pets sense illness

January 8, 2012 10:19am CST
Hello all, i have been a little bit below par these past few weeks, not feeling up for much, maybe it's this weather change, i tend to get very tired and want to sleep a lot, i think the word is called S A D (seasonal affective disorder) or something like that, well, the past few weeks have been tough, trying to stay awake and motivate myself, feeling drained and tired, but i have noticed that my cats have become more "clingier" not in a way where they are annoying, but more closer, more affectionate, i do believe that pets can sense when someone is not well and they get protective, a bit like they are keeping an eye on you, or just comforting you till you get better, do your pets do the same when your not feeling well?
8 responses
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 12
Hmm ... i never aware and have this experience like you before, that's not happening with my dog, that's why i didn't keep cat sorry, but maybe you are right, what did i know and hear is, they can sense if danger is closer or the weather turns bad
• United States
9 Jan 12
I don't know if you've ever read or heard of the book called "Homer, the Blind Wonder Cat" - but although without eyes, totally blind, he saved his owner;'s life when someone broke in to her apartment. He is an amazing cat!
9 Jan 12
cats and dogs have better senses than humans, my cat saved my house from being robbed one night, only because she was sat there watching my door and alerted me to go to the door, if she had not have done this, i could well have been robbed or hurt, but because my health is not good, they have stayed close to me
9 Jan 12
wow what a wonderful cat
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
9 Jan 12
Yes, my two rescue cats do. They are very sensitive to my feelings, and to me in general. My daughter is also affected by S.A.D. it's tough to deal with, but it's recommended to spend time when you first wake up under bright, florescent lights if possible. You can check out light therapy for this disorder if you search online.
9 Jan 12
my cats were by my side all the way through me not feeling well, i have perked up a little bit now but the S A D is still with me, i must look into that light therapy, i have heard that it does help lots
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Jan 12
It has been a long time since I have had health issues, but I do agree that the cats did what they could for me. Mostly they brought me naps. That was a phenomenon that we noticed when my sister lived with me. She had cancer and one cat or another would periodically find a place to land on her and put her right to sleep. They did the same when I had foot surgery and had to rest a lot. It sure keeps you from getting up impulsively when you are not supposed to if the cats are taking care of you. For your feelings of seasonal affective disorder have you tried extra lighting, like maybe even a full spectrum plant grow light or light for an aquarium? I hope the season passes and you resume you former healthier self.
9 Jan 12
that is so true Gerty, i feel relaxed around my cats, especially after being stressed out, they are very calming animals, i noticed that when i am stressed, so are they, i remember one time, my female cat was very agitated, she's not a lover of strangers, she runs if someone she doesn't know comes into the house, one night i was about ready for bed when she sood rigid by the back door, she wouldn't move, her eyes were fixed on the door, so i looked out of the window and there was a prowler in my garden looking through my window, when i shouted he ran off, he was trying to break in, luckily we had CCTV and i called the police, unfortunately we didn't catch the culprit, but we did get a fuzzy image of him on camera, since then he's never been back, but that night, my cat prolly saved my life or even saved me from being burgled, i never knew there was someone out there, but she did and she alerted me in her way of sitting rigid by the door
@eljayo (1105)
• Philippines
9 Jan 12
Hi! Your pet is really sweet. This is really true pets really feel it if your not that well as you feel when they are not well too. I remember when my dad fainted and we brought him to our room because it was the nearest place we could let him rest. The door was open and our dog went inside and visited my father. My dog also does this too. They want to comfort us , they want to give back the comfort we give them when they need something or when they are ill.
9 Jan 12
oh i am sorry to hear about your dad and i hope he's recovered now, yes i do believe animals have a sense that humans don't have, i would be lost without my cats, they are very special and they do make me feel better when i am not feeling well
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
9 Jan 12
It's amazing that pets can sense that there's something not right about you like an illness or you're just not feeling like yourself. They can sense emotions too. That's why lots of people, especially the elderly tend to have pets such as cats or dogs for companions. Even though may not speak at all, their presence is very comforting and relaxing. The good thing is that they can't talk back like people and cause even more stress. I read this picture book written by this old woman which was a true story. She had a cat that bore kittens. She kept one of the kittens and he grew up to be a trouble maker. But one day, the writer of the book grew very sad and ill because someone close to her passed away. Her cat suddenly became affectionate and slept next to her on her bed when she was crying. That was a very sweet story. Pets have feelings too and they can too be like people and also share your sorrows. I haven't had an experience as I don't have pets now, I had heaps when I was a kid but I never had any issues as a kid.
