Did you ever stop watching a show because of its negativity?

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
December 28, 2011 1:02pm CST
Or because you realize it is just wasting your time or not contributing anything positive to your life? I began watching Criminal Minds a few months ago, mostly re-runs. I thought it would, from the name, offer me some insight into the minds of people who commit crimes. After giving it a chance for about a month I erased it from my recording schedule. I realized that they rarely save anyone and the criminal rarely reveals anything about his or her way of thinking or what made them what they are. There was no explanation of how profiling is done or the theory behind it. In short, it was 45 minutes or so of misery and death. There is enough of that in the daily news so I quit watching. How about you? Did you ever have a show disappoint you that you thought would be really good? Did you expect to learn something interesting only to experience something completely different?
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24 responses
• India
29 Dec 11
i have did this so many times, the serials showing relationships of mother in laws and daughter have a rage in india, they are so popular that no womens is rest from its affect, they sometimes shows up so negative behaviour of the womens that one can stop watching them and i was one of them , who switch off the television screen.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
That sounds like a very disturbing show and you were smart to stop watching!
• India
29 Dec 11
Why don't you love serials ? Due to it's emotions ?
• India
29 Dec 11
they are showing emotions they are like demotions. they are so annoying, i mean how can a girl be so bad so that she can not seens her own family and a single happy family.some thing is wront with those serials.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
29 Dec 11
Oh yes, there are so many shows that I don't even bother touching. One of my friends loves Criminal Minds! At school, she would keep on talking about it non stop and how she is excited to watch the next episode on TV. I actually tried to watch it once, I saw the intro and then immediately turned off the TV. I thought it was a serious show that had a really good plot but it looked like those other pointless police shows with a very cliche and bland story line. I don't get why my friend loves it so much. One show which I really hate is the Kimkardashians. My friend loves this show and she watched like all of the series. It's just some dumb reality show about a family and how they go on about their daily lives. I don't even know why they even got famous! The stuff that goes on is really typical and they just want to make controversies and make small things into big deals! They girls were really annoying and I got fed up and stopped watching. That show is such a bad influence and they're famous because they're rich and that's basically it. There are lots of shows with negativity and I don't bother watching them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Criminal Minds actually disturbs me in its intense negativity. As for reality shows I never understood their popularity. And the Kardashians are ridiculous, famous for being famous. People just aren't very picky about what they watch, ticking away the minutes of their lives immersed in crap like that.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
30 Dec 11
I know! I just don't get why my friends love them so much! They always talk about it and I just go "oh really?" While thinking what on earth have you become! But thanks to people who loves these weird shows, that's how the media makes loads of money.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
29 Dec 11
I think when we are watching television series or movies... we do so for entertainment and relaxation. Not to learn something. People who want to learn something watch documentaries. Most TV series these days are about solving crime. But a lot of them manage to inject some humour into it by developing a relationship amongst the characters chasing the criminals. Like Castle and The Mentalist. I am currently watching Medium on DVD... and I find it slightly on the depressing side... because there is no humour in it. And since she is dreaming about crime at night... before chasing the criminal during the day... there is no break from it. And to make matters worse... she also drag her family into it. It does not make you feel good and relax like pure entertainment should. I am also wondering what it does to the human psychic to watch all those criminal TV series everyday of the week.
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• Australia
29 Dec 11
It is pretty hard to come up with a smart comedy. It has to be something that we can relate to. Something which show the stupidity of normal people without them being actually stupid. It is funny to see someone intelligent make mistakes. It is something which we can all relate to. The best comedy of the last 7 years was probably "Two and half men". But you probably need to be a man to appreciate it. Everything they make today is for teenagers. Stupidity for the sake of stupidity where everyone is an idiot. It is not smart or funny. Goldie Hawn was the Queen of comedy. And no-one has yet replaced her. She was cute, sexy, smart and funny. Mad about you, Home Improvement and I love Raymond were smart comedies.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Well, I didn't expect an extensive education when I began watching but thought it would be a bit entertaining while helping me frame the right questions to research. I love good entertainment but this wasn't it! I do watch the Mentalist, which I recently found and got interested in., and the humor is great--I love Cho with his dry wit and his deep compassion which sometimes peeps through his facade. But "entertainment" has become pretty twisted in the past few years. I like to laugh and few shows on TV are really funny. I think watching crime shows all week would be depressing.
