Will Everyone get to Heaven????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
December 30, 2011 11:47pm CST
Religions place all kinds of rules and regulations for getting to heaven. Some say all you have to do is Believe. Some say you must be good. Some say you must repent. Religion clearly separates people. To them, everyone will not make it to heaven. Would there be a good reason to send everyone to heaven, instead????
Religion defines perfection for us. They tell us the rules by which we can strive toward perfection. They all claim God has given them these rules. Is that really true?? Aren't all holy books written by mankind?? THey all might claim to be inspired by God, but what else would you expect them to say?? After all, they want followers.
If religion does not define the rules then who does?? If we ask people to define a perfect person, everyone will have a different definition. We are the ones who decide what is right and wrong. Does everyone have the right definition?? They do from their understanding and their point of view.
Judging perfection is a learning experience. Sure, there are many influences. We are influenced by parents, teachers, society, religion, and the views of other people. There is one thing that teaches us more than anything else. You can tell someone a list of rules a mile long and yet they might never hear you, however nothing teaches better than experience. That is the reason for this physical world. It exists so we can experience. We can learn what things really mean. When our actions return, we can see them from all sides. We are able to judge.
Well, it seems there are more and more definitions of perfection. Some bend to people's will. In fact, all, including religion are bent to people's will. Where is the Truth??
How can one define perfection with words?? No matter how hard we try, something is missing. Can you see a reason for everyone going to heaven yet?? God wants all His children to experience Unconditional Love, but there is more. God wants us to see perfection. Our time with God leaves no doubt what perfection is. WE UNDERSTAND. We judge ourselves in comparison to what God is. God is so wonderful that we want to be just like Him. Our goal is set. Step by step, lifetime by lifetime, we learn and slowly walk toward God. God doesn't need any holy books. GOD WILL SHOW US PERSONALLY.
Everyone will go to Heaven.
What do you think??
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13 responses
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 12
"They all claim God has given these rules.Is that really true??Aren't all holy books written by mankind??"
Not all mankind could take such a big responsible, thats why there are "the choosen".
Yes, all holy books written by mankind.
Qur'an written by mankind, they wrote it according what they have hear from the prophet/messenger.The messenger got it from the God, cause he was the choosen.
Islam clearly state that the messenger was a messenger and the God was something that rules the universe.
It not men nor women, it can't dye, it not born nor be borned.
That the definition of God, and I do believe with that.
For your question, yes I believe all will taste the heaven.Even just a second, for every goodness that we have done.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Jan 12
God's children are a bit spoiled. If people saw God everyday, they would be begging to get all their problems solved. That would defeat the purpose of this world. If you believe others come to tell you what to do through your holy book, that is your choice. Just as you want your children to be able to stand on their own two feet and THINK for themselves, God wants the same for His children. Know that God doesn't need holy books to teach His children so don't go blindly accepting them. God is more than you can find in any book. You are just as important as Mohamed or any other person in this world. You will change this world and the people around you just be being you. Listen to the advice of others but Walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 12
Cause that will make life more colourfull, thats why there is a messengers.I already said "Not all mankind could take such a big responsible, thats why there are "the choosen"."
Imagine if we all able to see God, see what God can do straightly.
What happen with the life?
Can you imagine that!

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Peace = nothing missing, nothing broken = perfection.
Some will choose not to go to heaven. We can't and God won't force them.

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
2 Jan 12
With our finite minds we can't imagine what heaven is like, but we will in time. Sadly not even unconditional love with persuade some, and God won't force them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Jan 12
There are ways that you can't imagine. Everyone will be happy to come home on their own. Parents must out think their children. This one isn't even going to be close. I know some people would choose that some would not make it, however that is merely a flaw in their view of what actually is. They do not really know God.

