Two pigeons nesting and a homeless man looking in the dumpster"
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
January 4, 2012 2:41pm CST
Two pigeons across from my window have taken up habitat behind the
eaves of the Vietenamese store. then I saw the first homeless person
I have ever seen in this vicinity. Both rather touched me as the pigeons were nesting so to speak on borrowed area of the story so
in a way they were homeless and the poor man pawing through the
dumpster was pushing a grocery cart of what looked like junk but
could have been all his possessions. My heart went out to
both the pigeons and to the homeless man., I feel here in the US its shocking that we have many citizens that are homeless not because of drink or dope or insanity but because they were laid off and got behind on the rent and were either evicted or had their house forclosed.
Why don't we help them as we supposedly are a wealthy
nation? Get them jobs and stake them to first and maybe second
months rent on an apartment thus allowing them to save for the
next month's rent. I am not talking about those who are drunkards or drug users or insane,
I am talking about middle class people suddenly
made homeless.Now the pigeons could fend for themselves but its not alway easy for the middle class person who finds himself or herself
out on the street. the shock of the situation can be stunning.
Your take fellow mylotters.
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24 responses
@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Hi Hatley,
The government did a lot to back-stop the lending institutions that were involved in the home loan default scandal, but did nothing to help the individuals affected by the scandal. These predatory lenders knew they were lending too much money to folks who could only marginally afford to pay it back. When a person goes to a lending institution to obtain a loan, the lenders are the professionals and are expected to accurately determine what a person can afford to pay back, and lend accordingly. Marginal borrowers are expected to get mortgage insurance, and that insurance company is to determine the insurability of the borrower. But these institutions were bypassing this step and loaning the money, and buying default swaps on these marginal loans. They would not lose money because if the borrower defaulted, the bank simply called the swap and got paid. There were too many calls and the swap sellers ran out of money, and then the banks lost. Too bad, but they asked for it!
Many of these people believed that the lenders were giving them proper information, and they were not. It is not the borrower's fault that the housing market went down, homes lost value, and now they were upside down on their mortgages. Many of these people became homeless and jobless, and yet nothing is done to backstop them. This country has billions of dollars they give in aid to other countries, but nothing for our own? Why couldn't the government stipulate to the lending institutions that took bail out money that as part of the agreement, they had to write down the balances on these bad loans to what the actual property value was. Then the monthly payment would have been lower, and more people could have stayed in their homes? Instead of selling these foreclosed properties at a loss, more folks that were in the houses would have stayed in them, payed their correct mortgages, and the market would not have been as flooded with foreclosed properties. It would seem that this would cause the housing market to recover more quickly, and would result in less people on the street.
It is a shame that in a country this wealthy, we have so many people living on the streets, or living in sub-standard conditions.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi yes thats it exactly and some were bragging about how much they made, well I showed this to my son and he told me he co uld not do t that as he wou ld feel unclean. and I guess in a way it it is
sort of dirty making money off of someone's else loss. loss of a hom is the worst, the pits, being evicted come close too.
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@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Oh yes they did. There are even businesses that buy foreclosed condos and re-sell them at significant profit. There are even companies that make money financing the deals for those who broker those foreclosed properties. You can't close on, then sell a home in the same day. But there are several companies that help you get around this by fronting you the money for a purchase (for a fee of course) so that you can buy and sell a home the same day, because you are technically not getting a mortgage on it. How it works is you find a person who wants to buy a home and they have bank financing in place, but usually foreclosures and short-sales want all the money up front. Most people don't have a hundred grand liquid laying around. So you as a broker, use this company to front you the money so that you can give the foreclosure/short sale owner the full amount of the sale up-front. You then re-sell the property to the folks who have the mortgage, at a premium (what the house is really worth).
Everyone is making money off of someones pain!
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@jjzone44 (917)
• United States
5 Jan 12
I could not do that either. I know to make money, you have to do it at someone else's expense because money is not created, it just changes hands. But to make money because of someones hardship is wrong. If you own a hotel in a disaster area, and you offer your rooms at a discount to displaced people, that's helping them. If you raise your prices because you know they have to stay somewhere, you are gouging the disadvantaged, and that's just wrong.
