I ask this girl out and well just read it ~_~ im really depressed

@viney17 (688)
January 4, 2012 10:36am CST
So i like this girl, we are really close. I am really shy but i got the courage to confess to her. I confessed to her, i mean in person, not online or through texting. Then i asked her if she would like to go out with me, i told her that it's fine and i will respect what will her answer be. She said she wants think about it so i gave her time and she agrees to answer my question this very day. But well yesterday night she told me that she still doesn't have an answer yet, so i told her to just tell me if she's ready. Those 14 days had been a hell for me and no wi need to wait longer for that answer ~_~. We can still talk normall though, nothing's awkward even though she knows i like her, it's like nothing really happened Im really depressed right now ~_~ am i on the friendzone ?
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9 responses
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
5 Jan 12
Wow... that's real tough there. Amazing how you had the courage to actually tell her but through text or Facebook but in person too! Congratulations on that, the girl should have praised you for that! She probably gave it time so she wouldn't hurt you. Girls don't want to hurt their friends and she is a sweet person to do that. She is concerned about your feelings but she is trying to give both you and her some time for her to handle the situation and not emotionally hurt you. But you had to suffer 2 weeks and you probably went through heaps of emotional turmoils. Feeling depression is one of the worst feelings you can ever feel, it prevents you from carrying on with your life normally. Hope during those 2 weeks, not much damage. But she should have given you an answer sooner to save the depression and anxiety going on during those 2 weeks. I know you wanted to give her time and be nice but you had to suffer for her. If she's carrying on like nothing happened, I think she's trying to make you forget or something so she doesn't end up in that situation again. But it's still hurting you to wait so really confront her about it. You don't want to wait any longer, it's better to face the music. If she's not interested, try and continue to be friends, you still have plenty of time to find another girl.
@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
5 Jan 12
nah thanks dude.. oh btw that 2 weeks ive been hopin for something then for the last night she said that T_T that really depressed me until now :D oh and im gonna confront her sooner or later :D
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
6 Jan 12
Well good luck then and no hard feelings. Time will tell and whatever her answer is always keep in mind that you still have a whole life ahead of you! But good luck in asking her.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
5 Jan 12
I am not trying to give you hopes but if she'd not liked you, she would have rejected you then and there. Maybe she does feel something for you. Or maybe coz you guys are really close and she's thinking of things through because you know how things could get awkward and might ruin your friendship. Well all you can do is wait and I hope the answer is positive. Goodluck!
@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
5 Jan 12
or maybe im her friend and a close one ... and she doesn't want me to feel bad and well heartbroken :D
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
6 Jan 12
Hi there viney17!! I think you should wait for her answer.It's better to know it directly from her than jumping early into conclusions.Maybe she's just trying to test how patient and sincere you are.Maybe if she sees that you're tired of waiting she'll think that you are not sincere.Its better to wait than regret it in the end besides patience is a virtue.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
5 Jan 12
I think that might be a good thing. If a person doesn't like someone or doesn't want them to like them in a certain way as not to hurt their feelings they usually tell right away. Perhaps she needs more time to think about actually dating you. Maybe she is worried about things not working out, and how that would possibly affect your friendship. There is a lot to consider when it comes to going from friends to dating. Perhaps you should send her a little gift or flowers telling her again how much you care about her. Girls like things like that.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
4 Jan 12
How did you get the emotes with 36 activity? Anyways, what is wrong with being in the friend zone? Well, you can make her fall in love with you right? Charm your way into her heart. show her how important she is (But don't over do it). It will work out for you. If she keeps you hanging for too long, then she's not interested in you and you should probably move on. Good luck.
@viney17 (688)
• Philippines
5 Jan 12
thanks dude ... though i still wanna hope ohh by the way it's actually 369 :D
• Italy
26 Feb 12
Ever tried. Ever failed. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
5 Jan 12
It is a pretty good bet that you are just a friend. Girls do not want to hurt anyone, especially if they view you as a friend, so when you gave her this news and tried to have her respond as you wanted her to it put her in a difficult position. Most girls will not be straight forward about this because to do so may cause her to lose a good friend so she says nothing and hopes that you will one day come to realize she can't feel the same as you do about her. What you must understand is that simply because you have taken the relationship past just being friends does not mean that she can or will simply because you do. Back off this request and simply be the best friend you can be. She knows how you feel and in time she may come to see you differently. But you must give her time and if it doesn't work out then it is much better to have not taken that step and find out later she did it just to please you. If she did that you would be hurt a lot more when she could no longer fake it.
4 Jan 12
Obviously, she doesn't know what to say.I think you need time.Be her friend, I know it's annoying to wait for an answer, but you know how girls are.Girls usually never say "yes" immediately.Show her you're serious about her, that you care.And don't forget to read her body language when you with her.Does she smile, does she look happy, or is she tensed and nervous?Read all signs.Don't be depressed.Fight for your love.
@nickaug (21)
• Cyprus
5 Jan 12
You have now passed the hard step of gaining to courage to confess your feelings for her. Give her time to think about it. Girls don't like unpatience men. The reason why is taking her time is because this is new information for her and she doesn't want to rush into a relationship to a close person like you. You need to take it step by step because if the relationship doesn't work then friendship bond will break aswell. Relax and eat some chocolate.