@Gordano (795)
• United States
31 Dec 11
responding to your main question Everyone will go to Heaven? and using the Holy Quran as a reference.
Everyone want to go to the heaven but not everyone will go to the Heaven.
[004:122] But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness,- we shall soon admit them to gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,-to dwell therein for ever. God's promise is the truth, and whose word can be truer than God's?
[004:123] Not your desires, nor those of the People of the Book (can prevail): whoever works evil, will be requited accordingly. Nor will he find, besides God, any protector or helper.
[004:124] If any do deeds of righteousness,- be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.
and we are not able nor qualified to judge since we don't know the intent behind someone's actions and God alone is able to judge.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Yes, indeed, mankind loves to punish and judge. This is not God. Those who have discovered God know God has great intelligence with no hate. Mankind has a ways to go before they choose to rise above such petty things. There are much better ways. It will take a wider view along with much thinking before one can discover the truth of what God is all about. Blind faith leads nowhere. It's all a test of intelligence. Who is up for it? God is watching. Once one discovers God, mankind's part in all holy books becomes so clear. We are all meant to THINK.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
3 Jan 12
Hi bird: This is my point of view. God is love and if you don't want to have love in your life you can't go to heaven simply because you don't belong to this place. God wants to have all his creatures in heaven but he won't force you to do that. So don't think about hell as a punishment, it's just another choice.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
5 Jan 12
Bird, haven't you read enough discussions here on Mylot to know there are those who scoff at God's love? When the day of judgment comes, of course all the kiddies will want to go to heaven because they'll realize then what the alternative is. It won't be out of love for God that causes them to want to go to heaven. It will be fear of the alternative. These kiddies, as you call them, will hate God just as much then as they do now, because they will blame God for their foolish choices, just as they do now. I know you don't believe in hell or Satan. You believe we are reincarnated until we get it right, but there is no evidence for that belief. Your declaring it to be so isn't proof. It's just your belief based on nothing at all, or you're trying to form God the way you want Him to be. A man made god is no god at all.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Jan 12
A man made god is no God at all. You are right on that one. Perhaps people should question their stories and beliefs more. Do you see no evidence to prove anything I have said?? Do you even look?? Do you see God's actions, not counting the assumed actions through the words of your holy book? Do you look for what is, instead of beliefs. Yes, it is a journey. It does take work to discover the truth but the truth can be found. I ask people not to use beliefs but to discover the answers and proof for themselves. Do you do this??? No, you just work at convincing yourself you are right including trying to find any excuse to discount anything else. Is this the way to discovery or is this the way to remain in that comfortable box called religion?? Value your blame, your judgment, your hate, see where that will lead you. There is much to learn. People who are angry simple do not understand. Kids might throw a tantrum but that has never stopped the learning and growing up. You must work at reaching beyond the petty things of mankind. That and Ego will prevent you from seeing so much. Yes, there is much work to do. The sooner one starts their journey to discovery;the sooner one sees results. Feel free to move at your own pace. God has unlimited patience. Lessons will come.

