Do I need to file a tax form next year?

United States
January 1, 2012 8:57pm CST
I am on accidental dissability retirement from a city and do not pay taxes on my pension. I am buying a house and want to know if I will have to file tax returns now.
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3 responses
• India
30 Nov 12
Rules differ from country to country, even it may be differnt in different states of a country, so best information can be given by a tax consultant of your country only..
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
2 Jan 12
I don't know the answer for your situation. In our case, we bought a house and are filing to get the write offs for some home repairs that we have done and other items that we can write off. I would contact the IRS for the answer. The situation is different for each of us.
@deadbeat (82)
• United States
2 Jan 12
I have no idea, but that would be something you would have to ask an accountant. I believe that there are tax credits for purchasing a home and for the interest you pay on your home. So even though you pay no taxes on your disability you may qualify for betting tax credits on your mortgage. Like I say an accountant would be the one to ask.