The Best Thing You Can Do for YOU in 2012
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
January 4, 2012 7:05pm CST
CLUE: It's not the usual "resolutions" to lose weight, clean your room, or be a better steward of your money (though all are admirable).
1. Contacting your corrupt Congresspeople and DEMANDING they ABROGATE the odious, illegal, unconstitutional, fraudulent "presidency" and administration of "BHO" and put the scum in prison.
A QUICK FLICK OF THE PEN ON THEIR PART WILL DO. He does not have to be "impeached" since he is NOT a legal president. He and those he has given power to harm you are insidious criminals and deserve the most consequential penalties for their treason and other atrocious crimes against "we the people", what's left of our country, and the world at large.
All he has done will be null and void re signing his name to every law, order, appointment.
Sadly those whose blood has already been shed through his murderous acts, including all murders directly connected to his ineligibility (Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr., Jim Miller, John Wheeler, III) and those in the military who died/are dying in vain for the freedom we no longer have and who, themselves, are not protected under the Geneva Convention and could be called war criminals, have suffered in vain at this juncture.
2. Contacting every local, state, etc., official from sheriff upward, sworn to do their Constitutional duty to remove the criminal usurper and his minions and protect us.
3. Immediately sending, calling, writing, faxing, emailing 2012 Ballot Challenges to his name (or should we say any of his aliases, stolen SS#s, as in 042-68-4425 which cannot pass E-verify, forged documentation)appearing on any 2012 ballot no matter how many thousands of dollars the insipid Joe Biden pays the various corrupt Secretaries of State who have at least since 2008 been bought and paid for by George Soros blood money in his liberal media "SOS" campaign to steal the vote based on the Stalin "princple" of, "It's not who votes that counts; it's WHO COUNTS THE VOTES".
The state of NH will allow challenges from anyone from every state. And then file a challenge in your own state.
Many challenges are already underway though the lamestream MSM will continue NOT to report any truth re the ineligibility of the usurper since their 11/08 threat and censoring by the FCC.
Do this continuously if you value what's left of your freedom or our once-free nation. All of the below are just SOME reasons WHY you should do this; THESE ARE JUST THE ONES WE KNOW ABOUT....... Fitzpatrick one of the first to file treason charges against usurper BHO
Less than 9 years after 9/11 we have an illegal alien, Muslim jihadist, Saul Alinsky radical Socialist/Marxist, America hating embodiment of the most heinous evil EVER, sitting in the WH as a foreign and domestic enemy, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER POISED TO ANNIHILATE YOU and all you hold dear.
There are many heroes out there fighting for you. Most of them have been threatened with death, so I will not name any more right now. IT'S beyond time for you to do your part.
Arnold J. Toynbee(;_ylt=AlJIHzgvYIyU2jSG8Sy0gDibvZx4?p=j+arnold+toynbee&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701)
and others have studied the rise and fall of civilizations and the course of history.
Unfortunately too many Americans, due to the sewers we call public schools, know little to nothing of their own history, Constitution, etc.
Stages in the decline of every formerly great civilization, at the end, include destruction from WITHIN, due to ignorance, immorality, apathy, complacency. We are now at this point.
If this monster's "name" is allowed on the 2012 ballot, we are HISTORY as a free nation.
If you value your LIFE, freedom, liberty, safety and protections, DO SOMETHING TO HELP. DO YOUR PART.
Don't just expect the few, the just, the brave to do it for you.
When you have nothing left but the "joy of Sharia" and political slavery, just look in the mirror to see why.
If we are blessed to remove this cancer from our midst, we must then clean our own house as well as those of those who "govern".
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5 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 12
Epicure, I'd like to offer a few suggestions for New Year's resolutions for you to consider.
1/ To be more careful about how you use your time. All the endless minutes and hours spent on reading all that meaningless BS are gone forever and we only have a finite amount of time here to enjoy.
2/ To find some credible sources of news.
