@AlexJordan1231 (48)
United States
January 10, 2012 2:20am CST
So I went to the dentist this morning after taking 2 weeks of antibiotics to get my tooth extracted. The dentist took an xray of my broke in half tooth and then told me that i had too much infection in my gum line and that i had 2 root tips...ok....he prescribed me more antibiotics, i explained to him and the dental hygenist, i had just gotten off 2 weeks of 2,000 mg a day keflex. he prescribed it anyway and told me to follow up with an oral surgeon. I started to cry because i know how costly even with insurance that oral surgeons can be. I told stephanie* (name changed) that Dr. Flapjack* (name changed) told me the same thing when I was pregnant and I went within that week to an income based clinic and they pulled my tooth for $25. The dental hygenist told me..." you didnt hear this from me, but before I would go see an oral surgeon, i would check here in town for another dentist, come dentists would just cut that right out" I wasnt charged anything...luckily because I would have raised hell if I had been there for 2 hours only to find out the same info I found out when I was pregnant. Needless to say, I have an appointment next Thursday at the income based dentist to get my broke tooth extracted.
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