Global Warming Is -Stop the Hype

@clrumfelt (5490)
United States
January 3, 2012 3:05pm CST
Just in case anyone still isn't convinced, given all the scandal that has been attached to the global warming "research" that it is a big fairytale, I hope you will read this short article by Professor Ian Primer that explains what is truly responsible for the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, and the likelihood that anything we do can change it.
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9 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Jan 12
I'm a Science Channel and H2 junkie. I love those Armageddon-themed shows talking about the ways in which the world may end. You have the asteroid, the pestilence, supervolcano eruptions, gamma ray bursts, solar flares, black holes entering our solar system, antimatter, inner earth solidification, and on and on. Most of the shows also hold global warming as a big threat. The reason is obvious: weather. But when these science shows preach about global warming, they rarely put the blame on people for causing it. The theme of the show does, mind you - especially the ones that originally aired on CBS and NBC. But when most of these people sit down and do their interviews, they make it abundantly clear that nature will have her way despite our say. It is not a lot to ask that this issue of climate change not be a political issue. People are so incredibly hyperbolic with it. It's just sad. It really is. All the ice core temperatures from 10,000 years ago cannot say a single thing about people today causing it or not. What happens to the debate if people aren't causing it? That says everything you need to know about global warming/climate change. You don't have to build a conspiracy wall and trace the bullet's magical path. You don't. All you need to do is look at the people pushing the panic button. 1: They stand to gain billions. 2: They can control the economy with a shift to green technology. 3: If it's happening naturally, they're all just schmucks like the rest of us. What a scam they try to pull.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Thanks for your input, materfish. You have summarized the issue perfectly, IMO.
• United States
6 Jan 12
I give that article about a D-. While it may have otherwise valid points, it has absolutely 0 data or sources to back it up. I for one, am enjoying the global warming hysteria. It's greatly reduced other pollution while forcing some progress. I don't use cf light bulbs because they're green, I use them because they last longer and use only a fraction of electricity that I pay for. Making cars more fuel efficient might reduce emissions, but more importantly it reduced dependance on a limited and increasingly expensive source of fuel which is also pretty inefficient in terms of output to use ratios. The worst part is, when people come to terms with the reality the whole CO2 caused global warming bogus. We'll have to come up with a new the sky is falling scenario for people to panic about. You see as long as I can remember we always had to live in fear of the end of the world. When I was young it was the hole in the ozone, then y2k (yeah pathetic but it worked), now global warming, in 10 more years it'll be some new madness we probably haven't invented yet. I've been saying for years, much to the scrutiny of my peers, that global warming is a bunch of bs. Much as I questioned the hole in the ozone, which now has about 10 more probable non man-made explanations than omg CFCs. And hey it's only another 11 months before we'll be disappointed by the lack of any world ending event on 12/12/12.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
7 Jan 12
I thought the article was quite informative. However, I think there should be concern about the CO2's for air quality concerns. Some of our cities' air quality is nearly un-breathable and probably responsible for a multitude of respiratory maladies. Thanks for your comments.
• United States
6 Jan 12
CF Lightbulbs green? Haha, Sorry. They aren't "green" or even close to environmentally-friendly. If you read GE's website, they are hazardous materials. Because they contain Mercury, you have to dispose of them in the proper hazardous waste landfills and you can't just throw them away. Frankly, as far as environmental concerns go, I would pick CO2 over Mercury any day. Nature herself has a way to deal with CO2 and turns it into Oxygen through the Kreb's cycle. Oh, on the CFC thing, You have to wonder why there isn't a hole directly above Hollywood, California or New Jersey. Sorry, had to clear up the misconceptions on CF light bulbs actually being "green."
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• United States
7 Jan 12
You're welcome. I think the article has a lot of valid points. But as I said it just lacks any backing without doing independent research. I'm not sure how much CO2 contributes to smog since a lot of that is other chemical pollutants and industrial wastes. But I do think the reduction of CO2 output also reduces related pollutants in many cases.
@smacksman (6053)
4 Jan 12
Humans are mere insects on this planet in the whole broad scheme of things. We live on about 5% of its surface. The rest is sea, desert, mountains, tundra, jungle. But we can think and we hate to admit that we are insignificant. We like to think we rule over all we survey. Happy New Year fellow insects!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Buzz, buzz! LOL
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
3 Jan 12
Will you PLEASE stop it with the facts figures and all that 'science' crap?! The world is flat, and CO2 is going to melt the planet! Stop thinking and accept the truth!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Love the visual, and you are no kool-aid drinker, my friend.
