one bulb at a time

@Archaiwy (599)
January 10, 2012 8:48pm CST
Today i read an article .This article describes an old woman who planted an daffodil bulb at a time since more than forty years ago.She had planted 50,000 bulbs.From one bulb to 50,000 bulbs,she changed the world in which she lived. Some people called the daffodil principle,which tells us if we are dilligent ,even if one step at a time, we can achieve our goal.people shouldn't lose heart any time.I am encouraged.I think we should make full use of time to do useful things,no matter how difficult they are.If we carry on ,we will succeed in time,just like the old lady.
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5 responses
@edsss17 (4394)
• Philippines
11 Jan 12
Hi. I think that's a good article and yes, its very encouraging. I'm facing something in my workplace now and its making me backout.. But, seriously, I will not. I gotta work... I've learned something from the recent failure I've had! :) One step at time will take you somewhere, someday!
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@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
11 Jan 12
This story is inspiring. It tells us that no matter how difficult a task is, if we do set our mind to do it, one small step at a time, eventually it can be done. We are living in a non-perfect world. There are so many unfortunate happenings which could have been avoided or at least, shouldn't have had such grave consequences if only people in the authority did their job. We can not control what others do or not do, but we can do our part in helping out. We may be just a small voice, a small hand but when more of us are into it, we can really make a chance. We can all make this a better world with our own little ways. A daffodil bulb revolution?
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
11 Jan 12
I agree. this is a nice article and is very inspiring.. one bulb at a time or one step at a time.. even a small step counts.. I think that there are many such examples that we come across in our daily life but fail to notice them.. thanks for sharing this here..
@Annrose21 (161)
11 Jan 12
The story of a lady inspires us to be patient and what you call diligent. We were in this world for a great purpose, and to find this is up to us to discover. We would just be patient enough to hold on what we were doing, because time will come, we will have a chance to prove ourselves to the world that we were not just an ordinary people but we had a capacity to change and please the world.
@Archaiwy (599)
• China
12 Jan 12
The key to success is to carry onand carrying on is very difficult for the majority of people.Sometimes we don't see the possibility of success, we tend to give up.This time we should have something encouraging to inspire ourselves.We should learn to educate ourselves.Those who have an ability of educating themselves will be successful in time.
11 Jan 12
i always believe that success comes from hardwork & diligence.