9 Jan 12
oh that is a lovely story, i just posted something above about my female cat alerting me when someone was trying to get into my home, he was outside watching my house, checking the place out, this i didn't see or hear, but she did and when i looked out, there was a guy outside my door ready to break in, he ran when i opened the curtains and he hasn't been back since, but i am aware that this could possibly happen again, if it weren't for her, i could have been bugled that night, or even hurt, she was sat there rigid staring at the door and she wouldn't move, so i have her to thank for alerting me, like you say, cats cannot speak, but they let people know in other ways if something isn't right, also she is not a very affectionate cat, but of late she's been so comforting, so has my other cat
@deodavid (4147)
• Philippines
8 Jan 12
Hi there trinkabelle I think animals are very sensitive and knows different changes in your body like temperature, muscle twitches, and body secretions that we release as our body feels different kinds of stress, on your part it's SAD's, so i know that your cats sense this body changes and understands what is going on if your down or up so, trinkabelle the cat knows your body is in a down mode and just wants to be by your side and comfort you. My dog sleeps with me if i am down all day and is busting energy when i do too, so your not alone.
9 Jan 12
my cats are usually up and about at night, but since my health changed in October last year they have stayed very close to me, S A D is a horrible thing to have., it's worse than it's ever been, but my cats are here to help me through it, they do comfort me, usually my cats sleep in their beds, but of late my male cat has been scratching at my bedroom door to sleep in my bed, of course, i don't allow them to sleep ON my bed but i have moved their beds to my room, i find it very comforting to see them both there by my side, my SAD will get better, it's just this season change that gets me, once the lighter days come, i will get back to being the spring chiocken that i usually am
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
8 Jan 12
I believe they do sense sickness and changes in your body. I know my dogs knew when I was pregnant and always snuggled by my stomach when I was pregnant. Like they were protecting the baby.
8 Jan 12
oh that is so sweet, animals are great company when your not well or feeling down, i didn't have pets when i was pregnant but i do have 2 cats now and they are so lovely, it was like they were taking care of me when i wasn't feeling too good
8 Jan 12
we u know my dear,it could be almost anything but i think u should check with yr doctor to make sure every thing is up to par.yr health is very important to u and yr family exspecially if yr living on your own. u know it would be nice it invite a good friend over for tea and a little conversation to make u feel better. thats my free advice.well pray for u to get ill get to yr question now. yes definely pets do know when their master is sick,ill or even sad for what ever reason u have. pets havean interwishing thing inside them that when theoir master is happy they are appy by the vibes butif yr sick or not feelig well then they pick up on that also. if they notice things are not the same then they get worried and they become yr good friend. theres a showe on tv that i watched and that this lady was sick and she had 2 cats. they noticed that their masdter wasnt her self so the cats stayed very close to day this lady fell and one of the cats stayed with the master and the other cat got out and went to the neighbors and she got help. the neighbor knew this cat never gets out but this time she did and the neighbor figured it out ands went over to her place. when she went in she saw the other cat near her and was meowing really bad and was scraching at responcew so the neighbor call 911 and she was helped so by all means the cat knows when yr good or bad. make sure yr neighbor knows u have a cat and make sure someone comes and checks on u sometimes if not yr cat would be at their door for yr help. i hope i helped both yr question cause its important for yr health to be good and good for yr animals.
8 Jan 12
Thank you Shorty, i am not feeling as bad as i did a couple of weeks ago, it's this time of year that i feel so drained and tired, low blood pressure and fatigued, come the spring and i am feeling much better, i have seen a doctor and i also had a urine infection, but that's gone now, i do have family and friends around me so i am not alone all of the time, they kept a close eye on me, but my cats are here for me too, just recently my cats have stayed by my side, usually they are out in the garden playing or chasing leaves or watching the wild life, but when i wasn't feeling well, they were close to me, it was lovely snuggling up to them because they are not cats that like too much affection, i do feel much better now though, thank you for your concern and advice, :)