@derek_a (10873)
29 Dec 11
Yes, I have stopped watching a negative show. There is a soap in this country (UK) that seems to put up a notice at the end of each episode with the contact details of the The Samaritans, for those who have been disturbed by the subject matter of the eopisode. My wife and I had watched it for years. As a therapist myself, I should have known better, that this sort of trash doesn't educate people. We all know that people can get cancer and die, that there are some people who commit murder and other crimes, and those that will manipulate the weeker people, making their life a misery.. Unfortunately, many viewers find this sort of stuff almost magnetic, and even though they are made miserable, will keep watching it. They put on TV what sells, and it's not very positive that society seems to buy it. When people stop buying it, it will leave the airwaves.. There is nothing wrong with adventure in my opinion, and even some movies that move us to tears, because to cry is a good release, but programs that stimulate negative feelings like "what if I get that the caracter gets?" or "what if my partner is cheating or manipulating me?" is not really something that I feel is healthy for me to watch. I may not even think I am affected by it, but the subconscious mind works with imagery and will have a direct effect on mood, and ultimately health and well-being. _Derek
@derek_a (10873)
30 Dec 11
Thanks for responding. I think you have a point in saying that "enjoy" may not be ther proper word for it. Attraction may be more apt. It always seems to have been the way with many people. They used to flock to public hangings and other executions, even beheading at the guillotene seemed to hold an attraction for large crowds who would arrive in plenty of time to get a good view because of the crowds. It is mystery why the human mind is so attracted to the misfortune of others. _Derek
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I haven't heard of that show but we have some like it. Why do you think people are so drawn to shows like that? I have never understood why people enjoy watching misery or even if "enjoy" is the proper word for it.
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@cotruelove (1016)
• Denver, Colorado
29 Dec 11
The first thing I was taught about television when it first came out was that like live theater, it is not real and I was subject to adult censorship of the subject matter. I was taught in the early 1950's when I was young that television could provide a learning experience, entertainment and/or an escape from reality, but usually it was nothing of great importance that truly related to life. One of the great loves on television at that time for my parents was wrestling, which is by its very nature violent. I never watch soap operas, I have enough drama in my real life, and no one's life works the way they portray them. I've watched friends of mine hooked on soap operas and it is unbelievable how they neglect their families due to them. That to me is negativity to the maximum and a total waste of life. Having friends in the real criminal investigation world, I laugh when I watch the shows because the time frame from the start isn't even close to reality. Criminal Minds, CSI (any of them), Law and Order are all violent in nature. The new Harry's Law is an encounter with the justice system that isn't anymore real than any other criminal show on television but seems to be aimed at getting the viewer to consider certain challenges that exist in the criminal justice system today. The only way these shows have any reality to them, is when children are NOT told this is not real and never try any of these things in the real world, they will not work out like they do on television. My adult children are all dedicated to the survivor series which does not have anything to do with real life even though it is a reality series. How many people would be dumb enough on their own, without the money they are paid for performing, do the things on that show? Not many. Negativity is in the eye of the beholder. Some people see things as positive and teaching them something when they watch soap operas, and I see nothing of value in them. When I watch television it is entertainment, education, or real life experiences, but some shows have no redeeming value. Like you, I know where the off button is on the television or the channel selector to watch something I might enjoy. I'm grateful to have satellite television so I can many channels to evaluate and select those that provide me with entertainment, education, music or laughter!
• Denver, Colorado
29 Dec 11
Yes, I remember a television with a small round screen with limited hours of viewing too. I was raised at that time in a small town outside of Akron, Ohio, where each household knew the name of the chickens next door. You learned to respect adults, not like the children today. Many shows disappoint me, and when the channels repeat the same ones 50 times......ugh.... and then repeat them on another channel.....ugh. and if I didn't like them the first time, I'm not going to like them when they change the name and repeat it again. What really irks me is the shows that repeat the same theme that already failed 20 times and they keep trying to make it a favorite of some person who probably is either drunk, stoned or asleep. I did a Nielson poll one time and told them what I really thought, and have never heard another word from them or been asked to do any more polls....lol. Lately, the National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet, and A&E are getting the biggest portion of my time. Hallmark still does some good wholesome shows, but over an all, most of the stuff on television is junk. I do not allow even when exposed anything to be poison in my mind. Guess I've learned to censor it and let it go even if I do see it. Heck, I wouldn't even consider the news broadcasts as positive these days nor did I ever. lol..... I only watch 95% of the time to see the weather anyway the rest of the news is horror.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
You and I grew up with the same teachings. Remember when there were only 3 channels? Or less if you lived in the country! With all the channels I get now I still don't have a good selection, it's all pretty much crap. I hate it when a show disappoints me, especially when it brings poisonous negativity into my life.
• China
29 Dec 11
I have not watched shows about Criminal Minds and the like .However there is a teleshow called "real event" ,whose audience rating is very high ,on our local TV channel,I occasionally watch them.They are mostly related to committing crimes and are actual persons and events.They delineate the inner world of the criminals in a sense.The end of them,the anchor can make a comment on them .I think they sound the alarm for people.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
We have lots of shows like that here and they are very popular. Most people here don't watch them to learn anything but to see others suffer, much like they watch car races to see the wrecks. It's a sick world.
