Are all humans Humane???

@deodavid (4150)
January 16, 2012 4:47am CST
Hey there guys here's a topic about humans, a lot of us think that if a person is human he he is one but for me a human is considered one if he is humane. My meaning is that a person that is cruel to living things for no apparent reason and even cruel to nature is inhumane thus making that person not human. Do you agree guys????
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3 responses
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Simply put no. A child is not born with hate, but hate can be instilled in them.
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@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
24 Jan 12
That is true but how about psychopaths and sociopaths that was brought up well and never had experienced or seen cruelty before yet grew up to be serial killers, How bout that drow1212???
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
24 Jan 12
I don't know sounds like a mystery to me.
• India
29 Jan 12
psychopaths are bred by spirits and they are not born
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
16 Jan 12
I don't understand how people can be as cruel as some of them are, I guess I am very sensitive to the feeling of any living thing I know that, why do people think that animals for one have no feelings, every living thing have feelings and have a will to live and feel pain, I hate cruel people.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
24 Jan 12
Hi lilaclady, Me too I don't understand why people can hurt living things and not have any remorse, I just don't get it. I love eating meat but for me to enjoy and watch something dying or suffering, I don't think i can live with myself if i became that way, most likely I will shoot myself before I enjoy anyone's or anything's suffering.
• United States
4 Feb 12
Some of us are sociopaths which means we have no concern or emotions for others. I call it selfish persons disease lol... So I say no every1 is not human lol...
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
9 Feb 12
Good point lovely chris, A person can be an occasional sociopath when he or she closes his emotions on a specific person and does not do anything to relieve there pain and suffering then i guess i am an occasional sociopath.
• India
16 Jan 12
I completely agree with you. Whatever you have said is correct. One cannot be called as human just because he got a human birth. You should be tolerant towards other living beings and then only you earn a place on this planet. But unfortunately the human race taken as a whole is very cruel and are not tolerant and sensitive towards other living beings. We need to change our attitude. Earth is not ours alone to live. we need to share it with all the other living beings.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
24 Jan 12
Hi there madugulagopi how yah doin, I agree with you 100% on whatever you just said, and absolutely on your side on this thing that i was discussing about. Well the truth is all of us has done something to hurt this world and not only it's resources also it's creatures so let us strive to protect our world for it is the only one.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
9 Feb 12
correct chris it is not only inhumane if you hurt a person it is also inhumane not to care for other creatures that strive to survive in this world and also the nature it self that fights almost everyday to keep us safe and live on.
• United States
4 Feb 12
I agree with Madugulaopi:)