If a stock broker induces someone to trade on information they have reason to believe is false, they can be charged with securities fraud. These lenders sold people mortgages they had reason to believe that the borrowers would default on, and they get bailed out. And the people get thrown out. There are humans on both sides of this equation, but how human can you be if you intentionally wreck another human? How moral are you when you rescue the wrecker?
How can one stand and ask for votes and tax dollars, knowing some of the people you are asking are the ones that were put out by your policy?
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Actually we help foreign people far more than we help our own. We actually are in debt to China. Do you know that our government pays corporations to hire foreign people to work for them? Yep...they do. They give them visas and full insurance and do background checks and pay their wages to have them trained and work here. When this happens, the local workers get their hours cut way back and have to train these people. My daughter works at Wendy's and gets very irritated with this policy and I don't blame her. When they take on a group of foreign people, her hours get cut and she has to train people she can barely understand and who are making more money than she is to start and she's been there for 3 yrs. Wendy's is not the only place that does this. You'd have to research it to know just how many companies buy into this. It is good for the company and good for the foreigners but it really sucks for the American citizens. Another thing our government does that burns me is to give loans to foreign people to come over here and buy out a business at a 2% interest rate. They tend to buy the gas station/convenience stores. They take over, fire all the help and hire their own families and raise the prices considerably. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi sid another thing that really gets me is very f ew illegal mexicans are in the homeless as we just help them and help
them so they are not homeless, jobless, even get medical
help too and a lot of born Americans cannot get that much
help.I know Wendys and other burger joints dont pay their
help enough for sure. Yes we will give loans to other countries
buit let our people go jobless.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
4 Jan 12
I see you have a tender heart to the others down on their luck. It is sad and interesting how you have compared the two, the pigeons and the man. It does carry a resemblance. We have so many homeless people in our town. I think because its pretty clean and is an open and kind city. I live in Ann Arbor, MI. Not sure if you have heard of it, but we actually were featured in an article that spoke about the amount of homeless people living here. I must disagree with you on the criteria of people worthy on help. The people that drink usually become that way out of sadness and loneliness. Also a big belief that they are failures. Not to mention many of these people are also veterans of the war. And the other reference on not wanting to help the insane. That is kinda harsh. But I am sure you didnt mean that. I just wanted to point out to you that many institutions have closed down where they could live and be cared for. They can not help it. As a person with a mental illness, Its not something that you can change. You can regulate it with meds and getting proper support from people around you. But some are just not that fortunate. And are forced off the meds or just quit taking them because they think that they are better, only to have the symptoms repeat and sometimes worse than before.
Now I fully agree that this is ridiculous that our Americans have the struggle of having proper housing and food. I wish it could change but I just dont see it happening any time soon but getting worse as the economy gets harsher.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi lady gator I was just pointing out that its so conveinient for people to say oh the homeless are all this or that and deserve
what they got blah blah. no the mentally ill should never have been put out on the street to cope as they cannot do so. we do have facilites to help drunks get rehabilated too but relative must help them.The bad economy is what has put many middle class people here in the US out on the streets,Here in California we are second in line for most jobless people yet here in Orang counmty we have a lot of large industries who are farmiing out their jobs to other companies and super cheap labor, why not hire Americans to work in and American plant?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
typo alert not other companies other countries and super cheap labor, why not hire Americans to work in A merican plants.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Jan 12
Many of us are one bad circumstance away from being homeless. I hate how some people just automatically judge the homeless when they just don't realize how little it takes and you could find yourself in that same spot. I was there years ago and felt lucky in that I at least had a tent and it was summertime. Still, once there...good luck getting any sort of help without a permanent address! Good luck in even finding a job and trying to keep it while you are homeless...even living in a tent. I had 3 children at the time and 2 of them were just toddlers. It took most of my time and energy just keeping the "homefront" livable. Showers and all were another adventure. You have been there and so you know how it is, Hatley but many don't and can't even imagine until it has happened to them. My biggest fear still is losing my apartment. It's what keeps me going to work every day regardless of how I feel and for budgeting my money so my rent is on time and even at that...just a serious illness, an accident or a lay-off could throw all my best laid plans right to the wind.
