Atheists can't be trusted?

January 17, 2012 11:40am CST
A study of around 2000 americans came out just a few years ago about which group of people is the least trusted, and atheists came out with a soaring lead. When asked whether they would disapprove of a child's wish to marry an Atheist, about 48% said yes... Muslims were at 33.5%, and African Americans at 27.2%. When asked which groups did not share their vision of American Societies, about 40% said Atheists, while 26% for Muslims and 23% for homosexuals. What is making people see atheists as so bad? They're mostly just skeptics, not trusting something at first glance, and would rather have proof. What is it that makes it so that a parent would disapprove of their child marrying an atheist? What makes them different then anyone else?
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17 responses
• United States
18 Jan 12
Wow Jews didn't make the list!Or Mormons! That is progress. As for the child marrying an African Americans , these people may be in trouble unless they keep their children in an All white society until hey die. And only 23% about homosexuals is good but should be better! We are on our way! Thanks for the Stats. Ok to answer your question. America is the land of freedom of religion but to Way too many all that means is you get to choose from any of the Christian paths. If you are not a Christian , they automatically mistrust you , period!They see non Christians as odd people and atheists as trouble makers . Somehow if you have no religion you must not have Any morals and will do anything to anyone. When they are just people. Some are a$$holes like any other group. The scary part is that there are more evil people that say they are religious than Atheists. But to these polled they will never see that until it is too late.
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• Canada
22 Jan 12
I'm not sure about freedom of religion meaning that you can choose any Christian path. The separation of church and state, has come to mean that atheism is the state religion. Evolution can be taught in schools but not creation. There is no separation of Mosque and state or Mormon temple and state and there never has been separation of lodge and state!
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• United States
23 Jan 12
Graptopetalum, Freedom of religion means the people get to choose Not the government. That is what separation of Church and State means! No one here in the U/s. can tell you which church you Must be a member of. There is a separation of Mosque and Mormon temples too. Schools teach evolution because of science not religion. But if you really don't want yur child to learn evolution, you can take your children out of school! That is an example of Separation of religion and government! If there weren't a separation, All non Christians would be murdered or forced to convert.So if you think Christian faith is being muted just look at it this way, how would you feel if you Had to follow Judaism or Islam?
@Galena (9110)
17 Jan 12
of course atheists can be trusted. to at least the same level as religious people. likewise some of them can't be trusted. again, just like religious people. if someone isn't religious, that doesn't affect how much you can trust them. THAT comes down to their personality, not their religion.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jan 12
not a clue. I am neither American nor Atheist. so who knows. I just know that people are more multi-dimensional than can be judged purely by whether or not they believe in a deity of some description.
• Canada
17 Jan 12
I completely agree, either religious or atheist, we're all still people, and we all have our differences, and some are more trustworthy then others... So... how come the people in the US distrust atheists so much?
• Canada
22 Jan 12
Galena, I think it's more complicated than everybody being equally trustworthy. Organized religions tend to have different racial make ups and therefore there's bound to be statistical differences in the genetics of those who are born into them. They also have different cultural baggage which may affect trustworthiness. Religions, including atheism, tend to attract people with different personalities, so there will be differences in converts. Also most people have their own agendas and will do things to advance them, possibly going against normal values. People may well lie if they discover evidence that goes against their beliefs. If you ask them to do something against their principals, they may deliberately do it badly or sabotage it. This means that different groups may be selectively untrustworthy in certain situations. A Christian may screw up an abortion. A Muslim may not do a good job as a synagog security guard. An atheist may hide the fossil of the dinosaur killed by an arrow. I'm sure there are numerous other examples but you get the picture. Then some religions actually encourage their followers to deceive people.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Jan 12
Hi Christoph, What we have here are people's opinions and certainly not the truth. Atheists are no different from anyone else, mainly good honest people who find it hard to accept what they cannot prove to be true. Whether one is an atheist or religious, we have all been brainwashed in some way. I think that religion would pretty much disappear from the earth if it could not indoctrinate children from an early age. That is their lifeline and I would personally like everyone to be able to make their chose about what they believe, as adults. The important thing is that we see others as good people, which most are. Blessings.
