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United States
January 17, 2012 1:18pm CST
Okay, so I went in to work yesterday, never suspecting a thing, only to be told that they were letting me go! I only had the job for two weeks, for heaven's sake. I asked my supervisor why, what went wrong, and she wouldn't tell me. She just said that it "wasn't working" for either of us and that there was no particular thing that I had done wrong. Now, last time I looked, didn't they have to show just cause for firing someone? After a mere two weeks I don't even qualify for Unemployment benefits! I know I need to get out there and find another job but doggonit I am just such a basket case over this I can't even begin to begin. I had plans for the extra income this job was going to bring...I have repair bills to pay off...and now I feel like the whole world has come crashing in on me. I was so happy last week. I thought finally things were going well for me. I've been afraid to trust in the good things for so long, I suppose I should have kept my cynicism. Then I wouldn't feel so let down, eh? How I wish my best friend were here. I sooooo need a hug from someone I know loves me. Of course, dealing with my court case isn't helping any. The men who were arrested are all being let off with slaps on the wrist. Do you ever have those days where nothing seems right? It's been a while for me because I had not allowed myself to expect good things for many years. But just when I started celebrating life again, the ceiling came crashing in. Is it any wonder I am afraid to dream?
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7 responses
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
21 Jan 12
hi dear alaskanray, I am shocked about these news as well. You know I am only home for the weekends so I am sorry for not having been able to answer and reach out to you sooner. Wish I could do more than only give you a cyber hug. Wish I was closer to you so we could meet in person now. If it helps you any so please feel free to pm me and vent when you need to. Wish we could sit down and think about new possibilities for you.....
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• United States
21 Jan 12
Thank you, my friend. I will be okay. Maybe I just wasn't meant to work. I fell on the ice yesterday and I don't think I would want to be working right now as I am in a lot of pain from the fall. I'll give myself another week and take it easy and maybe something a little more workable for me will come along, eh? In the meantime I am looking into getting some assistance with these repair bills that I'm having to pay. In the meantime, I'm freezing as I can't afford to heat my home. Oh, well. Something will have to give soon. I know the Lord will take care of me.
• United States
21 Jan 12
My pipes do have heat tapes on them so they won't be freezing up. I'm supposed to meet with energy assistance...had an appointment on Wed but they closed for the snow...don't know when. I called them Thursday but they have not returned my call. I'll probably call again Monday. They better not make me wait another three weeks! I've been waiting too long as it is! I just hope that they'll be able to help me. Wish me luck!
• Lippstadt, Germany
21 Jan 12
oh nooooo not this on top of losing the job. First falling on the ice and now not even heating your place.......that makes me worry about you and your health even more plu not heating could lead to broken pipes as well........
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
17 Jan 12
Oh Alaskanray, I am so sorry that this happened to you! I've only been fired once and it was similar to the way in which you got idea what I did wrong. It's a big blow to the wallet as well as the ego. I thought it was a law too that they had to let you know. I'm in NH and I'm thinking there is a law. I know we've had people stealing in the past and my boss knew it but held off the firing until he had solid proof. His reason was that if they were to take it to court for being unjustly fired then he wanted to have some evidence as to why he did it. I know this is cliche but I've always found it to be true...when something like this happens, it is because there is something better in store for you. I'm sure that you will find something even better. As for those guys....I'm sorry. I think our judicial system is far too lenient for things like that which is why they keep repeating their crimes. {{{{HUGS}}}}}
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
18 Jan 12
I remember how excited you were to get your bathroom done. Hang in there and keep looking for that job. I know it sucks but hang in there and keep looking for another job. I'm sure you will find one and it will be better than this last one. It'll all work'll see! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
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• United States
18 Jan 12
Well, I lost some sleep the other night but last night slept well enough. Meeting with energy assistance today to see about getting some help with this (choke) enormous electric bill I just got (near $300) so hoping they'll give me a big enough grant to cover it. Turned down the heat in the meantime and turned off the water heater...using my flashlight as much as possible to save on lights and going to bed early. Daughter slept with me to keep warm last night. At least the winter isn't very long here. Can't wait for spring!
• United States
18 Jan 12
Yeah, sid...I just had my bathroom repaired and was counting on this job to help pay for those repairs. Now I'm going to have to do some really fancy budgeting to stay afloat!
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
18 Jan 12
hi friend, oh God I'm sorry that you had been getting these tough breaks again and I know how frustrating it could be. I don't know if I should be saying this but you have to just go on, I know you are a tough person with a strong faith so guess you know that he will not give us a burden we could not bear, just go on and don't let your faith waverand please don't call or compare yourself to basket case cause I know your not one! ( btw if i remember right that was a title of a very funny horror movie a long time ago, lol just trying to cheer you up friend). We will always be praying for you sister, good luck and let us just trust no matter how difficult that he has something better for you....
