One year of mylotting and still loving this site

@polaris77 (2040)
Bacau, Romania
December 28, 2011 10:26am CST
December is the month in which I completed my first year on this wonderful site called Mylot and,even if I couldn't post here everyday because of other things I had to do,I still like it as I did when I discovered it,or even more since it made my days and especially evenings more interesting and at the same time allowed me to earn some extra money.Anyway,after one year of mylotting I'm quite sure that I will keep on posting here for a very long time,so I want to ask mylotters if they consider that reaching one year of activity on this site has any significance for them and I would also like to know,in case they consider Mylot much more than just a discussion site,what makes it so special that determines them return to it again and again?
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6 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
10 Apr 12
A year can really be quite an accomplishment for any websites. Considering there are just many websites that we have gone on and just many websites that we have likely long since long since could have moved right on for. MyLot is just a great website. There are many things out there that other websites do have rather similar right to myLot. However do they have the entire total package like myLot? I don't really know. I was on many websites before myLot, I have left many websites since I have been myLot, and have joined many others that I might one day leave. But I think that for some reason I can see me right on this website for as long as it is going to be around until the end of time.
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@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
10 Apr 12
I've also tested other sites beside Mylot,but none of them managed to raise and maintain my interest like Mylot did,so I have all the reasons to believe that I will be on this great site for a very long time from now on.I guess there is some kind of chemistry that makes some mylotters remain faithful to this site which makes them feel like members of a huge family in which people can discuss about everything that comes to their minds.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 12
i become this member since it`s my 3 years here.. i am addicted here, but i don`t know when i feel addicted here.. its not complete me when i never did visit this site
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@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
27 Jan 12
It's good to hear that you were on mylot for quite a long time and you're still active on it;mylot is indeed addictive.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
24 Apr 12
I am having the same feeling and view like you over Mylot, except that i'm a member more than one year and presumable here longer than you. I had been paid about 26 times already, this extra earning is quite helpful apart from having the chance to learn from the quality of discussion we have with each other all over the world (Well! not actually all the countries, but many country in fact) I may well decide to stay longer since it is not just a discussion forum, it also pay us to discuss issue affecting our personal live, our nation and the world with people from many parts of the world. NO doubt in my mind, mylot is quite a cool site no matter which angle you want to see it. Cheer and continue Happy Mylotting to you.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
26 Apr 12
I also think that mylot is a really cool site and even a few months after starting this discussion I haven't changed my opinion about it.Mylot is an extraordinary site and I don't hesitate to recommend it to everyone who wants to have a good and useful time and at the same time make money online.We still have many years of mylotting ahead,so let's keep on enjoying this wonderful site!
28 Dec 11
My first day of mylotting so hi everyone and I hope to celebrate my 1st year too in the future. As you can see, it's very early days for me as yet but I hope to make lots of contributions to this site. There are so many interesting topics here I could probably stay here all day lol.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
28 Dec 11
I'm glad you find mylot interesting,that's how I felt too when I posted on it for the first time and I still enjoy it as much as in the beginning.
@FluxNL (503)
• Netherlands
28 Dec 11
I also joined Mylot a week ago or something and I still like it! Congrats to your 1 year :)
@Rochaten (166)
• Portugal
7 Mar 12
I'm at MyLot a little while! But I hope to stay here many years ... I love it and I think like you! Congratulations for your first year! I think that what makes it so special is the power of discussionĀ“s and the extra money.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
13 Mar 12
I'm sure you find Mylot as interesting as I did when I first discovered it and you will enjoy the time spent it because honestly I don't know any other sites like it,so good luck and many postings here on Mylot!
@jinky2012 (438)
• Philippines
26 Apr 12
i am happy to hear that fro you my friend.Now i am still a month and i used to do it already.i love this already because i can share my thoughts to my friends and also i can take discussion and they can relate.
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
26 Apr 12
I'm glad to hear that you enjoy this site;keep on sharing your thoughts with mylotters,ask for advice if you need it and you will definitely love this great site.Happy mylotting!