• Canada
23 Jan 12
Could you explain whats so bigoted about these statements? I personally really agree with you, Pose123
• Canada
25 Jan 12
Christoph, this is how Pose is bigotted. Firstly his claim that atheists are no different from anybody else. I'm sure there's at least statistical differences. Then there's the claim that everybody has been brainwashed. Actually brainwashing is a complicated process involving a low protein diet along with deprivation of privacy and sleep. However a lot of people claim that promoting any belief they don't agree with is brainwashing. I have very serious problems with the claim that religion would disappear without indoctrinating children. Where does education end and indoctrination begin? This seems to be basically bigotry against organized religions.
• Canada
23 Jan 12
I think this goes some way to demonstrate why people don't trust atheists. You've made some very bigoted statements here.
• United States
17 Jan 12
There is a verse in one of Apostle Paul's letters that says that we (Christians) are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Maybe that's why some parents don't want their child to be married to an atheist. That doesn't mean they can't have a friendship with each other, but marriage is more involved. I'm sure you can imagine the difficulties that can come from having one parent pushing one point of view and the other parent pushing another. Children of that union could feel as though they're being pulled apart.
• Canada
17 Jan 12
For the parents to children, I can't see why a christian parent would be more approving of having their child marry a muslim, who would pray on their knees 5 times a day, have Ramadan, etc, then they would approve their child marrying an atheist, who just, doesn't go to a church. That seems kind of odd to me...
• Canada
17 Jan 12
And, I do not like that direction of the children on chairs showing the influence people have in the direction of gods... it shows that the religious are higher and better then the non-religious, and it shows that the non-religious pulling them down is putting them in peril, as in, falling off the chair. That's a very brainwashing concept... and if they're taught things like that from childhood, then it's no wonder they condemn atheists. I hope my kids never have to go through classes like that.
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@Galena (9110)
17 Jan 12
why would the atheist be any more likely than the religious person to do bad things? that's where that argument falls down flat. I am religious. my husband is not. he doesn't in any way lead me astray from my path, and I don't try to drag him into mine. he respects my religion as a core part of who I am, and he loves me. I know he has no religion, but he is the person I love, and I feel no need to change him, or him to change me. we love each other. so we respect each others spiritual path or lack of it.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
17 Jan 12
Perhaps they see atheists having a negative affect on the morals and ethics of our society.
• Thailand
18 Jan 12
bestboy19 I live in a country where there has never been Bible readings in school and there is little or no regard for the Bible but somehow we still have a ordrered and moral society.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Look at how society has changed since the Murray v. Curlett lawsuit of 1963. As individuals, atheists may be upright citizens just as anyone else; but when you consider the lack of morals and ethics since that landmark Supreme Court ruling, who would be seen as responsible? Remove Bible reading in schools and were do those who don't attend church learn about morals and ethics, Hollywood, corporate America, politicians, sports figures, Wall Street, journalist, the news media, television, I could go on and on. Not a one of these entities can be called good examples of morality or ethics. There has always been rotten apples in all areas, but that used to be the exception. Now it's the rule.
• Canada
18 Jan 12
But, how do the atheists have a negative effect on morals or ethics? Is it just that 50% of the people assume they have a negative effect, and if so, why?
• United States
17 Jan 12
Atheism itself has become something of a religion, or anti-religion. There are those who actively preach it and call religious outright stupid for being. They follow it just like it were a faith and I think this is where the negative view arises of Atheism. Richard Dawkins doesn't really help their cause as he obsessively hates religion and any belief in a divine being. This has created a number of extremist "atheists", using the term lightly as it is a religious movement by most factors including faith in, that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. I think they have caused the biggest image damage to actual atheists. Afterall, even though I am Christian, I have met some rather nice atheists who would, at the least, not be as inflexible and opinionated and try to preach to me the greatness of their way. In conclusion... this is only somewhat true, it is the "bandwagon atheists" that can't be trusted as they may be using atheism as a way to avoid a conscience (yes, there are those that become atheists because they don't want that nagging feeling), actual ones can just be average and decent people.
