Is Jealousy a Sign of True Love?

Davao, Philippines
December 27, 2011 7:06am CST
Often jealousy is the reason of quarrels among lovers, if not the cause of their untimely break-up. It's either one of them or both of them are eaten up with too much jealousy in their minds. And to think...most of their suspecting is only based on mere wrong conclusion from a wrong report. Or sometimes, jealousy would just pop out when the jealous type lover finds his or her sweetheart talking with another woman/man whom they think more beautiful/handsome than themselves. Enough jealousy of course, is an appetizing element to a relationship between two lovers in love. But is it necessarily an important proof to the depth and genuineness of one's love? Is Jealousy a Sign of true love? What do you think?
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7 responses
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
27 Dec 11
An element of jealousy can be an indicator of true love for another. However, jealousy can also insecurity and lack of trust. A healthy love relationship requires trust.
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• Mexico
28 Dec 11
Hi djbtol: I completely agree with your point of view. As you mention, sometimes jealousy could be a good indicator that this person really loves you, but it also shows that there's a lack of trust in that relationship. I have seen how a long relationship was destroyed because of jealousy. ALVARO
• Davao, Philippines
29 Dec 11
Hi djbtol: I think what you meant here is that an element of jealousy could be an indicator of true love for a partner...or that when you sense that your bf/gf is getting jealous, that indicates that he or she loves you. Yeah, I agree that can be true...but I'm not referring the extreme abnormal kind of jealousy...
• Jordan
27 Dec 11
I think it would depend if it's real jealousy or if it's a fake one. Sometimes, believe it or not, a girl/guy would be pissed at certain actions her/his partner does just to show to their friends that they are in love. Real Jealousy, however, I think is a sign of true love.
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• Mexico
28 Dec 11
Hi sum passing by: Thanks for sharing with us your opinion, can you tell us why you consider it a sign of true love. Because in my case, I think it's quite disrespectful to be jealous to someone you love. It means that you want to control every aspect of your lover's life which is not good I think. ALVARO
• Mexico
28 Dec 11
Hi mercedes: I don't think. Actually jealousy means for me that a. you don't trust in your partner or b.. you don't have enough self confidence and that's the reason why you are comparing yourself with others and thinking that the person you love will cheat on you. It's good to feel jealous when you have a reason, for example a situation where your lover has to be near a person that would try to flirt on him/her and seduce him/her and in these cases you always can express your feelings being respectful to your partner. ALVARO
• Davao, Philippines
28 Dec 11
You're absolutely right, starsailover...I've read how you commented on the others who shared with me their opinions regarding this issue. It led me to search and find out who you are...and to think, you are that young...but you reflected on mature issue as this with a well-balanced analysis as that of a highly-educated mature person. I appreciate much your sharing wisdom on this...
• Philippines
28 Dec 11
Jealousy is good but should be control and not the jealousy to control you... Nothing to feel that in relationship,because we are human,and even you jealous still you both to love each other...and do not over whelmed by that jealousy..
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
27 Dec 11
I don't think it is a sign of True Love. There are some who are just jealous for no reason at all to get jealous. Although I still think that if one person didn't get jealous at least once something might be wrong with the relationship too. Fighting because of jealousy in a relationship adds up to the spice and it can actually help both get to know each other better. We just have to know when to get jealous and when not to. It's important to trust our BF/GF too.
• Davao, Philippines
28 Dec 11
Yeah, I agree with you, too. Abnormal jealousy is not a sign of true. You've mentioned there are those who get jealous without valid reasons at all, and that is what I referred to as abnormal jealousy. Well a little jealousy can add spice to a gf/bf and husband/wife relationships. But both parties must know how to tackle the first signs of a destructive jealousy and immediately put off the fire out of it...before it burns the whole forest...
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
27 Dec 11
I don't think its a sign of true love per say but I do think its a sign of someone who cares unless it goes to the extreme. If your partner is never jealous in my opinion then it would feel as though you could just leave them and they wouldn't care. For them to actually get jealous over you is a bit more showing that you aren't something they just want to throw away or might throw away given the time and not look back. Extreme jealous is just bad. Anything extreme usually is because it causing more problems than just that. A little jealousy is normal, maybe even a bit more than a little, but no jealousy is even more worrisome.
• Davao, Philippines
29 Dec 11
A relationship without a little jealousy can be boring sometimes...So I think there's no harm getting jealous, just a little...that will just add spice to a bf/gf, husband/wife relationship. A little jealousy is okay...yeah, you're right, anything extreme causes problems...
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
27 Dec 11
This is a complex issue. I'd say that when you love someone, you are jealous, but then jealous may not the right word. For me jealousy at its purest could be said to be a desire to preserve something precious you have shared with a loved person; and as you don't want that precious intimacy to become devalued; you guard it...jealously. This is part of love, certainly. But when jealousy becomes excessive possessiveness, then that can be somewhat less loving; and may be more about control than love. As I said: a complex issue.