@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
31 Dec 11
I believe we are to search and understand the commandments given and most of all the love. I believe God wants us all to be as one but yet a choice of chooseing right from wrong. Yet we must believe in Jesus for all things was given unto Him and prayer in His name also. To know the Word is a guide to our spirit to feed upon as food is for the body to feed upon. The Word as God wants us to know is to ask Him , to please Him, to worship Him. A better life here and elsewhere a guide for our better being. He is to be first in word and deed. The Holy books as some say should be read and prayed over for without them some would still be lost in a world of wondering why? Just like a history book of learning with out the book we would not know anything about which river is where, the ocean , the people from other places, etc. without hope we have nothing. just a waisted life. with hope we have joy and peace. a purpose. alot of things are man made BUT that is why we bring God first in asking for the guideness in what is right or wrong. God works through others to bring the right Word and yet man sometimes trys to confuse with something else. Do all go to Heaven . I believe we all will be judged as what we do here but the answer is will all stay there?? We are all to face judgement as our deeds to make them right. We do not have all answers for we are human and will not know all for we will not be able to consume it all but we are His children learning only if we seek to and learn of what He wants from us. Do not be decieved by the Devil . He is real and would like to confuse you and keep you from the true God. The battle is for your soul..a spirtual battle .. God will show us only if we ask and seek the kingdom.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Hmmm??THe devil does not exist except in the minds of people.People seem to need someone to blame for their bad choices. Yes, we are spiritual beings in our true natures. There is no separate soul to be fought for. I have direct experience to this. Holy books are a creation of mankind. God's world does not depend on them. Yes, there is much one can learn from holy books. Much should be common sense. There are other lessons not so obvious that many are blind to see. God wants His children to THINK not merely follow blindly. I think seeking God is the right thing to do. I don't think everyone is ready. I think many do not really want to find God. Too many are satisfied with mere holy books rather than veturing out to discover God for themselves. That's OK. There are lessons around that too. God loves all His children Unconditionally even when they make bad choices. Kiddies will learn in time.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Why must there be a devil?? Why?? God exists. THat is not a belief but a fact. There are many of God's children who make bad and evil choices, however pointing fingers on who to blame does not change anything. THe devil does not exist except in the minds of people avoiding the truth. There is one thing that you say that does hold true. Your quote: I say seek and you will find. Just know where to seek and that is the asking God Himself. yet one will not for afraid of knowing? My answer: I see you caught up badly in the muck of religion, however with your last line here, I know you are at least headed in the right direction. Never be afraid to venture into undiscovered country to KNOW. I have always been one who must know. That hungry is how I made it to where I am today. It is something we should never loose. It will lead to God. God has never ever been One to be feared.
@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
31 Dec 11
if there be a devil there is also a God. If there be one there is another, just like good and bad, yes or no. one good, one bad, bring a child up the way of good it will not depart from what it is taught. without God there is no hope with out hope there is no future. If you believe in God you must believe in there is a devil.
I believe the Word of God and I know it is true as God shows one that seeks to know. the blind will not see but only the blind that do not seek. one say prove there is a God. another says prove there is not. I say seek and you will find. Just know where to seek and that is the asking God Himself. yet one will not for afraid of knowing?

@jaihobalodiji1 (949)
• India
31 Dec 11
no, i do not think everyone should go to heaven because i do not think their is such places exists. heaven and hell are like curios places created by the peoples so that they can categorise between good and the bad. and through which they can prove their superiority.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Very Good. Religion isn't going to corrupt your thinking. I don't have to worry about you. Everyone is equal in God's eyes. People are at different levels of understanding. This allows people to teach each other.That doesn't mean some are more or less important.
@jaihobalodiji1 (949)
• India
1 Jan 12
yes, bird that why i putted such comment here in the discussion because people are dividing themselves in every aspect.