• Canada
17 Jan 12
With the ways you're putting it, how does it make atheism any different from a religion? Atheists actively preach it, not unlike how any religion actively preach theirs... Richard Dawkins is a preacher for Atheism, not unlike people like the Pope, or Harun Yahya, or Ray Comfort... there are people of every religion, and all of these people see their direction as right, and everyone else as wrong... So how does that make it different? People would use Atheism as a way to avoid a lack of conscious in the same way they would use religion... religion actually being worse, because in religions like Christianity, if you tell God what you've done and pray, he will forgive you... in where an atheist would never be able to get past that conscious... So, how come Atheists are looked down upon more then any other group?
• Canada
18 Jan 12
Let me see if I'm getting this right... are you saying that the reason that the religious people don't like the atheists, is because the atheists have too many similarities to the religious, with the only real difference the fact that they believe there isn't a god?
• United States
17 Jan 12
They are not different in execution, that is the problem, the fact that atheism is supposed to avoid these religious qualities in their pursuit and it is these masses of zealots that are causing damage to the image. The very fact they are not supposed to be faith based is the problem, really, that is making the whole SEEM dishonest. This would be like a religious person being skeptical and denying there's anything beyond us or supernatural, though this is much rarer a case than with atheists. I think you can see how the atheist image has been more tarnished by the radicals.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
29 Jan 12
i do not think it is really about them not being trusted.. maybe the study should be put more in an in depth study rather than just questionnaire being answered. i believe in you that atheist just lost their faith along the way because they no longer believe in the existence of God. But the thing is, maybe parents or people who said they cannot trust Atheist is because of the values the religion teaches their people. and some may think just because a person does not believe in God, they are not like those who believe in the existence of God and they may not fear to do anything.... just my two cents.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Hi Christoff, It sounds to me as if the 2000 Americans that participated in that study were 100% judgmental and discriminating. I would have to say that of all the groups, it would be them whose judgments I would trust the least.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
23 Jan 12
Most people cant be trusted T wats!
• India
2 Jun 12
Atheistsc cn certainly be trusted, because they are as human as anyboyd else.
@Nameless_ (1180)
• Australia
18 Jan 12
Atheists were probably brought up with an open mind and not just because they don't believe in god. I don't judge people and I have friends that are christian and muslim and everything. I believe that god is one and the same and you should follow whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. Most people see atheists as bad because they thing they are sinning and rebelling god but most dont understand that it might be someone that had a traumatic experience and hence lost their faith in god or someone who had an open family or strong scientific beliefs that make them atheists. My parents wouldnt care who I marry as long as im happy.
• Canada
22 Jan 12
A lot of atheists seem to have very closed minds and are at least as bigoted as most followers of organized religions. It's just the bigotry takes different forms.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
19 Jan 12
I agree with someone else from here this "study " is like one of our sayings "A fool throws a stone into a lake and 10 wise guys jump in the lake to find it". On the other hand what makes me to be careful when i talk with an atheist is that i heard many of them saying the ones who believe there is a creator are stupid or uneducated.While this is true for a lot of those who believe in God it is also true that a lot of atheists are also stupid and uneducated.
• Canada
23 Jan 12
Well, it's been shown in many different ways, the less religious, are more intelligent. Studies have shown that Atheists have higher IQs on average then the Agnostic, which have higher IQs then open religious, which have higher IQs then dogmatic religion. Also, in the direction of schooling, there are less religious people the further you go into education. Students for doctorates have the highest percentage of atheists, then masters, then bachelors, and the highest religious have the least schooling. And, on the next step up, only 7% of people on the American National Academy of Sciences believe in God, as opposed to 84% of Americans in general. I'm sure that there are atheists who are stupid and uneducated, but in general, atheists have far more intelligence then the religious.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
23 Jan 12
Ok let`s say we can trust those studies and there are more stupid people between Christians than there are between atheists.What this has to do with the individual ? What if you are one of the .0001 % of atheists who are not so bright ? (no offence i`m not talking about you but any atheist ). What does being intelligent has to do with atheism or theism ? We consider Leonardo da Vinci to be one of the brightest men ever and he believed in God.We consider Mozart or Michelangelo to be geniuses and probably none of them had any idea about science.We consider Newton to be one of the greatest physicists and still he was a theologian not an atheist.
