why is world wide web such a big deal?

@tenrajj (911)
January 16, 2012 10:07am CST
In my previous discussion about world wide web, I came to a point which includes importance of world wide web which made me start this discussion. I think it will be interesting and also knowledgeable to discuss what makes world wide web so important. So what are the features of world wide web that makes really it really special to everybody? Well let me start with few and see if you can agree with me. I think world wide web is different from other mode of communications. It has the capabilities of communicating your ideas in the ways which is not possible with traditional communication methods. It has he capabilities to customize the presentation of your works to the individual needs of those consuming your information. You can receive feedback from same those consumers/ So the information and presentation of information can be modified to meed the changing needs. What do you say? lets come up with some more reasons. These will surely give us some knowledge.
3 responses
@repzkoopz (1895)
• Philippines
16 Jan 12
basically its the fact that the web connects people and information from all over the world.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
16 Jan 12
Yea you are right... what about the cost factor? I think web cost much lower than other modes of communications. Think of publishing paper or magazine which needs papers, ink and type setting. Printing cost is very high if more graphics are used. The web on other hand allows to ignore the distribution cost. Sharing information on website is very cheap compared to other modes.
@repzkoopz (1895)
• Philippines
16 Jan 12
yeah! aside from your subscription, everything else is practically free! from simple emails, to chatting, to voice calls, and even video calls.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
17 Jan 12
I appreciate your idea. Web is also interactive. Unlike books, magazine or movies, the web publication can respond to user input by customizing the information for each visitor. Visitors too can ask and access the information that they need.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 Jan 12
Yeah, you are correct in all that you stated. In other words, the world wide web enables us to connect to people and go to places , educate ourseleves , without having to go out of the confines of your house.
@tenrajj (911)
• Bhutan
17 Jan 12
Yes.. as you said it saves lots of our time and money. One of the interesting characteristics of web is that it supports multimedia. Although, originally designed to display to text and in-line graphics, now the newer browser support audio, video, animation and much more. You can now stream and watch anything live that is being broadcast some where in other part of the planet.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Jan 12
My personal opinion of why the world wide web is so important is because of the fact that it has made the world a much smaller place than it was before a lot of people had access to the internet. What I mean is these days I can just connect to the internet and almost immediately be talking to someone that is around the world from me. In addition to that, I can also easily access information that might have taken me days to access otherwise.