• United States
20 Jan 12
Louie, I know things get better but grieving a loss is normal and needed and when I am grieving I am a basket case. lol...But that is just a temporary state. The first few days are hard and I tend to crawl into my cave to lick my wounds but after a few days of pampering myself I'm ready to face the world again so don't worry about me when I'm down. It doesn't last. I fell on the ice yesterday so the old fibromyalgia has flared up and I'm bruised and sore so today I'm taking it easy. My carpenter fell twice yesterday so he won't be back till Monday. The weather isn't too bad here but they have had freezing rain which forms a sheet of wet ice on everything and nothing is slicker than wet ice! I got some rock salt yesterday for the back porch and front of the ramp where the ice forms but I am still staying in! They have had school closed for three days now due to the ice, too. Unreal!
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
24 Jan 12
I am sorry to hear about the loss of job, it is very difficult these days to get a new job, particularly at late age, i worked as a lecturer long back, i had difference of opinion with the principal, i resigned from the job on the advise of my hubby , who himself is a professor of physics.. thanks for sharing the story.. Happy posting, cheers. Kalyani
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• United States
26 Jan 12
I have always felt that if I could find a job that I could work online that would be ideal for me due to my disabilities. I just have so much pain when I have to sit or stand, I really would like to be able to work lying down. I have a nice laptop that I can use from my bed and I don't have near as much pain when I can lie down. But jobs like that are few and far between. I met with Voc Rehab today and will meet with the counselor on the 7th of February so here's hoping they can help me find suitable employment.
• United States
17 Jan 12
I know that in some states (including the one where I'm from) you don't have to have any reason for firing somebody. But at least your company actually terminated you; I was hired at a local pizza place in November, and I'm still "on payroll" but haven't gotten called in for over a month. I think they want me gone but do not want to fire me. It was my only income. What makes me crazy about this, is that I find it hard nowadays to trust any company. If I get hired for a job, am I going to lose it right away, am I going to do something seriously wrong and not even know? I wish I could start my own business. I do know that if I did, if I had a problem with an employee, I'd be as specific as possible. I hate job hunting.
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• United States
17 Jan 12
*hug even though we don't know each other, because I know what it's like*
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• United States
18 Jan 12
Yeah, I know what you mean. If there were some actual reason she had given me, I would at least know if it was something I could change or not. I was honest with her about my disability before she hired me but the only thing I can think of is that she decided that my disability was just too much to deal with. Thanks for the hug.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
18 Jan 12
Hi alaskanray, I am so so sorry for the lost of your job..Its really sad out herE without a job and your can't even draw unemployment...I have actually been in your situtation once myself and it was definately not a good feeling. But I just prayed and prayed and prayed..because at that time I had no idea what was next. I am a very positive person and never closed that door or the thought that it would get better. I know it looks really bad for you right about now but you must be a believer...never never stop dreaming. I am a little confused because I did not under the statement "the men who were arrested are all being let off with slaps on the wrist"...Obviously you had a previous post and I didn't read it... so I do apologize.. Anyway I am wishing your much luck in job search...and remember the following... Negative thoughts developes into negative results,,,, Positive thoughts developes into positive results... YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE....GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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• United States
18 Jan 12
The reason we had to leave John Day was because of these men who were messing with my daughter. The move totally stripped all of our savings and I have had to make repairs on my new place to make it livable. The bills are crushing me and it is very hard right now. I know I'll survive because the Lord always takes care of me but to not grieve a loss like this is just plain unhealthy. You may be able to remain perky through tough situations, I cannot. I am far too realistic, thank you. I prefer to be pleasantly surprised by good fortune than let down by bad.
@klw5000 (213)
• United States
17 Jan 12
I'm sorry about the job loss. It is very hard right now to find jobs and especially good jobs. As far as just cause, it depends on which state you reside in. Some states are "at will" employers and they don't have to justify letting anyone go. They can let someone go just because they don't like them or the clothes they wear. It's not really fair, but I've found that life doesn't tend to be fair. The good is still out there, so please don't give up. Sometimes it is hard to see it and we sometimes get caught up in all the negatives in our lives, but I know from experience, that God will always provide for us. I've learned from experience that when we take time to look back at all the things that have happened in our lives, that we can eventually put pieces together and see how the things we thought were bad actually happened and ended up in something good. Try to stay positive and by posting here you can find some very creative ways to earn some money. Good luck and take care.
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• United States
18 Jan 12
Yeah, now that you mention it, they did "inform" me when I was hired that they were "at will" employers. I have since heard from others that this particular employer is not a good one to work for. Oh, well. Live and learn, eh?