3/ To accept the fact that Orly Taitz is just a crazy lady trying to extend her fifteen minutes.
4/ To REALLY take a good look at the Republican Presidential candidates and think of the disaster we'd have if any one of them were in charge for thirty seconds!
Happy New Year!
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Jan 12
I do have to applaud your energy put into this, but the problem is that he won the election, he is turning around the BUSH REPRESSION, and the country is getting better. But, at least you have found something that you are dedicated to, and that is something.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Jan 12
Kudos to you for a well researched and well said disclosure of the reign of the scourge of the USA. Since the first day this usurper appeared on the Presidential Campaign with his smoke screens hiding the real enemy behind the potential downfall of our proud, free country.
I have but one small voice which I will raise it loud at every opportunity to rid our country of this phony president.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
6 Jan 12
Thanks for your kind and reasoned response.
I am grateful for your wisdom and discernment.
I have joined in the NH 2012 Ballot challenge, since all states may in that state. I have also sent a Challenge to the CA SOS.
I call almost daily to Congress.
Pray for Sheriff Joe Arpaio as he courageously investigates eligibility.
NH Rep. Harry Accornero delivered treason charges against the usurper to Congress a few months ago.
Commander Walt Fitzpatrick, who filed treason charges against him in 2009 is held incommunicado in Monroe Cty TN, where Jim Miller, elections official was murdered 7/10 as he was investigating the usurper's eligibility.
Fitzpatrick was beaten, tased, now not given proper care for diabetic seizures.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
6 Jan 12
These right wing tinfoil hat theories about Obama are by far in large the worst thing you can do to get him out of office. That's part of the reason the right has problems holding seats. They're views are so far out there that not only do none of the democrats vote for them, but most level headed people won't vote for them. If the Republican party could start thinking with their heads instead of their radical ideas, I might consider voting for them from time to time. As it stands they're self-conflicting views and extremism is even worse than the left who just talks good and then acts retarded.
As mentioned before if you want him out mention how lousy of a job he's done as president. Then the most important part, find someone worth representing ALL Americans. And lets not forget how bad the election of Bush was. He didn't even win the popular vote as well as having some very questionable activity at the polls. In the last 5 election cycles the Republican party maybe once won the popular vote. That's how awful most Republican candidates are.
If you ran a candidate who swore to repeal NDAA, Patriot Act, and SOPA or whatever garbage if it passes, you might be able to win on that alone. But it won't happen, it wasn't just Obama who passed it, it was largely a bunch of Rs and Ds who pushed it through congress in the first place. Obama has actually made few decisions outside the influence of congress that I can condemn. It's his being bullied by congress that has actually put me off.
Finally, this hysteria of Sharia law needs to stop, it's ridiculous and it's no better than saying enjoy you're Christian law when a Republican is in power. If the fear hysteria would stop we could continue to move into a more free society instead of a post 9/11 police state.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
6 Jan 12
For all naysayers, I must disagree re your responses in part.
To Knoodle, I am not a Republican and am not fond of Aluminum Foil. I'm sure you also know the health risks involved re aluminum....
And then there are the "health risks" involved in the usurper's "deathcare".
But, I digress. The Democrats committed treason in order to win an election and the stupid, cowardly Republicans are now complicit.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
7 Jan 12
Oh the Republican health care plan wasn't any better. Everyone wanted health care reform to save money. Did they somehow think taking away funding for health care was going to increase peoples health?
Also, I'm curious about these health risks associated with cooking foils.
@ucha14 (531)
• Indonesia
5 Jan 12
yes, we should be thinking ahead, always positiv thinking. this year a lot of hope that we can accomplish. all things can still happen. all right.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
5 Jan 12
I'd love to agree with you, but I feel it's naive after the past three years of hell inflicted on us and the world at large.
I've also worked enough elections to know that enough innocent "mistakes" can be made, but, with voting machines from Venezuela, rigging is guaranteed.