New Year's Resolution

@Masmasika (1921)
January 10, 2012 4:59am CST
Every time the year ends, people talk about New Year's Resolution. They talk about what they should do and how to go about their resolutions but why do most people fail to maintain their resolutions? I always write down my New Year's Resolutions when I was young and during the first two months I religiously do them. After two months, I start to forget about them and the old habit comes back again. Can you tell some reasons why these things happen?
2 responses
• United States
10 Jan 12
When people make New Years resolution they just say "I want to lose weight" "I want to buy a car" but they do not make a plan. Instead of saying I want to lose weight make a plan. For example, in January I will not have any junk food and exercise 30mins each day and then in Feb increase it or something like that. People just say they want this and that but really do not know how to accomplish this and that and that is why their plan fails.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
11 Jan 12
Thank you Flirtykumquat. I agree that many people just plan and wish without acting to really fulfill them. Let's wish them luck.
@clrmoney (41)
• United States
10 Jan 12
that is all a bunch of bs to me because at the beginning of the year they say the one main thin i need to lose weight knowing they are not going to stick to the plan some i'll give a week or a few months yes it's very sad and pathetic about these new years resolutions.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
11 Jan 12
You are right clrmoney. Many people plan to stick to their resolution then forget about it after a few days. i think it's best to just form a good habit and abide with it. Thanks clrmoney.