Upgrade computer

@dhawanbm (3705)
December 23, 2011 7:11am CST
Upgrade computer is the in thing i feel. Some times it hangs on and on the same when ever my kid want to play game on it, it just doesnt work. Perhaps no graphic card, needs to have one. But it could be a updated new computer that works fine with my and family. What do you say.
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5 responses
@smacksman (6053)
23 Dec 11
If you want to play modern games then you need a very powerful system with heave emphasis on the quality of the graphics card. If you just want to surf the Net, write emails and letters and general office work then a very low spec computer will cope ok. Computers running slow when they used to run fast is another problem. The cause of the problem can one of many reasons. Is your hard disc nearly full? Let Windows have plenty of room to work. Have you just upgraded to Windows Explorer 8? Get rid of it and use Chrome Have cleaned your Registry; checked for viruses; defragmented your hard drive? Run msconfig Start Menu and un-tick all the programs. These are just a few checks that will speed up your PC.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
23 Dec 11
I think by doing virus scan it could work much better and on the same some day it should be defragmented too. But do you remove all your free stuff and temp files which are not required. I am not so sure about cookies, if you could tell this one.
@smacksman (6053)
23 Dec 11
Cookies have a time stamp on them which varies from hours to months. They can all be safely deleted but it means you must log in to various sites again as cookies can hold your username and password if you ask your browser to remember them. Cookies don't take up much space but temporary files can take up many megabytes so it is good to delete them if you are short of space. Check to see if you need to defrag after you have cleaned up the PC. Empty your Recycle bin; delete all your emails in the Deleted Items folder; remove all the old programs you never use anymore, and then backup and then defrag if Windows says it is needed.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
24 Dec 11
yes you are right, cookies dont take much space out of your pc and they could be taken deleted out of the system. But thou could hold good info on passwords and usernames of various sites we do use often along with the images, so easy loading of pages too.
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
Hi there dhawanbm!! Well I'd love to upgrade my pc too.But that means that I have to spend big amount of money to do so.I guess I have to earn more money to be able to have a powerful machine that will enable me to do everything that I want.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
17 Jan 12
An upgraded machine would be much help as you can do all the things in little time, rather than wasting it.
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
23 Dec 11
How old is the computer? What OS? How much RAM? How much storage on your HD? Just because a computer is bogging down does not necessarily mean it is time for a new one. A little maintenance and cleaning up might kick it back in gear. That's like throwing out an ashtray when it's full and buying a new one.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
24 Dec 11
I think you are right a little here and there could mend it to fast tune of the pc. If it works with the maintience schedule would do better. ccleaner is also good to make sure its off all the stuff it holds no good.
• United States
23 Dec 11
First make sure your computer is properly maintained to determine if you need an upgrade or not. Defragment your hard drive. Check for a virus or rootkit. If your online speed is slow check your virus program to see if it’s updating. You may need to reconfigure your settings to use less bandwidth or just let it finish before you’re using it. If your hard drive is not fragmented but still running slow see if you can’t defragment with an optimizer. This will put the parts of a program closer to each other, and move the programs you use more often for quicker access. Also, check your graphics settings. How much hardware acceleration are you using? How much shared video ram is being used? Shared video ram removes a portion of your ram just for graphics. You may have less memory than you think available for the rest of your programs. Also, an older computer won't play the new 3d games. It just doesn't have enough power. Even a 3d game a few years old won't run without a 3d accelerator video card.
@dhawanbm (3705)
• India
24 Dec 11
yes defragmenting could help in doing it just fine with speed increase too. But the number of programmes also matters, how it works and speed is low.
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
upgrade your ram,and get a good video card or your whole system games this days needs a really good computer for it to work properly without delays, and lags