My Friend Acts Like My Boyfriend.

January 14, 2012 4:54pm CST
Ive been friends with my friend since the 1st grade we or both 24 years old now. I love her dearly but I had to remind her today that she is not my man. She gets mad when I dont answer the first time she calls or respond to her text right away. She hates when I tell her I couldn't answer bc i was on a date or on the phone with my actual man and i just dont understand. She's just been a real bug lately and just all over me now I know she's not gay bc she has a man and I know she loves everything that comes along with that package. But she's really wrecking my nerves and I think she's going to be mad for awhile bc i went off on her really bad. Oh well maybe ill get a little bit more free time since she always pops up at my house bringing overnight bags etc... lol sry friend but enough is enough
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9 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
14 Jan 12
I think sometimes when a girl or a guy for that matter has a relationship then it is time for friends to step back a bit, a possessive friend is not good.
15 Jan 12
That's what I was thinking bc I know he have history but as friends we all know that when a relationship is in affect that we step back bc that requires more time and effort to make work. So I agree
• United States
15 Jan 12
Maybe she is just clingy and really needs to be around someone, especially someone she is close with. Do keep it mind it is a possibility she is gay, just because she has a boyfriend does not mean she may not have feelings for you. I'm sure it's not the case but just keep open the possibility of this because it sure is possible. My guess from what I gathered is just that she gets very attached, especially because she has known you for so many years. Just tell her nicely and honestly that this is not working for you and how you feel about the way she's acting.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
15 Jan 12
hello there... I don't think there is a reason to get alarmed.. She is just being a possessive friend (not lesbian, anyhow! At least, she hasn't shown any traits)... You need to talk to her... Explain her how her conduct is disturbing you and your routine.. Tell her the boundries of friendship... Initially, I had thought you were complaining about a boy... LOL... Nothing seems wrong here, just talk to her and things'll be good...
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
15 Jan 12
You know what, when I was young I was also very possessive friend. All my friends know that, then I end up being a lesbian, now I moved on for a decade, I am looking for a new man in my life to start a family. I am 100% confirm she is a lesbian.
@Mashnn (4501)
15 Jan 12
I know it is hard to keep off a friend like that one. I think she is overly concerned with your well being and value your friendship so much. She is worried thatsince you have a boyfriend, she might lose you sometimes in the near future.
15 Jan 12
seriously he is in love with you no doubt about that
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jan 12
I am wondering the same thing as AidaLily. Is she really as straight as you think? It doesnt sound like it to be honest with you. Maybe she is and she just has that overbearing personality I dont know. I would hate for you to lose a friend that you have had for so long! I guess because I wish I had a close friend like that...
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
Hmm.. hello HeavenSent! You know what, I don't really understand why the tag for this discussion is mature content. But anyhow, I think I understand where you are coming from. It is nice if we have dear friends but when something is overdone, it could really get into our nerves! I think you are lucky because you have a friend like that however, you and her should talk about this seriously. Tell her what her actions make you feel. Maybe she is having a hard time looking for other friends? Well, if that is the case, help her so she can develop herself to be more friendly so that she won't have to always run to you. All the time.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
14 Jan 12
I am wondering if she truly likes everything that comes along with that package of having a man. I mean I understand being a bit over obsessive about a friend, but that is a little much. So there is a possibility she could have some of those feelings. I am married, but if you ask my husband or my other female friends, I am 99% lesbian and 1% straight. That 1% obviously being my husband. Maybe you should ask her what is really going on when you talk again. If you had to remind her that she isn't your boyfriend there could be more there, so its better if you really talk to her about WHY she acts that way? She might not realize it or you might find out a lot more about her or her relationship than you might want to. Either way, just ask her to keep her boundaries.