Why don't we help these people?? I don't know but Oshy had a discussion the other day that really irritated me about how we keep illegal aliens in the hospital at tax payers expense rather than send them out without a place to go. Can't remember if you responded in that discussion but if you didn't see it, it's worth checking out. I'd actually like to see the drunks and addicts be offered some help. its so so cold out. I don't want to think of anyone being cold or hungry right now no matter what their issues are.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
thanks sid I felt so sad watching him wi th that grocery cart full of stuff. I wondered what his sto ry was and if anyone would stop
and help him. so many are just plain out of wo rk,and money and
here in the US they looked at us like scum.we were clean, we wore middle class clothes but still we were lined up to go in to the Salvation army shelter and passerby scorned us. I learned there to
have compassion on those whose story I do not know. it was such a shock to suddenly find ourselves without a home, we came out as survivors but ai still wish we could afford a two bedroom apt but
we truly cannot.the rents here are outrageous and those are the cheaper ones at 1000 to 1300 a month the fancy apts 1400 to 18oo a month. crazy as most people do not make enough for those prices.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Jan 12
It's greed, but not for everyone. I know some people who have money and they do donate, but they can only donate so much without hurting their own pocket. Then there are people who don't make as much, yet sacrifices to help others. Unfortunately, there are some that have extra, but hoard it away instead of helping others. It's a sad world we live in.. 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi carm yes it is. I know if I had any kind of m ney I wou d donate to places where it wou d help the homeless myself. I do
send a small amo unt every Christmas to the veterans of foreign
wars as they keep me supplied with address labels , and notepads and pencils etc. lol but they were very appreciative and some to
American Diabetes

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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Jan 12
There are many private charities that help such people. The Salvation Army, local churches and homeless shelters plus job programs help. Unfortunately, we have looked to the government to help such people for the last 40 years or so. There are fewer private help organizations because of this and we all know that of every dollar the government gets for such programs, probably not even a quarter of it actually gets to those who need it because of administrative costs, payoffs, etc.
If anyone really wants to help they should donate money, time or items to your local private charities that help such people. Empower the private charities so that they can do more!
Maybe your home can separate aluminum and he can pick it up and turn it in. I see many places doing this to help the homeless.
I would love to take in some homeless people and help them but you never know if someone will kill you, rob you or worse. So I just donate as much money as I can. (I understand you're excluding the mentally ill but those make up most of the homeless because it's illegal to force them to get help and that makes me so angry!)
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Jan 12
I agree with Hatley. Everyone talks about government help like it is a bad thing and for people looking for handouts. Yes..we have a lot of those people and that is another problem altogether. Still, there are good people that need our help. We pay taxes and to be honest, I'd rather see my tax dollars help another person down on their luck than see a big corporation gain. Let's help the real people.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi sid yes I think our gov.has to step in as individuals and small
businesses cannothelp all as its too big a problem. they neerd jobs and some money help at first till they get that paycheck most
people are not there because they want to be at all.

@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jan 12
I was watching Taboo lastnight on cable and saw a story about secret lives. This one guy was a millionaire yet he went twice a year and traveled the rails as a hobo. Cool story. What was the name of that show they used to have on about the rich people that would go out incognito(living with just a certain amount of money for rent and food) and work at like a homeless shelton somewhere, hear the stories of the person running the place and all and then it would end with them giving the place alot of money. Did you ever see it? Good show.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
5 Jan 12
hi celticEagle yes I have seen it but I cannot for the life of
me dredge up the name of it.I wish a lot of rich people would
help the homeless into jobs and apts instead of just squandering'their money on useless stuff.wish we had some people
like the man in that series. I l oved it but what the heck
was its name.
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@celticeagle (172486)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Jan 12
It was on a local channel here. Maybe I will catch the name and i will share it with you.
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
8 Jan 12
It is sad to say that this supposed great nation does not help out those who desperately need it. Where are the government programs to feed those that need it. At least years ago you could get cheese, cornmeal and butter from different locations. Those programs don't even exist anymore. We send food and clothing to other countries. So what is the problem with helping our own in their time of need.
I am really annoyed to say the least with the way this country has been going. All it is is the rich are out to get richer and the heck with the other guy.
It is sad to see homeless people on the streets.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 12
hi marylyn yes I saw that man sort of stumbling along as if the chilly morning was making his arthritis act up and wondered where
he had slept that night, was he out on the street in the cold,
did he have family that could take him in. I just felt so bad
for him. I was warm in my room here and well fed, maybe I am not'just where I might like to be but I am not back out on the street trying to find a place to stay, I have a room and am safe.