@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
1 Jan 12
It is all here....right here on this earth that we live in.Our lives...you can make a hell out of it or preferring to make it real heaven. Hence HEAVEN or HELL ...it is what you make it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
1 Jan 12
Yes, our choices are what count. We determine what returns to us with our choices. When one understands what one's actions really mean, one will make all the right choices. Now, if you are saying God does not exist, maybe you no longer search. God does exist not as a belief. If God exists then God can be found. Don't give up the search just yet. Simply because you can't agree with religion doesn't mean that God does not exist. It means religion doesn't really understand God. Everything about God does add up. Everything about religion doesn't.
@francesca5 (1344)
31 Dec 11
well if heaven were full of nasty, jealous, spiteful people it would not be heaven it would be hell.
i see our soul as being our emotions, which are reflected in our auras, and therefore the blacker your emotions, the blacker you soul, and the less likely it is that you will go to heaven.
but in some ways i think hell is something we create ourselves, rather than somewhere we are sent to, as if you are kind to other people then your emotions will create an attractive aura, and kind people are happy with themselves, but often nasty people actually hate themselves anyway, and so the blacker your emotions the more you hate yourself, and you create your own hell.
this is not a fully formed theory, but this is the direction in which my thoughts over this issue are travelling.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
We are spiritual beings in our true natures, emotions and all. I have direct experience to this. Since there is so much sensory information coming from our senses, we are seduced at a very early age into thinking this physical world is all there is. Talk with the youngest of people. They can still tell the difference. I don't know about the aura thing but much of what you say does make sense. Who we are shows the world and God just what we need to learn. I have seen evil people, hateful, mean, spiteful to the world. When it returns they seem to hurt more and more then get meaner and meaner. People who need to change but are stubborn and refuse, usually hurt until they discover that it's easier to change than remain the same. Let's give everyone we meet unconditional love and kindness for the day that mean, hateful, spiteful black heart of a person feels the soft, caring touch of Unconditional love, they will see the direction they need to go. God will leave no child behind no matter how long or how stubborn they are. Can't let those kiddies go.
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
31 Dec 11
My biggest issue is, why does God HAVE to show us and doesn't just give us enlightenment? If experience is the best teacher, then obviously it teaches better than God himself.
If experience is his best tool, why does he need tools to begin with?
If it's for the greater-good, then why is it God has to follow some kind of abstract rule that he must do "this" in order to get "that"?
But to get back on subject, I think everyone should go to Heaven. I can't say if they will or not for a thousand different reasons.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
Ah yes, the start on the road to discovery and knowledge is to question. Good for you. Never be satisfied. Discover the truth for yourself. Your quote:My biggest issue is, why does God HAVE to show us and doesn't just give us enlightenment? Answer: If God placed all the knowledge that exists into our minds, we would not have the wisdom to handle such knowledge. Wisdom is gained in the struggle to attain knowledge.Just like technology for example. Knowledge exist that could completely vaporize our entire planet. Do you think mankind is ready to have such knowledge?? Slowly mankind walks toward greater knowledge gaining wisdom along the way. Your quote:If experience is the best teacher, then obviously it teaches better than God himself.
answer:Experience is just the method by which God is teaching. Your quote:If experience is his best tool, why does he need tools to begin with?
answer:Experience is the method where you, yourself can decide what is right. When you decide for yourself, no one has to convince you. You are free to choose always. It is the road to perfection. Think about it. There is Genius behind it. Your quote:If it's for the greater-good, then why is it God has to follow some kind of abstract rule that he must do "this" in order to get "that"?
answer: What abstract rule??? Be and choose what you must. It's a part of the plan. God sets the parameters of our lives for the lessons we are to learn. God does not try to influence our choices. Feel free to choose. God simply shows us what our choices mean by returning them to us. There are no rules, no laws. Believing means nothing. You are here. It's your life. Choose. How can it get any simpler than that? Finally, everyone will know God's Unconditional Love. There is no doubt. This life isn't about punishment.
@befrindwithme26 (5805)
• Philippines
22 Jan 12
MOst religions will use Gods Word but they are not truly sure what they are talking ,and not base in God.
The only people will g to Heaven are those who are saved,believe Jesus the only way to Heaven,and trusted ,accepted Christ their heart...
Bible says John3:16,and John10:30..
It says that once you truly accepted Jesus ,you are safe it says in John10:28,30.Never loose when they become Gods child.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
31 Dec 11
I don't know if everyone will go to heaven but I know what my mom thinks, she thinks everyone will go to hell. She says nobody is perfect and does so many mistakes and crimes all throughout their lives. So only the perfect people, who commit no mistakes whatsoever get to go to heaven. Lucky guys!!!

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Dec 11
OK, let's take a look at that. If your mom thinks everyone is going to hell, is she looking at the goodness in people or does she focus only on the bad?? Seems narrow thinking limits judging ability. Next, mistakes are very important in life. More is learned from mistakes than anything else. Every successful person has mistakes under their belts. They learned what not to do. Perhaps you need to have a long talk with mom. Clearly she could use your view. Teach her to look at others through loving eyes.
@nizamkhan1 (131)
• India
31 Dec 11
how can everyone go to heaven, even they did no have done deeds to be in heavens. on my childhood my grandmother used to tell me that heavens is for those who are all pure heart and willing to help at any cost and in this life peoples are selfish and self centered then how can be they in heaven?
@blink69nix0 (847)
• Philippines
15 Jan 12
For me your relationship to God because even though your doing good on Earth. God needs to enter in your life. You need to build getting to know each other.Just like friends God challenge our faith in times of trouble or painful events.Sad to say only few chosen who can enter his kingdom. When the final judgment come we all gonna face God,He will judge each one of us according to our temporary staying on Earth.