@crossbones27 (49194)
• Mojave, California
5 Jan 12
I think the worst thing they could do was call it global warming. It should be called climate change because ignorant people who live in cold places are going to say "it is 5 degrees today, see there is no such thing as global warming." While the planet is warming up as a whole, you are not going to get a constant increase in temperature each day. It is still going to be cold in the winter and hot in the summer. It just means that on average though out the year it is going to be warmer overall from years past. This can cause storms such as hurricanes and tornado's to become more violent. Which will cause more damage and cost more money to rebuild things. So you might as well see if we can do anything to reduce or stop climate change because you are going to loose more money and lives in the long run. If you don't remember the Midwest was blazing hot this summer and had a record amount of tornado's. While California was actually relatively nice for most of the summer. This is why it should be called climate change because it is going to effect different parts of the Earth differently. Plus just ask the Eskimos who live on the coast of Alaska who are going to have to move their whole village because the tide keeps coming in higher each year. You know how I know that? It is because I saw a show on Discovery Channel called "Flying Wild Alaska." The pilot was saying that he can see the water rising up closer to the village when he fly's over it each year. So maybe people need to quit sitting in their houses and calling top scientist liars and get out in the world and see for themselves if it is real or not. I do not have a college degree but what the hell is the point of going to college if you are not going to believe nothing your TAUGHT?!!!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
7 Jan 12
Scientific evidence actually indicates the earth is in a cooling trend at present. Like you say, isolated incidences of weather cannot be used to indicate trends. The warming and cooling of the earth occurs in cycles, and just because we can see more results of warming and cooling cycles than ever before because of more advanced measurements, etc. does not mean we should be scared out of our wits about it. Things always balance out over time.
• Mojave, California
8 Jan 12
It is never good to be scared out of your wits about anything. What ever is going to happen is going to happen, but we can at least learn as much as we can about it that way we can at the very least know what to expect in the future. In my opinion mother nature will eventually clean house on a ignorant over populated human run world. One way or another mother nature has a way of teaching us lessons and they usually do not end pretty. Especially since we have one huge flaw and that is keep repeating things that we have done in the past. From not learning from history, that is what eventually is going to bite us it the butt. It is the only way to maintain balance. Very few ever listen to what the Earth is telling us anymore. I guess that is the bad thing about taking the native american land from them or any tribal people for that matter. Many of them knew how to live off the Earth and preserve it at the same time. Industrial civilized countries seem incapable of doing this. I also think it has something to do with a thing called money.
@cloudflix (112)
• United States
3 Jan 12
While I have my doubts about the "facts" of our globe warming, or about most things people claim are "facts", a lot of the things listed in that article that people were supposed to have wasted their time and energy doing would not only be in an effort to reduce carbon emissions, they would also reduce waste, conserve water, fossil fuels, and other resources for future use, and overall make people healthier. In fact, one thing that is mentioned, putting a brick in your toilet tank, doesn't have anything at all to do with carbon emissions! This article sounds more like a spewing off of someone with a negative attitude who wants to thumb their nose at others and say, "see? you're WRONG. haha!" Not very productive. I'm not going to get all gung-ho about anything just because some scientists or government or clergyman or anyone says I should. But I also try hard not to overreact the other way, either. And by the way, this article is not written by Prof. Ian's by someone named "Hank G" sourcing Prof. Primer's book on the subject.
• United States
3 Jan 12
Oh, wait, wrong again...the article says it's reacting to Prof. Ian Plimer's book, not Primer.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
3 Jan 12
I agree with you 100%, as far as the Australian Government is concerned the new tax is just a revenue raising exercise, yes we do a little damage ourselves and we can do a lot more to look after this planet but I feel the one thing we should have done was mass plant trees as I think they are the secret to what we have done , along with a few other things...
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
5 Jan 12
Nice article, I had read something a long time ago along the same lines that a volcanic eruption contributes decades worth of man made emissions in a very short time and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Also have to wonder if the polar ice caps on mars are receding than couldn't this account for why ours are to?
• United States
5 Jan 12
We learned back when I was in school, before the hysteria even started, that one scientist set the standard by which science judged emissions from a volcano. The problems: It was only one single scientist; it was only one single volcano; the volcano wasn't even active. A volcano eruption certainly throws a lot of junk into the atmosphere. Some people are still standing opposite the asteroid-killed-the-dinosaurs theory while claiming that it was a supervolcano that wiped them out. That's how powerful a volcano is.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
12 Jul 12
Nevertheless, I still think we should continue to use the resources of the planet judiciously and keep on researching for ways of using the resources that are more abundant like solar power. Let's each keep doing what we can. It actually contributes to our happiness.
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