Helping people on New Years' eve regardless they are phony

United States
January 2, 2012 11:45am CST
While we were still working on Saturday night at the restaurant, a lady came in with an odd request. She told us that her cell phone doesn't work, and she borrow a phone from another business setting cross street and ask her friends come pick her up. She waited for hours, and still no one come. She is out of hope, and desperately needed some money for a cab or bus whatever, she will pay us back as soon as she came home and get her money. I suspicious about her request, because we encounter such scammer a lot in a daily basis. She might be no difference from others, except she is a lady with a desperate look on her face. The bigger chance is that she will never come back. Since it is New Year eve, everyone wants to pay it forward with a good will, my manager took out $5 and give it to her. We won't expect her to come back, but hopefully she will find a real job to do something good for her own sake.
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6 responses
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
6 Jan 12
Well, that was nice of your boss. Maybe she really was desperate for a few dollars to get home. Who knows. But I do know where you're coming from. People have a way of scamming others out of money.
• Malaysia
3 Jan 12
I dont know whether that lady was faking it or not but i really appreciate the thing which was done by your manager by giving the lady $5. We are humans and we must help each other. I am not lecturing you, at times i have realized that i could have helped some people in my life but i didn't. i repent a bit but i also know that i will get numerous chances to help people and all i have to do is to be prepared in advance. See i have a simple theory if you help someone with $0.10, in one way or another it will return to you as $1.00.
@MandaLee (3759)
• United States
2 Jan 12
Dear kingparker, Your manager was very thoughtful to help the lady. I agree that it is important to help people in their time of need. Maybe I am naive, but I still believe that people are honest and good. Happy New Year!
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
2 Jan 12
I'm glad that your manager helped her, maybe she wasn't a phony and was really telling the truth. But no matter the situation, at least you helped her out to get to whereever she needed to go. I hope for her sake she wasn't a phony and really did need some help. I doubt that she will come back though.
@moakamsg (114)
3 Jan 12
King Parker, sometimes in life we come across or encounter odd requests or weird people but we cannot always look at them as a scam artist or begger even though there's a change the woman could've been. In order to receive we must give, so I don't see the issue with your manager providing $5 to the woman for a cab..I don't know how far that will get her but at least its something.
@deadbeat (82)
• United States
2 Jan 12
Regardless of the fear that she is a phony, or just out for a hand out, I do commend your manager for giving her 5.00. I truly hope that money went to a ride to get home or something to eat. But just because a person is down on their luck and trying to survive using whatever story they can to get money, because they've probably been turned down when honest about their situation. There is a song that comes to mind that Colin Raye sings called What if Jesus Comes back like that. Knowing that your boss helped her in spite of the feelings for her story, it was the right thing to do, and I can only hope that the kindness of others will help her to get back on her feet