• China
30 Dec 11
Nowadays many people like to seek novelty ,spy privacy and are unconcerned,even take pleasure in others misfortune.What is the matter with those people?
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I quit letting my kids watch the Flintstones because the shows always seemed to make fun of the dad and act like he was stupid. No respect there at all. The moms also always tried to lie to the dads and fool and deceive them. No wonder our families fail. I understand what you are saying about Criminal Minds, and I do not watch much evening television at all.
@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
30 Dec 11
This was the Flintstones of the early eighties. We spent a lot of my kids' very early years without a television, but this must have been about eighty two or three.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Are you sure that's the Flintstones?! I grew up watching them and Fred and Wilma were always working together and supporting each other even after the baby arrived. Or is this a new Flintstones? I didn't let my kids watch much TV, either. They were lucky to get Mr. Rogers every weekday when they were very little! I wanted them to have my values, not the values in the Idiot Box!
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• India
30 Dec 11
Ditto. I stopped watching Criminal Minds too because I found it too negative. In fact I would say that of all the crime drama I've seen on TV this one's the most distressing, the earlier seasons weren't so bad but now it's almost sadistic. I prefer sitcoms anyway or something like White Collar if it has to be crime. Remember the old classics? Remmington Steel, Moonlighting. I'd rather catch a rerun than these dark things. signed Hoping to cut down on TV ;)
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Dec 11
I remember Remington Steel, that was a really good show with little violence (as I remember) but entertaining. I would really love to see the nation return to TV as it was in the 50's and part of the 60's--family friendly stuff that was exciting, funny, interesting. Streets of San Francisco and Hawaii Five-0 come to mind as good crime shows that did not have mindless violence. Carol Burnett, Laugh-In, etc. Television has come to express the darkest of human vices and sickness. That's why I'm so discriminating, I like to keep some light in my life.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I actually don't watch many tv shows regularly. I have seen the Criminal minds show a couple of times when it was on and it held my attention but truthfully, I don't often put the tv on other than to maybe catch the news or watch a movie. If my daughter turns on the tv in the living room while I'm here, I may catch a talk show or a reality show. It might hold my attention but not enough to get caught up in it. Recently I saw Toddlers and Tieras for the first time and yes..it was so negative that I would never watch it again.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
30 Dec 11
I'm pretty much the same. I am so busy with other things that I never really had much time for tv anyway. Being a creature of habit, I always turned on the news in the morning and listened while having my coffee and puttering around. Then I just had to watch Judge Alex each morning. And then while taking care of my mother I had gotten addicted to a soap. (good grief). I've since given up Judge Alex and the soap. I, now, once in a while turn on the news but really I get a lot off the net and here and there are a couple of newspapers I read. Unless my daughter turns on my tv (she is 17 and has her own) I go days without turning it on at all. I had my grandson here for 3 days this week and he brought over a bunch of movies. I did get caught up in some of them with him.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I saw an article on T&T and although I'd never seen it I thought my God, those mothers should have their children taken away and put in a decent, nurturing home!! I'm watching less and less TV. When I was raising my kids I only watched what I allowed them to watch, not even an hour a day. Now they're gone and I watch a lot more but I'm examining my habits and throwing out all negativity--like Criminal Minds.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 Jan 12
Hello my dear Dragon and let me wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR first of all. Now at the topic at hand my response will be quick and simple: THE NEWS. Yes, the news in Romania are realy stupid in their majority (like over 80 per cent of them) and show only negative aspects. I actually found a site at some point that showed only good news and found it interesting to watch from time to time. Don't remember the name of it though.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Jan 12
I don't watch the news much anymore, either. Someone who watches the news would think that the world is a terrible, pitiless and hopeless hell. I keep up with news online, reading the stories relevant to my life--politics, economics, science and technology. The rule here with TV news is "if it bleeds, it leads" which means they show the worst news they can! I hope your new year is healthy, happy and prosperous dear friend!
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@shibham (16977)
• India
9 Mar 12
Hi... I hardly complete a show or movie as i get bored easily. but like to watch drama, mime and some special funny shows. The most ridiculous and boring experience was... once i went to watch a drama... at the drama started almost 5 scenes were full of intoxicated acts... i just came out being bored. Have a nice time.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Mar 12
I know everyone has different tastes but it's amazing what people will sit down and watch, isn't it? I think that, like ancient Rome, a large segment of Americans are happy as long as they have "entertainment" and that entertainment seems to be more and more depraved and negative.