• Mexico
18 Jan 12
I really would like to know which damn invented studied you are talking about. I believe there cannot be such a thing like a "trustiness study". I mean, that's such a subjective trait that I really doubt you can even measure at all! If that abnormality even took place, I am sure it would slack of any seriousness, and thus, it shouldn't be taken in account.
• Canada
23 Jan 12
The article I found where I got the info is right here; But here's another one, talking about 3 different studies showing how atheists are the least trusted, taken over the past 9 years...
• Canada
25 Jan 12
The abc news article is only a news report and gives somewhat limited information. It was also from 2006, I suspect that a post 9/11 study would have show less respect for Muslims. The second article was short on details about the later study. I did think it strange that people seemed to think that atheists were less trustworthy than rapists.
• Canada
22 Jan 12
I think you can ask people how trustworthy they think others are. I suppose you could do research to show who's more likely to get convicted or divorced etc. but this gets problematic. Poor people are more likely to get imprisoned or divorced but I expect to an extent it's because of the stress of being poor and not being able to afford good lawyers. I'd like to know more about this study. It's relevant how the questionnaire was worded. Was it multiple choice with only certain groups mentioned (e.g. not including Mormons, Satanists?). I suspect that people are more likely to choose options higher of the list or in the middle so the order is relevant (in Canada they rotate the order of candidates on electoral ballots). It's also significant how the sample was selected. I suspect that most people said that they distrusted some group other than their own. If the sample was only English speakers, then it would have tended to exclude groups who tend not to speak English. It's also relevant when it was done. I think the popularity of Islam took a nose dive on 9/11/2001. Since then people have become better educated about Islam, further reducing it's popularity.
• Poland
18 Jan 12
I am an atheist myself. I believe that people don't like atheists because of stereotypes. They are teached from their childhood that not believing is bad, and that it's unacceptable to not belive in something (they think) that is so powerful, obvious and loving. Also marriage (living) with atheist could cause some future problems in points of view. They think that a believer can't leave peacefully with an atheist beacuse it's just not possible! But of course it isn't true. I, out of my christian schoolmates, act the best e. g. I don't swear at others, I'm almost never angry with somebody, and I help others without any reward expected.
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
17 Jan 12
Maybe all religious people - no matter what is their religion, tend to unite against those who don't belong to any of these institutions. That's why the atheists are strange to them. I'm atheist and I'd like to put here a quotation from a recent discussion: "religion causes more conflict than anything else so I would like to see all religions abolished...." and also "Religion creates issues because it is a man made thing." Indeed when we say religion, we usually mean the monotheistic religions. There are other beliefs or cults but they are disregarded. All the religions was created by men and thus the faith in God was institutionalized. If you believe in some God or spirit other than the official ones - this doesn't count. In a country when the religion plays a major role in the society, you will be an outsider.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
18 Jan 12
Atheists are still good people, they can still be trusted. I have a few atheist friends and they actually have quite similar morals that I do and I'm Christian. It doesn't matter what the religion is, it's all about the person, even some religious people can be pretty bad themselves. Statistics are just statistics, but what about the people who don't fit into those numbers. Only 48% disapproving their child marrying but what about the other 52%? I'm pretty sure we can trust atheists, everyone has their flaws, no one is perfect but we just can't judge just because they don't have a religion. Just because they don't have a religion doesn't mean they have no morals. We shouldn't stereotype and we should see people as they are rather than what they believe in.
@Craydz (65)
• Philippines
18 Jan 12
The research shows general community of an atheist group. but what about per individuals. I don't think that they can't be trusted. Their human also with different belief. Maybe some of them but not all.