Online Writing: Revenue Sharing or Direct Payment?

@boyuancy (1708)
December 29, 2011 7:22am CST
Hell lotters. This question is directed to the freelance writers online, what would you rather go for? Revenue Sharing: The benefits of revenue sharing if that you can get an almost passive income once you and your networks are established. But it may take a long time, and also it is difficult to choose the network. Direct Payment: The advantage is that you get paid instantly, once you have done the work, but the downside is that there is a limit that you can get paid. And you get paid only once. I cannot decide what to go for, please help out.
3 responses
@sreekutty (1051)
• India
29 Dec 11
go for both, choose sites like helium and factoidz for revenue share. join iwriter and instastudios and others for direct payment for articles which is good but you don't have any rights to it thereafter. factoidz is good for revenue share because travel articles reviews earns a neat amount and sinc factoidz is good, it earns you real money too. so
@aleic27 (161)
• Philippines
29 Dec 11
Hi, I tried Triond and Factoidz and so far Factoidz earns the most. I receive a couple of dollars from my article even if I am not active for a couple of months before and I became a Staff Writer.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
29 Dec 11
Surprisingly, I had ditched the others and was going for Triond!!! Thanks a lot for informing me, and Helium is not open to India I guess. So Factoidz is the only option left with me. Thanks a lot Sree.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
29 Dec 11
Hi sreekutty. That's a nice suggestion, I'd probably write for iwriter and rewrite the article for a revenue sharing site. I'm in a dilemma now, which revenue sharing site to go for? I do not want to be a part of too many of them. There are so many: 1. Triond 2. AssociatedContent 3. Factoidz 4. Helium 5. Hubpages Please suggest.
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
29 Dec 11
Of course,I like the revenue sharing but it is not yet the right time for me. I am thinking around this idea and maybe I will try in the coming months. Meanwhile, I still have to stick momentarily to my article writing where I am sure of payments since I am in need of immediate income. I am not yet so confident with my writing skills and I still have a long way to go before I post my own blogs online. I am also thinking about affiliate marketing but all my ideas are still on the planning stage. I want to see more improvement on my creativity and I am getting some experience from the article writing. If you are confident in your own skills, then why not do both. You can earn from the direct income while pursuing the passive income. There is no law against that and you would enjoy earning from both. Good luck.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
30 Dec 11
Hi, you are lucky to be able to submit your articles. I have no idea where I can submit my articles for payment. I have one blog containing a lot of articles but so far I haven't thought of finding a site that accepts articles. It's nice to know it from you.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
30 Dec 11
I have heard that some sites like ExpertsColumn (I am sure of this one) and Bukisa accept copied articles, as long as you are the owner of the content. So you try them. But if you want to earn directly, try selling your articles.
@yallit (3677)
• Philippines
29 Dec 11
Additional Info: - With Direct Payment, you will no longer own the article you submit. Sure, you will still have your name in the byline but you can't delete the article or even easily edit it. - Revenue Sharing may take sometime before you earn the amount that you could have received instantly if you go for Direct Payment instead.