Are we all incest?

@jeslin (147)
January 7, 2012 4:19pm CST
I don't understand something. The bible says humankind are created through Adam and Eve. If thats the fact, wouldn't we all be incest? I understand that in the beginning, like what the bible says, incest relationships were allowed until a certain point where it is stop, but still, if that is the way, why are there so many ppl of different races? And one more thing, if God is perfect like what they say, then why are there people who are down syndrome and everything?
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7 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 Jan 12
wouldn't we all be incest? If you mean incest, as in marrying someone you are related to in any way, then the answer is yes. We are all related. All of us. Even if someone believes in evolution, we are still all related. There had to be a single human couple, that was the source of all genetic information, that spawned the whole race of humans. So me being an German-American, if I married a Chinese girl, I would still be marrying a distant sister. The Biblical definition of incest is marrying a close relative. Someone in your immediate family, or a step-brother, or step-sister. I have not married my sister. I could marry a distant cousin, because... we're all cousins. This message is typed by a brother of yours. Scary huh? why are there so many ppl of different races? Well here's an interesting thought. Think about all the races. Are there not three basic races? You have European. You have African. And you have Asian. Look at a typical Russian, German and American. They all look... basically.... the same. Yes, there's some difference, but not much. Same with Asians. Yes there are clearly some differences, but overall, they look pretty similar too. And of course African. Now I mention that to remind you have this. Remember the story of Noah? Remember, evil all over the Earth, violence throughout the world, G-d judges and sends a flood. Remember how many sons Noah had? Three. And each one had a wife. And where did those couples go? One went east... toward what is now Asia. One went north west, what is now Europe. And one went south west, what is now Africa. Interesting huh? I believe it is *POSSIBLE* (I do not know anything for sure) that these three families are what spawned the three basic races we have today. HOWEVER... (this will blow your mind)... ultimately there are no races. !!!!! WOW! Genetics shows us that there are no races. We are all part of one race of humans. This link talks about what they have learned about genetics and races. The Gnome project shows us that the visual things we 'see' in people are actually very minor. Such as skin color, facial features, and other differences, are actually not really important genetically. This is why you can have two white parents and have a black child, or two black parents and have a white child. We're all the same. One just has more pigment the makes the skin more brown, and one has less. if God is perfect like what they say, then why are there people who are down syndrome and everything? Just because G-d is perfect, doesn't mean we are. Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. All of creation is being ruined by sin. It was never supposed to be this way. But because man rebelled against G-d, and sin entered the world, all of creation is damaged by this. This includes us as well. Not just by the fact we sin, but that sin effects us physically.
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@jeslin (147)
8 Jan 12
Thank you so much for explaining this. It really helps. The bible really does relate a lot to scientific research. Its just as if people those days knew what they were doing. I do believe in God and everything but my trust and faith towards God was fading. I believe this has nothing to do with all the religion, but the people. I am a Christian, but i really hate it when Christians condemn other religion. It is rude and i believe that we are just all children of God, no matter where you are, what weird religion you are praying to, as long as you have done good in your life, God can understand. I know that it is in the 10 commandments where you can have no other God but Him. But the thing is, what about those people who never had the chance to know Him? Are they to be blame too??
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
8 Jan 12
It is rude and i believe that we are just all children of God, no matter where you are, what weird religion you are praying to, as long as you have done good in your life Unfortunately, G-d has told us differently. I wish it was not so, but I didn't write this book, G-d did. Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." -Jesus the Christ I guess you need to determine for yourself whether you believe the words of the Savior, or what you want to believe? Now I am not saying you can't ask questions. The Bible says that G-d will never turn away someone who seeks an answer honestly. But the key is 'honestly'. If you tell G-d "I want an answer to this question of mine, as long as the answer is yes" ok, He's not going to answer that. Is G-d's word a higher authority in your life than your opinion? Or not? I can't answer that for you. You have to make up your own mind. But the thing is, what about those people who never had the chance to know Him? Are they to be blame too?? Question, do you believe G-d is just? That He treats people fairly? That when we are all judged in Heaven, that G-d will judge righteously? G-d will judge me and them with justice and fairness. I can rest assured that the LORD will deal with all of us in complete fairness, even if I don't understand how that will work. But what does the Bible say about those people who never heard? Romans 3:23 says we are all fallen. Everyone, including those who have not heard. So no one has 'done good in their lives' apart from G-d. Matthew 10:15 says that it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement, than the towns which Jesus visited and rejected Him. Again, G-d is fair, and will judge fairly. People who never knew Jesus will not be held to the same standard as those that did. In Romans 5:13, no one can be held accountable for a law they did not know. Again, G-d is fair. Romans 2:14-15 says that even people who never heard the law (or about Jesus or the Bible) do things they know are wrong, and violates requirements of the law that are written on their hearts. In other words, we are born with a concept of right and wrong, and we violate that. In the day of judgement, our own conscience will witness against us. There are more verses which discuss this. The bottom line answer is this, I don't know for certain what is going to happen to each individual person. But here is what I do know: G-d is just, and fair. And if I didn't believe that, then why believe in god at all? I have a friend, a little girl who is a Muslim. I asked her if she was going to Heaven, and she said she did not know. When I questioned that, she said that god (the god of Islam) can do whatever he wants. He can send anyone to heaven, and anyone to hell, whatever he wants. I asked her why she believed in god then? "Because he is god." "But you just said that whether you believe in him doesn't matter. A person who doesn't believe could go to Heaven, and you who believe could go to hell. Why bother believing?" She just stared at me, and we never spoke of it again. I do not believe in an unfair G-d. I don't believe in a G-d who lets the wicked be rewarded, and the good be punished, in Heaven. I may not know what happens to person X, but I know this, when G-d judges it will be right and just. A better question is, what will you believe since you have heard the law? Since you do know of Jesus Christ, how are you going to live your life? That was the most agreeable thing I have ever read about incest and races combining religious views and scientific proof. Thank you. I appreciate that. I hope the best for you as well.
