How did you propose for marriage?

@sethalex (153)
January 13, 2012 6:50pm CST
Marriage is a remarkable and unforgettable stage in our lives. Almost all of the husbands, if not all, had prepared to make a proposal for their wives before they were married. This proposal should be the best for them and making their brides-to-be the most special woman in world. I would like to know from both husbands here if how did you propose to her, and wives here if how did he propose to you. Even if you're not yet married, you can also post here your plans on how to make a proposal. I know that for all who are still planning to do that, you will keep it as a secret which I do understand.
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4 responses
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
14 Jan 12
Personally for me, it was something of an agreement as we had been asked a couple of times when we were going to get married, as everyone assumed this would happen, and then we talked about it and decided it actually sounded good. There was no romantic asking but being married almost 13 yrs. now, it has been Great for us for sure.
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14 Jan 12
As I am not married I will give you my ideas I will do for my future wife..tell all her friends and inform them about this big suprissed.then call her out for dinner a romantic dinner play light music with a beautifful light dime restaurant after the dinner give her that big suprised
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
21 Feb 12
Hahhah... I not remember how my husband propose me for marriage because our marriage is not love marriage. But their family saw me then accept the proposal of both the family. I not saw my husband when our marriage was fixed.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
14 Jan 12
Do people do their marriage proposal only when they are sure that the answer is a definite "YES"? What if they do so elaborately, informing everybody including the cat, getting big banners, hot-air balloon, in the NBA recess time, even a helicopter, but the answer they get is a "let me think" or a flat "no"? I feel that it is not fair to put the girl on a spot that only "yes" is the right answer. Just a though.
@sethalex (153)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
Definitely, the woman is already overwhelmed with the surprise that her man had prepared. If she is already ready for marriage then she will surely answer "yes"! Before any proposal, as a man, you must think twice first if both of you are already stable for being in a married life. Nevertheless, your preparations will be put into waste.
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@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
14 Jan 12
What if she is not yet ready for marriage? A couple can be stable in a courtship, but to get married is a totally different matter or else there will never be a need for a "proposal". The man can think whatever stage he feels their courtship has reached, but the woman may not think the same. To be overwhelmed sometimes may not provide the desired effect - it may become rather embarrassing when the answer is negative.
@sethalex (153)
• Philippines
16 Jan 12
You're right pal. But like I said, you as a man know when will be the right time to do that. You have that feeling that all these things won't be wasted. In case all else fail, it would be very painful. But a true man would be able to understand why he was rejected. There could be reasons behind and it's up to him to find it. Before any proposal, men should know first if it's the right time or a premature one. If you gamble, I hope that the risks are lesser than the rewards.