What is a beauty ?

January 14, 2012 12:09pm CST
Friends please tell me the actual meaning of beauty ? I am not talking about the look, but want to know the actual meaning of beauty......
3 responses
@phoenix89 (385)
• India
15 Jan 12
The definition of beauty varies person to person. You may not think the same thing beautiful which I think. As per my opinion I think the real beauty lies in one's mind. A good looking person without a beautiful mind is like a super car without engine, which appears great but of no use.
@jeslin (147)
14 Jan 12
Well the actual true meaning of beauty is your inner beauty. I bet you know that. But nowadays, guys like to judge a girl just like how they judge a book by its cover. If the cover is not pretty, they won't even bother to know is the content. Just like how if a girl is not pretty, they won't even take a second look. But i still do believe that there are other guys out there in this world who is different. I have a girlfriend, who i personally think is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, but guess what, she is the worst person i have ever seen too. She cheats people's money, steal her colleague projects and everything. Guys used to swoon after her like some kind of addict, but after seeing her attitude, they freak out. Inner beauty plays a huge part in life. Someone who is kind, gentle and fun to mix with will always have the priority. Be who you are, that is when your inner beauty shines the most. =)
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
14 Jan 12
If you want the actual meaning of beauty (according to me this is in the eyes of the beholder) you should look in your dictionary. Mostly we do find something beautiful if it doesn't hurt our eyes so it looks the same on both sides. Also it seems we find beautiful what looks like us. I think it's all a question of personal taste/opinion with probably also what people said you should like or find beautiful.