But what of him
what will become of him?We meed tp really address the problem of jobless homeless people. given jobs most homeless will want a place to stay, most do not want to be on the street. we need to educate people that there are people out there who are just like your neighbors but they lost their jobs and ran out of money,thus were homeless

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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
11 Jan 12
So very true Hatley. There are so many people that are homeless and jobless. And what does our government do, they argue or try not to do what is best for the people because the either don't agree with the President or they don't want to see him voted in again in office.
If they would stop and think about the people and what is needed to get these people off of the streets, maybe something would get done to help them. Being that this is an election year I don't see alot of people getting the help they need.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
5 Jan 12
dear Hatley,
There's a lot here in my country ma'm.
No matter how the government are helping them, if they don't want to help themselves, sometimes the help being extend becomes useless.
Some of the poor who are given free houses by the government here sell those houses and go back to streets bad!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi jaiho its very different here we get nothing free, and nobody id helped into jobs or free ahythingk you sink or swim or get help
from families if you have none thats your problem. the jobless and homeless are here for other reasons not like in India.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 12
sorry typos galore id should be is , ahythingk should be anything
I just don't know why I did not edit that comment. It looks awful, I do apologize, I know here too there are some who for some ungodly
reason want to live on the street. we had a street person come here'
and she got her social security and also ssi , and I will be damned
she went back to the streets and was killed. so sad and so stupid tool. why did she not stay here where she is safe?
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
6 Jan 12
Hiya Hatley,
Know just what you mean there are a lot of People that have struggled all their lives and even now they are in that situation of being practically on the Street they find they are not used to the idea and they don´t adapt easily either.
I ask myself who really could when they see everyone around them living better than them?
We have all sorts of People digging through the Rubbish daily they are trying to stop it and I just hope to God that they won´t be able to stop them as they have nothing else and after all the Shop People throw the stuff out for some reason.
Its shameful that they want to do this they are even trying to fine anyone doing this as well I can´t think what on earth they want to fine them for.
Pigeons are hardy Birds they have to be most of them here have been poisoned I have seen them dying if front of my eyes on the Streets.
There has to be another solution for all that problem of the Pigeons I mean.
They usually put innocent looking corn down for them and poof they die off.
However there was one smart little Pigeon I was watching he only goes to eat the breadcrumbs and stuff off the ground outside the Door he flies in and out so he does not bother anyone smart little fella eh?

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi lovinangeksubstead 21 thats so sad about the pigeons. the vienames who own that store do not seem too bothered about
'the two pigeons nesting in their eaves. lol. I do think all
homeless people who want to work and get into apts should be
given jobs and offered some subsidy so athey can get intgo
the moreinespensive apartments here. those who opted to live
onthe streets okay live them there. and help all ther others
as for digging in dumpsters in our countire there are places that feed the ho meless and places that help those wo king poor with
free food. Most of the people I met were there b ecause they has been laid off and just ran out of money and were evicted.t hey were as shocked as I was and want only to have jobs and decent places to live. Ameicans do not realize a lot of the homeless were working and middle class just days ago and they need back into real liviong again.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hiu dont knock optimism as it gets you wher yiy need ti gi U narrued tge eternal potimist and now after many years a widow I miss his laugh, his sparkling eyes, and his ability to make me
laugh over silly things like mispronouncing a word like the housing project he had worked on called Cedar Glen only he made it sound like a gargle. Ce darglen was his pronunciation and it sounded like gargling lol. Some people seem born happy as he was yet we went through tough times and trials and he still had that irrepressible knack of making one laugh. thanks am still down with the flu so going back to bed.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
8 Jan 12
Hiya Hatley,
We all need to laugh Hats indeed we do. These lot had the News on yesterday and it was most depressingly dreary and dull to listen to the same mumbo jumbo all over again.
I am tuned out when they have it on and I can also recall with humour that the same Politicians who said last Year not too far back they were going to do this that and the other and all of a sudden the Story has changed lol.
Think they are funny to listen to in a way Hats.
Two Days ago I said to my Husband oh they have found human remains on Sandringham Estate and he asked me what was it doing there? and I just came out with oh it was just lying around never thought about what I said till he started laughing lol.
