Sometimes she really Ticks me off

@avonrep1 (1862)
United States
December 22, 2011 4:50pm CST
Okay this is a rant. About one of my sisters. I love her very much but she has a way of really ticking me off. (The words I want to use I can't) Yesterday she posted a whinny post on Facebook about having up at 4 am. Jokingly I told her be thankful she has a job because many people are looking and can't find one. Her sister-in-law responded and we went back and forth talking about my sister and how wonderful of a cook she is. Then today my sister responds to the post. Saying that I was lazy because I don't have a job outside my home. I have four jobs, my first one is being a mother. My second job is I home school my children so I am also their teacher. I run my own housing rental business. (Okay I am just starting that, I have two properties one I own out right and the other I am paying off) But I also do tech support from home. I am the one who she always calls when she messes up her computer to fix it. I am the one who help here put spy software on her computer because her husband is an SOB who is a cheater. She caught him but she is dumb enough to stay with that piece of crap after not just catching him once but twice. She works a full time job so does her husband and one of her children has two part time jobs. They make more each year than my husband and I do. But just a few days ago she calls me up asking me if I can provide them with a food basket, cause she saw on Facebook I am involved with a group that is trying to feed the hungry. (I know for a fact she had some type of food) The group I am involved in provides food for people who have none or very very little. She acts like they have nothing when they really have many things. Shoot even the house they live in her in-laws gave them 10K to put down on their house. My husband and I have never had any type of help like that. We do everything for the most part on our own. Every now and again we have to borrow money for something, but we always pay it back when we say or before if we are able to. She only calls our mother when she needs something. When she borrows money she is late paying it back if you get it back at all and wants to talk crap about me, because I haven't been able to find a job during my hours of availability or being able to do it physically. I have a bad back. So I can't lift things day in and day out. I can not work 3rd shift, my husband works 6pm-6am. I can work firsts or seconds, it don't matter to me, because I can school my kids anytime of day. But I can not leave them home alone over night. Why is it that people who have jobs want to believe people who don't are lazy or just can't keep a job? Its far from the truth. She says I am lazy and can't keep a job. Which is funny, because I have held down a few jobs. From the time I was 16-19 I had one job. 19-21 I had one job. Then I became a stay at home mom, then went to college and got two degrees. I worked for others for a year or so after getting my degree but I wasn't happy, and I feel that if your not happy, YOU have to change it no one else. So I quit and started my own business. It was very successful, till I had a botched operation and almost died. I lost that business and it took me just about 2 years to recover from it. When I did, I started my own business doing property management, which brought me to owning my own properties. I even at times take jobs from other property owners to clean and repair their rentals when someone moves. I have even hired her kids to help with painting on some of the jobs I have gone on. And she says I am lazy. Just because I make just as much as she does in a year, staying at home mostly. How do you deal with family members like this? I really just want to tell her that she acts like the word that rhymes with Witch.
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7 responses
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
24 Dec 11
I wonder what would happen if the next time she asks you to do something for her, you yawned and replied. "'I'm sorry, but I can't. I just found out that I 'm a lazy so and so, and what you just asked me to do sounds like WORK. A lazy person does not work."
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 Dec 11
I hate it when people say SAHM don't do anything. I raised my first three children and trust me, I barely had time to sit with all the refereeing and cooking and cleaning. Now I only have a my youngest who is 9, and two dogs, but now I am going to school full time and have a couple sites where I make money, my social network sites, and I dog sit/clean houses as needed. So even with just one child, I am pretty busy. Of course when it comes to my sister, she isn't my friend on FB anymore, her being the oldest likes to boss me around and I got sick of it..
