Lazy around winter time

United States
January 4, 2012 4:25am CST
I think that is our human nature, When it comes to Winter season, especially the super cold season, like these few days, the temperature dropped as low as 30 degrees, we tend to lazy around, and not wanting to move at all. I, especially want to stay in bed most of the time, because it keep me warm. That is animal nature right, hibernate during the cold season. These days I just want to stay indoor instead of outdoor. Is there anyway to encourage myself to be active, I just afraid after this summer, I will gain like 10 pounds without doing anything?
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10 responses
@agent807 (751)
• United States
6 Jan 12
For me, it is the opposite. I hate doing things when it is hot outside, because I can't function. The winter or cold weather does not bother me. I conquer it. Actually, this is when I am the most active in the cold. Before I didn't have a car, so I was walking everywhere, and hiking through snow to catch a bus. Or get my exercise by walking through the snow, shoveling it, or pushing cars through it. I am strong enough, and have enough energy where I don't have a problem pushing cars and trucks in the snow, or shoveling. Because I life weights, it is also a good time when I want to grow muscle, so that would mean gaining some weight. I like the weight gain in the winter because from all of the things that I do outside, I can justify why I am eating so much food, and I tell people it it easier to build the muscle when you have to eat a ton. Being as busy as I am out there, plus my size, and keeping myself warm gives me a monster appetite. I also got stuck outside a lot at work with projects outside. So much so that I was referred to as the polar bear.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
6 Jan 12
I understand that thinking. I feel the same way. Who really wants to go out and deal with the freezing weather. Not me. I like to hibernate. I do wish it was at least spring time.
@unique16 (1531)
• United States
4 Jan 12
i hear you on this one. During the winter it is the hardest. I try to do more online and get things more organized too to make more friends or money depending what I am doing here. It was like 5 degrees last night near Sanatoga Penna. Brrrr and cold. You have to do things slower like warming up the car and bundle up more which takes longer and makes us feel even more heavy etc.... it more effort to wake up to cold when you are warm under the blankets too. Even the animals are more quite the birds, squirrels, and people. The foods we eat are heavier to keep us satisified longer and our stomach warmer. Who likes doing excersies on cold floor not me or even out doors... sometimes breathing cold air hurts the lungs whan jogging etc...agree? Thanks unique16
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
5 Jan 12
Yeah,i feel the same,too.I become lazy than in the summer and just wanna stay home for relax and whatever,this may indeed make me gain weight for about 10 pounds,anyway,we still need more exercise to restrain our,have a nice day.
4 Jan 12
i suffer with SAD seasonal affective disorder which makes my body and brain tired, i find it very hard to motivate myself during the winter months but i spring back to life when the weather gets warmer and brighter, i feel pretty tired right now because of the dark days, we have 4 hours of daylight which is hard to deal with, i feel drained and tired all the time, i sleep alot in these months, it's like a hibernation phase, this soon passes when the spring comes but during the winter months it's so hard to deal with, right now i am suffering more than i did last year, it's hard to get myself going these days but i have to because of work
5 Jan 12
if it snowed alot out i would shovel snow or clean the house or work out
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
4 Jan 12
Well, you see, even I spend this winter, a little like you. Even I feel lazy, tired and often prefer to spend much of my free time to rest. I can do as right at the moment (unfortunately) becaise I'm still unemployed (at the age of 36 years is serious!). Of course if one day I had to find a job, regardless of climate, I should change my habits.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
4 Jan 12
I think i am a bit opposite. I tend to get lazier during summer, when the sun is up there and shining like t's no one's business lol those days i just like to stay indoors coz i hate sweating like a pig and I know i will if i step out and the humidity too gosh! I prefer winter to summer but I wouldn't choose them both haha i like spring and autumn the best. In winter, it's so cold so I'm mostly like moving around or dancing to kep myself up and warm.
• India
4 Jan 12
I find it very difficult to get up in the morning during winter. This is because of the cold weather which makes you feel lazy and sleep a little bit more. This is very common and it happens to everyone. Dont worry if you feel you're the only one... there are more people who have the same experience. Winter is meant to laze around. You can find this phenomena in animals too. For examples bears also laze around during winter...Thats the way God has created us....
• India
4 Jan 12
it is a human nature however pathetic because this kind of nature is escaping our self from the responsibility and general needs. we become lazy and it attacks our lifestyle in long way.