I reckon that this is very bad strain of Flu this time Hats a lot People are getting it the second time around.
Get well

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@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 12
Hi Hatley,
When the economic downturn, many people were jobless and some even become homeless. Who should be blame for such a situation? I would say, the people should bear the responsibility for their own situation. They should save money when they still have job and should not keep spending without control. A report shows that Americans is the world's worst savers, where over 22% of Americans have no money left once they've paid for their living expenses and spent their discretionary dollars. I think that is why when their got laid off, and after they have spend their last penny in a very short period, they have no choice but to leave their rented home or being chase out from their home by the bank. I think they should change their living style and spending habit, only in that way, they can avoid them from being homeless.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 12
hi yspmyl oh I was just really grumpy as I am in the midt of the worst flu I have had in years, your apology accepted.yes we used to be able to put money in savings then they doubled the rent but not my wages or my sons. then to top things off I was forcibly retired so there went my paycheck every two weeks.but now I am okay not thrilled at being here but its sure much better than in a homeless
shelter. Its hard for us Americans too to believe that our economy could suddenly be so bad and throw so many people out of work, and close so many businesses. we need our President to take care of our country now first before other countries.But it has to get better'I am sure, this is a new y ear and hopefully it will bring changes for
'the good

@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
9 Jan 12
Hi Hatley,
I am sorry for making you angry, what I mentioned was just a report from a studies published in the CNNmoney. I have no intention to make any one of you angry just by telling something untrue. There are many time news reported that most of the American do not have saving, and mostly depend on their monthly salary to live. That is why it give me an image that American do not have saving habit. When I saw the news, it is hard for me to believe such a things can happen in country like USA. From what you told here, I think it is your government that did not do anything to protect their people from high rental which due to many people are having low pay. The richer get richer and the poorer get poorer.
I am really sorry! Hope you can accept my apology.
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
5 Jan 12
I am amazed by what you said ,Hatley lady.It seems to me that you are so kind-hearted and your thought goes out to the homeless people.It forms a sharp contrast between the pigeons which nest behind the eaves of a store and the homeless people.How come there are so many homeless persons there that is known as developed country?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi chang it started when big companies that had hired people like my son with computer programming skills decided to farm out their jobs to other countries like India Africa Indonesia anywhere that people would work super cheap and suddenly men and women were laid off here in the u s and could not get a job where before they could have easily as the job market had been so good.Yes we are developed but we are so busy helping people all over the world we have now forgot our own people are out of work and need jobs and now. a lot of smaller businesses have closed up as they went broke with no
patronagw as people out of work are not buying anything that they do not need.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
typo alert patronage not patronagw sorry about that grrrr.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
7 Jan 12
You take the response seriously,thank you for that.As to they farming out their jobs,maybe they did so for the sake of getting their production cost down.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
4 Jan 12
It's really a shame Hatlet, that there. Isn't more help for people who are down on their luck. As mich money that is thrown away on government nonsense there could be money set aside to help people. I remember money was being wasted to study pig farts. I mean really! That money could be better used to help people in need.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jan 12
hi pointless I wrote a large comment and where the heck did go. Anyway copy and paste I read that one about the pig farts
and I saw another one that was equally supid a study on
homosexual birds. now what do those help, nothing. But
the moneychoulkd have been spent to get jobs for
the jobless and homeless. with jobs they could afford
apartments and with a little help get them into less
expensive apts
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
6 Jan 12
There are no jobs for some of those homeless people because Obama has given the big government contracts to foreign companies.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi bellie even before Obama big companies were hiring out their work to other countries where people worked for just pennies and laying
off my fellow Americans .Obama of course has not helped with it
either as you just said. where is it all going to end? there has to be a stopping place where American employers are going to have to hire us Americans to do their work for them.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
7 Jan 12
I know in Milwaukee they have tried to give the homeless a chance to get on their feet. They were doing it with teens and young adults. Alot seem to not take the advantage of help and end back on the street in less then the year. They need to work on getting the homeless people who lost their jobs and homes instead of the younger people who don't seem to care about getting help! Some states just need to put their money in the right areas and help the right people. Easier said then done!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi blue65packer you would think in cold states especially they would all want to get jobs and homes and get out of the bitter cold. Here they are not really doing any thing thats of any help
at all. If you do not have the smarts to find a way out like my son and I did they can just stay there and eventually die in some alley.God helps those who first help themselves always
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jan 12
This year it has really hit me how hard things have been for some people. I mean our family is really lucky to still have a roof over our head and a car to drive, but we have had our share of struggles.