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
8 Jan 12
@andy77e: I am not Christian at all, but I was raised to believe in christianity though I do not. That was the most agreeable thing I have ever read about incest and races combining religious views and scientific proof. Usually you have people commenting on one side of the spectrum in an extreme way or the other side in just as extreme of a way. I don't even want to argue the points that bring religion into science and vice versa. @jeslin: The way I look at is every religion except for those that believe in multiple deities or gods, worship the same god. Its people who think that other's way of worship is wrong based on what they see as the 'norm'. The bible is for Christianity. I know Judaism goes off the Old Testament more than the new. Muslims have the Qu'ran I believe and so on. These people may know God as you do as a Christian but the way they worship and their tools of worship are different from yours. So you can't say they never had the chance to know him. A baby is innocent though and therefore until they can learn right from wrong their sin falls on the parents. I also hate it when a religion condemns another one because their ways of worship are different.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
8 Jan 12
Well to answer your first question, yes we are a giant incestuous species. Science has linked everyone to a biological eve and if you don't believe that.... there was adam and eve and all their children so on and so forth. Then the flood that killed everyone but Noah and his family who kept reproducing with his family to repopulate the earth. The second as far as races, is simple. There is only one race. The human race. Now as for ethnicity, it all depends on the climate in which you are raised. People in Africa and places with more sun would have more pigment to their skin to protect them from getting sun-related diseases and deal with heat. People in colder climates where there is less sun tend to be fairer skinned as its not as hot nor is the sun too much of an issue. The third is complicated. Either God is not as perfect as they say which will make most religious people cry or they will claim those are sinners. Honestly, I believe that all focuses on humanity than believing in any god.
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@jeslin (147)
8 Jan 12
First of all, thank you for commenting. It really does make sense after listening to what you have said. Well as for the third one, i think after all the incest thingy, down syndrome is bound to happen among us. =)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Jan 12
Not really, as I've read in the net, 'Down Syndrome' is common to older parents because of some changes in their body. Humans normally have a lifespan that can last for at least a hundred years some time imagine those people who lived to the hundred and "how many children could they have produced and how active are they when they're older?" (Sadly our lifespan lowered to 50 today because of human made factors...) So thinking from this alone, you can determine that there are still people unaffected by Down Syndrome but they're rare.
@jeslin (147)
9 Jan 12
but they say down syndrome or deformed children can also be caused by incest relationships. Is that true??
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
9 Jan 12
andy77e did a very good job in my opinion. The only thing I would like to add to it is that even if you take the theory of evolution as the origins of man, not only would we have incest in the beginning as andy77e said but you would also have the possibility of humans mating with non-humans.
@jeslin (147)
10 Jan 12
Haha yea. What andy77e said really helped me a lot. And what you say really makes sense too. Maybe there are where all these weird sightings of animal looking like humans happened. =P
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
12 Jan 12
Hi jeslin, Congratulations on starting to think for yourself. Do not let any church teachings about the Bible or creation, tell you what to believe. Read the Bible for yourself and think about what makes sense to you. Millions of people are following what others tell them, instead of making up their own mind. I don't believe the Bibical story of Adam and Eve, but once I did and started asking the same questions as you are asking now. Blessings.
@jeslin (147)
14 Jan 12
Thank you so much for your support. I was getting terrified as many people doesn't seem happy with the questions tht i was asking. They would all go accordingly with the bible and that we have no say in it. It is kinda scary if that were what God were to do. =) thanks.
@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
9 Jan 12
Don't worry about the incest issue because Adam and Eve are merely the representation of the whole human race. During the time of creation, when Adam and Eve was already alive, humans are already populating the world in small numbers. Though we may have been relatives at some point in our history but then again that was in the history already so it's over and done with. It's nothing for you to worry about anymore. I hope this sheds some light, Happy MyLotting!
@jeslin (147)
9 Jan 12
Haha true! As long as we are all fine and happy now then all is good. Thanks. =)
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
8 Jan 12
I always wondered about that too! But people say that it's just a myth, a bible story to show the power of God and how he created humanity. I was reading that story before and then from Adam and Eve, more people just popped out of no where. Me and my friends always wondered where these people came from. I'm Christian too but I don't take the bible literally though. Some stories are there to just metaphorically represent our world, where we came from and God's love. It just shows that we were made within the image of God and we are all human beings. I don't think we are all incest. I think there were also other people during the time of creation but maybe the Bible just focused one Adam and Eve. Over those years, people evolved and there were more people from different races. Just like evolution, like how science explains it. I'm quite surprised how there was lots of incest relationships back then. Lots of couples had deformed or ill children. Also, we don't know what is God's plan, we don't know why we have children with illnesses. It could also be during birth too, mutations happen in the genetic make up. The world isn't perfect and we're not perfect.
• Australia
8 Jan 12
I agree. I think some of the stories in the Old Testament may also have a metaphorical meaning. For example, when it says God created the world in 7 days. That may not meaning 7 Earth days. Those days could represent periods of time.
@jeslin (147)
8 Jan 12
Thanks guys for sharing. I have just always been wondering that. As Christians always go on and on about how perfect God is. I also used to wonder whether did God create dinosaurs too?? Because according to the bible, God created humans after earth was created, but then dinosaur skulls were found way way back long before humans were even placed on earth.
@macanan (153)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 12
no, we dont do that anymore today. even we all are descendant of adam and eve, but in the legal law , it is done by people who have close relation, like brother sistes, father, mother, grandma, uncle, aunt. it is clear for me. when we read text which say we are kids of adam, it is not literral meaning