My year so far.......
By blue65packer
@blue65packer (11826)
United States
January 7, 2012 12:19pm CST
This year of 2012 has been a crazy one so far and it has been only a week into it! It started on New Years eve driving home from my family Christmas. It was at my older brothers and I live like 80 miles or so away. I had a great time. I drove home that night and that is when the trouble started! My cars headlights started to get dimmer as I drove. Finally the car's dashbaord lights went out and so did the radio. I figured the car's battery or alternator was going out. I had this problem with another car in the past so I knew I probaly wasn't going to make it home!
So like 20 or so miles from home I got off the interstate. The signal lights weren't working by now and I was close to driving with any headlights! As soon as I pull over my car stalled. I was stranded. I called a friend who came to get me. While I was waiting a cop saw me and asked what was wrong. I told him and he said a tow truck was near by fixing a flat. After the flat was fixed the tow truck would come and help me. When the tow truck did,my friend had arrived! My car got towed off to a repair garage. With it being New Years my car was not looked at until tuesday. It turns out my car was shot! The alternator was bad,oil and antifreeze were leaking into the transmission and the car was running on only 2 out of 4 cylinders!
So it was time to find another car! My best friend knows cars and started looking. I had to be picked up and taken home from work last work by a fellow employee! My best freind took me to clean out my car yesterday and get the license plates. Then my freind took me home to drop all the crap I had in my car! It was a mess! Anyway on the way back to work my freind spots a car at a small dealership. After my freind looked at it and I took it for a test drive I now have another car!
I can't get it until probaly wednesday but I have a car waiting for me! To pay for the car I am taking out a loan from my retirement fund. That is why I don't have the car yet! I can't wait! I hate not having a car! So this has been my year so far! Has yours been crazy or smooth so far?

4 responses
@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
7 Jan 12
So far our year has been ok, still struggling to pay bills, etc.
I remember when my alternator was dying on the interstate. I got as far as the rest stop, needless to say I had no lights inside or out. I was able to call my husband collect from the pay phone inside. We don't have cell phones. It definitely is a scary feeling when that happens.
Glad to hear that you had a cell phone and were able to get in contact with a friend to get you home and help you out.
Hoping the rest of the year is much better for you.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
9 Jan 12
This is one of the reasons I got a cell phone! I am very grateful I have one and I was able to get hold of my friend to get me! I can't forget how grateful the cop saw me and a tow truck was near by,too! Now I can't wait to get my other car! I am sick of being carless!
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@MaryLynn321 (2680)
• United States
9 Jan 12
I hear you about being car less. We had to take the insurance, license and registration off of my car as we couldn't afford to have 3 vehicles running anymore. The truck doesn't run that great anymore so it is only a stand by for an emergency if I should really need it, otherwise I have to make sure the hubby leaves the car home if I needed to go somewhere. But, since I am not working I really don't need to go that many places anymore.
Glad to hear you were able to find a good car so soon.
Have a great week.

@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
13 Feb 12
I am sure I would be happy with the weather in Texas right now! Even though it has been a warm winter, with little,I am sick of winter! Slipped two weeks on a sheet of ice that was covered by some snow! Hurt my left knee and bruised my right thigh! That was out at the stable! the week before it rained and it iced up. I slipped on the icey cememt after I got down my porch steps!
So I am ready for winter to end! At least my new(er) car is running good and I have my internet through my cable now!

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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 Jan 12
The year so far has been rather relaxing so far. Then again, the year is still come. A lot can happen in the next 51 or so weeks. Then again, a lot can happen in that many days. I think that there have been just times where I have been taking it slow, doing what I can, enjoying whatever that I can, but rather find that life is going on right now.
Smooth sailing right now, in the fact that nothing too good, and nothing too bad are going to really to say the very least. There are just going to be a lot of times where the year starts out slow but its off to the races by the end of January, for better or for worse. Let us cross our fingers that it is going to be for the better. Then again, it could be another roller coaster of a year like 2011 was. Only time will tell.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
12 Jan 12
The last few days have gottan better. I found a car and Iw as able to get it today! I am happy! On Sunday I will be seeing my nephew is on leave from the Navy. His sister just got engaged I will be able to see her too!
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
9 Jan 12
I am grateful for God helping me out! I don't wear it on my sleeve like some people do! When I am in doubt He is not around,HE comes to my aid!