What I am noticing a lot more is people with signs that are looking for people to give them donations because they don't have jobs to put food in their stomachs or a roof over their heads.
I, unfortunately don't have anything to give, but I will still try to do whatever little bit that I can.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 12
hi dorannmwin I know that so many mylotters are in the same fix, just making ends meet with a huge struggle. this economy has made'the homeless problem even worse. When one is out of wo rk, even
with some savings the money is soon gome, then how are you to pay'the much too high rents or house pay,ments? we are yelled at well save, uh huh save what? after we pay the rent and utilities and food whats left? zero.So when a person gets laikd off, it can soon send his family to the street. we need to do something now to get everyone back to work, when we work we get paid, and that will help get us back into housing os some sort. I am grateful that I a m here instead of still on the street although this was never where I
had planned to live out my golden years. That poor man I saw in the alleyh does not have a safe harbor like me yet if hes worked he must have social security and that with some help could get him into a place like this as a last r3esort. most people do have families here int he UD but unlike other countries we do not alwaays just take in our parents, grandparents or Aunts or uncles
some of us do but a lot do not.Hence they are still staying a week in a shelter, thats all anyone is allowed. We must address this problem and fix it now.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
7 Jan 12
One last note. I have two sons that are just one action away from living on the streets! One is autistic and not diagnosed until he was 21 and the other has a baby and fiance who came to live with us a couple of months ago.
I got my Autistic son in public housing in a very nice neighborhood. The other was living with his mother-in-law to be. Her house was a pig sty.
When the kids were very young we almost ended out on the street or with family (crowded).
Since then we do all that we can to prevent homelessness. This country is going to see us fall toward a third world country. And by the way, all lenders would be predatory lenders if given the chance. I came from the financial field. I won't go back! They are all crooks and liars. I have proof! And they say giving help to people suffering the consequences of their aftermath would be helping lazy, irresponsible borrowers!
I was once asked "Who runs this country". I said money. And the money is on Wall Street, not with Obama. Money always wins! And if money always wins they will always look for ways to win more than their fair share, no matter at who's expense! I am neither republican or democrat. Money lines both parties pockets. If money wasn't crooked I'd try to join that party. Special interest groups with money run this country!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi 2004cqui you have put it even better than my son who
has always told me the same things. Money and wall street'He also says
that Obama cannot do much because the senate and the house and wall street veto most of the things he has tried to do. We really are
in danger of being a thirdworld country.Special interests are
running this country which is so sad and so unfair
@pahak627 (5072)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
This is the first time that I learn that there is a homeless person in the US. We have lots of that here in the Philippines specially in Manila. They just have carts where they put all their belongings for them to roam around certain city streets. Our government officials can't help, I guess because they attended other things not related to poverty problems. As much as we also desire to help but what can we do to help? We can just give a little but there are lots of them around.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 12
pahak I have heard of that problem in the Philippines too.
Also some mylotters from there say your government has
some coruption problems too which does not help. Yes there
are many more people here in the US that are poor and working
and poor and jobless so we are not all wealthy like so
many other countries claim we are at all.At least your climate
must help a bit,,here in winter in so many states it gets
really cold and I do not know what the homeless can do to survive.

@deodavid (4147)
• Philippines
7 Jan 12
Well hatley sad to say that with such wealth there are still some people whom are having a hard time, anyway i believe that in comparison to our country a most of probably 600% of our countrymen don't own a house and 40% of those are actually squaters or homeless people so you see it is just sad all we can hope for is that the government do something about it since, we pay so much taxes and some if not most are just corrupted, so let us try to do what we can like offer food or try to contact someone like social help or whatever and vote a better leader. My heart goes out to the homeless man.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 12
hi deodavid mine too here in the US we are supposed to be a first world country but we are not helping those who need it the worst, instead we waste millions helping people who snuck in here illegally
and take the help and jobs we should be giving our homeless and our poor.The US should be darned ashamed of itself really.That man should be given help not digging through the dumpsters looking
for food