised I'd never spoil that feeling :) I hope you, your hubby and all your children enjoy a really Merry Christmas!
• Canada
21 Dec 11
You know, that's something my sister and I never did. I really loved being surprised at Christmas, even after we got past the "believing" part of it. However, I remember vividly that my best friend used to search for her gifts every year. She had at least one Christmas where she knew every single thing she was getting in advance. I don't really understand the fun in that ~ and having to pretend to be surprised when you open everything.
• United States
21 Dec 11
I'm the same way. Hubby keeps all my gifts locked in the trunk of his car. I could easily go take a peek right now if I wanted to, they're not wrapped, and even though I don't have a key there is a button in his glove box that will open the trunk. But I don't, because I want to be surprised.
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22 Dec 11
well since my parents left abroad i don't feel like putting the christmas tree so my daughter and i decided that we could still put the green sock (it only showed up during christmas season lolz) its a pretty big one and now that my daughter is already 4 she wants to put it behind the main door. i ask her why and she said so santa could easily find it. so was still thinking what to get for her and put it on that green sock.
• Canada
23 Dec 11
I can understand that your parents being gone takes some of the joy from the holidays or makes traditional activities less appealing to you. It does sound like your daughter is happy and hopeful about hanging up that green sock though So nice of her to make Santa's job as easy as possible for him Merry Christmas to you and yours!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
21 Dec 11
I like to wait. I need to take your advice and hide mine in the laundry room I might put a few under there, but as of now there aren't any. I like to make them wait until that morning to open and see. I still have wrapping to do and a few things to get.
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• Canada
21 Dec 11
I'm running out of places to hide presents so I just decided they don't use the laundry room anyway so that was the easiest place to confiscate just for me!! I'm headed to Walmart today (uggghhhhhhh!) because I want to get one last little thing to add to my brother-in-law's gift but, for the most part, I'm done. Will bake a last batch of cupcakes, I think, and it'll be here! Seems like Christmas is always far off and then zzzzoooooommm... it's the 25th Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year to you and yours, Jen
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
21 Dec 11
I do the same thing. I also give them one present each on Christmas eve - brand new pajamas for Christmas morning! It's a tradition in my house and we love it!
• Canada
21 Dec 11
Oh gosh, TrvlArrngr! I forgot about that... I do that tooooo LOL New pajamas for both girls on Christmas Eve ~ my mom did that with me and my sister and I just naturally carried it on when I had children of my own This year, my sister and I are taking it a step further. We're having "Pajama Christmas Eve". We always have our Christmas dinner on the 24th at her place. We split the cooking and all but she has lots of pets and such so it's easier to go over there. Anyway, this year, we're wearing our pjs for the whole night :) Should be good fun and really comfy Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you and yours!
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
21 Dec 11
Right now....nothing is under the tree. I have shipped presents off to Phoenix so they can be wrapped and then put under the tree. Most of my gifts have shipped. The ones for my students are under the tree at school. When we leave for Phoenix, my hubby has to grab the big gift from santa and put it under the tree. it is truly the big gift.....a swing set.
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• Canada
21 Dec 11
Oh! A swing set! How fun that will be It must be complicated to have that added step of having to ship gifts. I only have to buy and wrap and that is enough work most of the time! I hope you have a wonderful holiday, asyria51
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
20 Dec 11
Hi thinkingoutloud, Thats nice the way you do your Christmas gifts for your girls...I like that...even they they are not toddlers any more there is still that element of surprise the next morning when you go under the tree and pass out the presents. Thats exactly what happens at my house with my grandsons..THey both normally spend the night and the morning around 9-9;30 my daughter come over...we all hold hands and each of pne of us say a Bible verse then it time for the presents....one call and one hand them off...I don't expect Chrismas to every get dull around my house... Have a wonderful holiday to you and your family....
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• Canada
21 Dec 11
I think it sounds like you have a lovely holiday, bjc66bjc. It's nice to have traditions and family gathered, no matter how many or few that means. I don't have much family. My parents have both passed away already and I only have one sister (and she is married with one child). But! That doesn't matter :) We get together every Christmas Eve and have our dinner together and then I put the presents under our own tree when we get home. I wish you and yours a beautiful Christmas!
21 Dec 11
I have two younger siblings, 8 and 10, that still believe in Santa. So for that reason my mom only puts all the gifts that are from her under the tree. Any presents that we get for each other we put under the tree as soon as they are wrapped. My mom does hide the presents labeled from "santa" and puts them out on christmas eve as the little ones sleep.
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• Canada
22 Dec 11
Awww, I'm sure it's a lot of fun to have young ones in the house that still believe. The Christmases I had with my daughters like that were magical. That wonder and excitement on their faces - and watching them just jumping up and down because they were so happy with something - is priceless Even today, I still label all their gifts "Love, Santa xo" (and they are 18 and 21 LOL) but it's just something I've always done. The gifts they buy for me or each other or other family, they put under the tree as soon as they're wrapped, too - but they usually only get their wrapping done at the very last minute so we don't see them for very long I hope you and your family have a really lovely Christmas
@akaram (1)
• Lebanon
21 Dec 11
Ohhh, Last time I remember I got a Gift under a tree was like 15 years ago .... Well I guess it's a nice feeling with all the excitement about guessing each gift for the right person. Right now I guess, I just give the gifts the minute I arrive at Christmas diner.
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• Canada
22 Dec 11
We do have fun passing around the gifts and we take turns... everyone watches one person open their present to see what they got and enjoy the look on their face It's nice to take your time and be able to feel that the gifts you offered were well-received and appreciated I hope you have a lovely Christmas and enjoy your dinner!