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@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
29 Dec 11
Don't get too upset.You aren't the only one experiencing that.:) I used to watch this show entitled ''The Little Heiress''.At first everything was great.I actually was very excited to watch every episodes,but after some weeks the story became confusing.I mean many irrelevant things happened.The heiress got lost and them found.After some time the heiress was abducted,and when she was about to be returned by the one who abducted her,someone came and took her.Those happenings irritated me because the heiress seemed to be a basketball being passed to players.Because of that I quitted watching it.It is just a waste of time.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I really don't understand the minds of people who write such shows. They think we are all stupid.
• Philippines
30 Dec 11
Yeah.They think we are all stupid.The whole story was just about too much abduction and hiding crimes.I stopped watching it because it is ridiculous.
@surya389 (19)
10 Jan 12
hi i agree with you we watch shows for relaxation and relaxing our minds.anf at that point of time if the program ecpresses negativity then there is no point of seeing it.we should always be positive and we should create positive attitude.therefore we should stop watching a show because of its negativity
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Jan 12
I'm 57 and decided that there's way too much negativity in life without actively looking for it! I see that you are new here so welcome to myLot!! I hope you make a lot of friends, there are people here from all over the world that have a lot of interesting things to discuss. Also silly things, interesting things and downright shocking things sometimes. You'll learn a lot about people and will be better for it. Have fun and remember to read the rules!
@Cranos (273)
• Belgium
14 Mar 12
That's just not true. I haven't seen any episode where they didn't explain the profiling process. I actually learned as much about psychopaths from Criminal Minds as from non-fiction crime novels I read. And let's be realistic here, it's a fictional TV show. It's supposed to be entertaining, not a psychology class. I do agree that it can be a downer sometimes. IMO that's because of the lack of humour in the show. I couldn't watch a marathon of it, but it's still a very good show.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Mar 12
Yes, they do explain quite a few things but it's just such a downer for me. That's why there are so many shows, because there's such differing tastes amongst people. Yes, it's fiction but I had hoped for some more in depth exploration of deviant minds. I'm glad you enjoy it, many do as evidenced by its long run.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I have tried watching Criminal Minds a couple of times. Its really sad and depressing and you don't feel better at the end of the show. I can see many others have stopped watching several shows also.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Yes, it is initially an interesting show but it is so negative and doesn't reward the viewer. But it's so successful, it makes me wonder about the state of mind of its core viewers.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Yes. I have done this. I hate it when shows are biased or unfair or cause alot of drama. That is a major turn-off for me.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
A lot of people watch because of those factors, which I never understood. Oh well, at least we have a wide variety. I remember when there were just 3 channels plus the public TV channel. At my grandparents they only got 2 channels! Now we have hundreds and there still isn't much worth watching.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
29 Dec 11
TV is meant for entertainment and not to make us miserable.We have enough problems in our lives and there is no need for us to make ourselves even more miserable by watching shows that do not entertain. Nobody is a criminal from birth nor do they have criminal minds.It is circumstances and situations that one lands into during ones journey through life that makes one turn to criminality.Nowadys one finds perfectly civilized,decent,sane and normal people suddenly performing criminal acts which nobody had expected them to do.Even those who are wealthy and highly educated are caught redhanded while commiting some crime.It is greed,envy an jealousy that makes people do it.I never watch shows that show negativity in any form because i like to be entertained and not to waste precious time in watching such programs.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
You are so right, that's why I quit watching. I don't understand the popularity of such shows.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
29 Dec 11
To understand profiling, you might want to read John Douglas's book, "Anatomy of a Motive". Douglas was one of the first FBI profilers and the character Jack Crawford in "Silence of the Lambs" was based on him. Douglas interviewed many of the notable violent criminals and acted as a consultant in numerous investigations.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
Thank you! I'll look that book up at the library. I have never understood why people commit crimes, especially the horrible murders we hear about. I doubt that understanding would make me feel better but knowledge is power.
@Tibor1450 (207)
• Hungary
29 Dec 11
There has been many shows which I stopped watching because they are just a waste of time but at the moment I can not recall any. I usually watch survival shows and movies about nature anyway which always provide the content I expect and I always find them interesting. Reality shows and soap operas never really caught my attention.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
I despise reality shows and don't understand why they have such a huge audience. I do enjoy nature documentaries and like humorous shows. If I'm going to spend my time in front of a TV I expect to be entertained, not disgusted or horrified. I wish people would be more discriminating--then we might be offered better shows.
• India
29 Dec 11
No I did ever stop viewing any television shows which is telecasted on television. In mostly used to see my common language channels. They mostly used to telecast good programs so I don't want to such an action in my life.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
29 Dec 11
As long as it's entertaining and a positive impact on your life TV does not harm. I hope you continue to enjoy the entertainment.