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Dec 11
carm how come people can just rip you off and say ugly things about you on Facebook? I mean we do that on mylot we will get our selves in trouble. I hav e been lucky so far that nobody' has said anything mean to me. Instead I get the sweetest messages from fellow mylotters and sometimes I have to ask who are you on mylot as I dont know many of all my mylot friends names. But I just do not like to post mean stuff about my family what little I have that is. Sad your sister has to be like that. I feel for you. People do not realize how words can really hurt and that silly old saying about sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me is so stupid and so false.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Dec 11
Hi avon Just don't listen to her as its her jealousy speaking, You have n9othing to be ashamed of at all. My gosh,you are a wonder in my elderly eyes all the things you have done. I know from when I was a young mom stay at home moms do it all 24/7 and get little appreciation except from hubby and kids. My son is now 52 will be 53 in June and is a fine man,I am proud of him for sure. I can imagine home schooling takes something out of you too. Running businesses is also draining and takes a very intelligent diligent person so again I say ignore yur sister as she is just jealous.I know it really hurts when a close relative lays on the negatives things but do not let her upset you at all. Come to think of it mayhbe being called a silver plated b.i.t.c.h. might jolt her into remembering she is your sister and sisters should care for one other not say mean ugly things to each other. just my take on it.
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• United States
22 Dec 11
I know what you mean and how you feel as my younger sister and I often have this argument ourselves. I too am a stay at home mother (4 kids) and home school. I run a small Etsy business, sell Avon, freelance write and teach classes down at the community center. She slams me all the time at family dinners because I do not have steady income as she calls it. Now she is not lazy and in fact works two jobs as does her husband. She tells me how we could all go an vacations and spend time together (meaning my hubby and kids and I) if I would get a "real" job! I do spend time with my kids. DO you know how much time I would lose with my girls if I went back to a full time job, not one vacation could make up for the time I spend now with them and all the things we do each day. We might not be going to Europe or Japan every few months but my kids are well behaved, well loved and they know it. My sister has no children or pets. She is free to do as she wishes but staying home with my chickies is my wish and she just doesn't get it. No we do not have the newest phones or ipads or such nonsense nor do I need them. We do not even turn the TV on in our house until after dinner and often we don't then. I get very aggravated at her often for her views about my life but then I remember when I come home from some where I have 5 smiling faces to great me as well as an assortment of furry faces. She has just her husband when he is home for her to even see. I think I have the better deal.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Dec 11
hi opinionatedlady oh my goodness I bet she is just green with envy and all those trips to far away places are not filling up the gap in her life. I don't think many women honestly do not want children, I know looking back from old age I would not have wanted to miss a minute with our two little ones although of course If I had it to do over I would beg G od not to take the life of an eight year old child but other than that that period in my life was a happy one and one no woman should really miss.So your sister has unfortunately got that old green monster jealousy and spending tons of money is not going to fill the gap in her own life
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
23 Dec 11
The way i see it, you got an overly jealous sister. She calls you lazy, because you enjoy having to be at home but is earning money. But as for her, she has a full time job and so is her husband, yet it isn't enough for their family. I think she's living beyond her means, because why would she still want that food basket intended for the less fortunate. Just don't mind her anymore. And maybe next time you can just tell her to shut her mouth.
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• United States
22 Dec 11
Trust me you're not alone every family has someone that is like your sister I myself have a sister who is exactly like your sister she blames everyone else for her problems is jealous of everyone else and what they have. She doesn't want to work for anything she wants everything handed to her. I also have trouble with her posting things on Facebook about me. She claims that she doesn't work because she has bad anxiety I think it's just because she doesn't want to go out and work. when her husband does make extra money they spend it on toys such as PlayStation 3, games, laptop, & a new camera. The list goes on & on. instead of saving their money like everyone else does they spend it almost as soon as her husband makes it. still we get the blame for her not having more things in her life trust me like I said you are not alone. I don't work either I am a full-time housewife I sometimes have to get up @ 6:30 in the morning so I can make my husband breakfast and coffee to go then I pack him a lunch and get on w/ my house work afterward. my sister also doesn't work, but instead of doing housework she goes straight to her laptop and onto Facebook. She waits till her housework piles up & only then does she clean. I could go on & on but I think you get the picture. Like I said every family has one.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Dec 11
I have heard many people say that stay at home moms are lazy and that is just plain crazy. We work our butts off every day. Taking care of children is a very tough job which is also time fonsuming, especially home schooling on top of it. I have done both worked outside the home and been a stay at home mom and to be honest staying home is a tougher job! I know its not easy but I would try your best to ignore it honestly. You do NOT seem lazy to me at all with all you do from home. I homeschool my oldest daughter as well and thats a tough job in itself. I have been told that many times and it hurts no matter who it comes from but especially family I know that must have hurt. Im sorry! Just know that its not true. =)
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