Have you had your one true love yet ?

@ronnyb (6113)
January 7, 2012 9:38am CST
Now it seems to me based on the experience of others that we always get one true love . It also seems this might not be "happy ever after" because many of the persons I have spoken to aren't still with that person but it seems that person impacted them so much that they cant forget them.This one person left a stain on them so thick it forms tentacles that are still reaching out to their core .These persons say they may be able to move on but for some strange reason every other experience pales in comparison to that experience. Now Sad to say (well i am not even sure that its sad ,cause it sound like torture to me ),i I have never experience it but the closest I ever came to this experience is when the first girl I was in a relationship with said that she loved her first boyfriend more than me .So apparently he was her first love and the one who stained her heart So have you had that first true love? or are you waiting like me ....Maybe you could share with us.Oh feel free to tell me that this is a silly philosophy if you so desire ,just justify your claim.,I am open for the learning
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13 responses
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
7 Jan 12
Well I believe I had have that one true love. We are not together now though but like how you said that person have impacted me a lot. She scratch on my heart a pattern that i will never forget. Never in my entire life. Even when I am with other girls she is never off my mind never and I mean never. I really miss her though and even though I was the one that was wrong, I wish I never made that stupid mistake. It is like how the saying goes. You never know what you have lost until you actually last that person. I know it is sad for me. Up until this date this girl still checks up on e ever so often to find out how I am doing and I always return the favour. I don't think I will ever meet up on another girl like this one. never in my life. But just in case I do meet up on one like this one, I hope, I really hope that one turns out to be my wife. My one true wife. Faithful to the end. That is what I believe in, faithfulness. ....... I love you NASHARA. ( I doubt she will ever see this post and I know she doesn't know anything about this site. But sigh. I feel I have so much more to talk to you about her. I know everybody says there is no such thing as perfect but I really believe she was the perfect girl. The one and only perfect girl. For everything I ever wanted in a girl, she had it. She had it all and she didn't lack not one characteristics. Well to me she didn't. She is one of the most beautiful girl I ever met, even though she her self doesn't really believe that about her self. She is my one and only perfect girl) I have a lot more to say about this girl but because I am not home now and because I a on library computer. I only have 4 more minutes on this computer. I would have to say I have to continue this conversation another time when I reach home or so. Hoe you enjoyed my response ronnyb. Happy mylotting.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
7 Jan 12
Wow you did meet you one true love it seems my friend .The only thing I can say though is that you should try to give it another chance because this girl is phenomenal the way you described her
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
8 Jan 12
I wish I could give it another chance. I just wish i could. But she have someone else now and even though she could confess that she loved more more than the person she is with now. She wont leave him because that is how she is and all that does is make me rate her even more. She is really queen material. I dont want to put an idea on that I am forcing her to break up with her present boyfriend because of me, because that is wrong. I am looking at this discussion now and I can remember her so clearly. Wake me up from my dream.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
8 Jan 12
Thanks for the best response. Never notice it until a while ago. Really appreciate it.
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
10 Jan 12
It would seem to me that the love of your life would be a soul mate that would last for life. I dont hink ive met mine yet because everytime i thought i met that one it didnt last. Once my eyes were open i could not even understand why i was with him. Our first loves are always special. I still think fondly of my first. Sometimes i even have dreams of him.
@magickat (381)
8 Jan 12
I don't believe there is one true love for each of us. I have been in love a few times in my life and at that time that particular person was right for me. But we change and so do our needs, desires and priorities etc. When i married my first husband (who was also my first love) we were totally in love and it felt completely right. But we grew apart and eventually divorced, although we are still friends. I am now married again and I love my husband totally - but if I had met him at a different time in our lives I don't think things would have worked out the same way. Considering how many people are on the planet, it is unlikely that there is just one person who is right for each of us......
@rafiholmes (2896)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 12
i found my true love several times..in my lifetime.. only problem is.. they didnt think that same way towards me... lol
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 12
I believe I do. I'm currently with a first girlfriend whom I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. She is really different from other girls. Although she is not extra beautiful, but her personalities make her special. I always tell myself if I am too lose her in my life, I won't get to find another girl just like her who penetrated by soul. Anyway, we are still trying to finish our degree and hopefully a year after that we can get married. If there is true love, it is the love that I have towards her.
@iamroms (78)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
For me, I do not believe in ONE TRUE LOVE because ii guess, everytime we love someone, the feeligs are real and true. maybe the right term would be ONE GREAT LOVE. I am not sure if I had already found my ONE GREAT LOVE. I had only 1 realtionship in my whole life. It lasted for 2 years and 2 months (my first and currently my last relationship). We barely had breakup - just twice, first we made up the day after the broke up and the second one was the final one. lol. hahaha. We were on our separate ways for three years now. I kept on thinking about him for 2 straight years and waited for him if he'll court me back for 2 years too. LOL. What a hilarious thinking of mine. And then, I never gotten into any relationship after we broke up. He is definitely my first love and maybe my ONE GREAT LOVE but I am still unsure about that
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
8 Jan 12
Long ago when i was still a fresher in college i fell madly for a girl who was in her final year at school.We had an intense clandestine affair for 2 years till we were found out.In that affair,which was my first and last,i got burnt out completely.Her folks got her married immediately and i went on to finish my college, start working and carry on with my life. I never got married not because of her but for entirely other reasons.I got over our seperation quite quickly and was not mentally affected by it.After her i did get attracted to a few girls but the romances did not have the same intensity as the first one.Now i am old and matured and do not feel that i should fall in love or need a companion for the rest of my life,but yes, i can`t forget my first love.
• United States
8 Jan 12
I truly believe there is one true love for everyone... I think that there is a person that will have an impact on someone in everyones life. I have been married for almost 16 yrs, have 3 kids with my husband and we have been together for alomost 23 years... we started dating just out of high school and there have been hard time, ups and downs in our relationship but over all we have been best friends through it all. I would have to say he has made a very big impact on my life. :) I think when you meet that person, you may not know it right away but through time it will effect you and you will know!! Happy Mylotting.
@ruzzel016 (241)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
Hi ronnyb, I have not yet find my true love.. because I'm busy on my job but it doesn't mean that I don't have interest in my true love, I think its not the time for me to search it but if I gonna meet my true love tomorrow my door is always open for it..
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
Well I must say I already have found my one true love. I am sharing wonderful marriage life with him right now. We basically became friends first then suddenly he found himself liking me and then begun to pursue me. I accepted his love and within a year we got married. I am his last girlfriend and him as my first! By the way theres a 12 years gap in our age, he being my senior.
@ucha14 (531)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 12
yes. i have my one true love yet. i think to merried with her. because i very love her. i really love
@parascevi (313)
• Greece
8 Jan 12
Hi I like this discussion theme. I believe that some people have already or waiting to know their true love. I believe in this philosophy that someone finds one day his/her other half and i respect that. Personally i did not have the chance to meet yet this unique true love but i hope one day to find. I can imagine that True Love is a magnificent and the most beautiful feeling in the whole world but it can be painfull at the same time if the person you fell in love with, one day betrays you or heart you with various ways. So i wish for everyone here to find their other half and to live hapily ever after.
• China
8 Jan 12
You may have several lovers in your whole life.So it seems to like that you will have several true loves.Every love in your heart is your true love,otherwise the love is just cheating!