universal law of attraction

January 6, 2012 9:19pm CST
Guys...did u hear about UNIVERSAL LAW OF ATTRACTION?? according to this law,.,.if u want anything,, the universe will try to give u a chance to win what u want.,. At first i thought this is crap,.,..but now iam believing that it is true after seeing many things whose probability of happening was very very less.... iam doing some kind of research on this thing.,...i want to know more about this..... share your experiences and subject about this.,...
3 responses
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
13 Jan 12
I've heard about the universal law of attraction. And i believe in it. It changed me. The way i see things around me. I don't know if a lot of people know this. But i think i'm lucky because i know this. It was not really crappy. Some people will just ignored it. But i don't. I believe in it's power.
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
10 Jan 12
Hi jeevanreddy123, Yes it's probably sounds like a lot of crap to people who have never heard of this 'law' before. But for those who understand this and believe in the system and are wiiling to practise it, they have benefited richly from this. Go and do your own research. Watch the movie 'The Secret' and read the book 'The science of getting rich'. You should be able to gain some insight on this 'law of attraction' stuff. Personnally I am still studying this stuff and hope one day I can apply it successfully. Have a good day.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
27 Apr 12
I truly believe in the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking. If you do some research on it, it all makes perfect sense. I've read a lot of books about it and try to practice it in my day to day life. The Secret is a very basic book that explains in simple terms how this law works. There is also a dvd of The Secret. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. There are many, many books out there on this subject. A few that I have read and found very helpful are any books written by Esther and Jerry Hicks, It's Not About The Money by Bob Proctor, Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and any books written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Positive thinking has given me a whole new attitude about life and I am a much happier person than I was before I discovered it!