This May Be Our Last Chance for a Free America

@epicure35 (2814)
United States
December 21, 2011 10:43am CST
A few months ago, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, already a hero for defending and protecting our borders, citizens, and country from ILLEGALS, started an investigation into the eligibility of the ILLEGAL in the WH, as he and every elected official at every level of government office are DUTY-BOUND to do under their sworn Constitutional oath. For his courageous and righteous efforts, he has already received death threats. Of course the MSM and liberal idiots in all areas of media will not report anything of truth or relevancy, such as this or the Unconstitutional actions taken against military heroes, Terry Lakin and Walt Fitzpatrick, for demanding truth re the eligibility issue also, as have millions of Americans. AMERICA IS NOW "HITLER'S GERMANY" RE SUPPRESSION OF THE PRESS. There have already been three underreported and underinvestigated murders re this eligibility issue: Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr., 4/08, Jim Miller, TN elections official, 7/10, and military aide John Wheeler,III, 12/10. Please act to stop the carnage, preserve our free nation, and save your own freedom. Please read and sign the below linked petition. THIS MAY BE OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE OURSELVES FROM THIS MONSTER CRIMINAL USURPER TRAITOR AND HIS MINIONS. "WOE TO THOSE WHO CALL GOOD EVIL AND EVIL GOOD." ISAIAH 5:20
3 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Dec 11
I don't really have a whole lot to add but I'd just like to say I agree with those who have already stated that racist Arpaio is far from a hero. I really can't believe there's anyone still talking about our President's "eligibility" since that was settled long ago! We all have every right to agree or disagree with anyone one the issues, but this nonsense is really ridiculous already. Who'd have thought it would be drawn out into the final year of President Obama's first term? I guess there aren't any more important things to worry about... Annie
• India
22 Dec 11
Media misleading or the people misguided...issue caught by tail....wait for bite.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Dec 11
Hello Epicure, You are correct, the media is not telling the whole story and is oftentimes outright lying. miss you my friend