BABY Confusion - RESCUE ME !!!

baby - I want a baby of my own...
I really do, but I dont know if its the right time.
@Bamboee (645)
United Arab Emirates
January 19, 2012 7:34am CST
My dear family of lotters. I think I have to finally sort this feeling out before I go really crazy on my own. I have been married for 9 months, at first I tried having a baby but due to medical difficulties I could not conceive. Now that time has passed I am afraid of having a baby, because I am not so sure about my marriage. I really want my marriage to work at the same time I am afraid that it wont be right for the baby if things dont work out. Please I need some really crucial advice, how to fix this confusion. I want a baby badly, how do I know if its the right decision or the right time? Argh, I am going mentally ill! Please help me!
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10 responses
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
19 Jan 12
Hi Bambooe, I am a little confused about what you're saying. You said you want a baby but you are not sure about your marriage and you also have medical difficulties. But still you want a baby. Well first you can have a baby anytime since you have a husband already. If it's taking a lot of time I think you need to see a doctor and ask for advice on what advice s/he can give for you to conceive a baby. What about your problem with your husband? Doesn't he want a baby? Or he is so concern to you that there might be an effect in your condition if you push through with your wish to have a baby? I don't know much about what you are going through so I think it is only you who can decide on what is the best thing that you would do. Continue having a baby or think about your health first.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Hello Enelym, Well my marriage is on a very rough road at the moment, my husband does not seem happy at all. He has too many restrictions on me, and some things are just over board. I try to understand him and compromise, but there are so many things that I have just lost track on. So I am really confused what our future will be, if this is his attitude at the beginning. Secondly he does want us to have a baby, the doctor has advised me certain pills to start taking. But i am afraid to take them because I am afraid to have a baby. I am not certain about my marriage and if a baby comes in the picture - I dont know what is going to happen. The doctor has told me not to take tension, the more tensed I will get the more difficult it will be for me to have a baby. But ofcourse i am tensed with the atmosphere my husband has created, its too difficult for me not to worry. I think if i have a baby,things will be better in my marriage, at the same time I dont want to be selfish. A new life will come into this world, I want to give that baby the best and dont want him/her to end up in a broken family. So i dont know what to do, should I try to understand my marriage better than decide to have a baby. Or give it a shot and let nature takes its course..? I am really confused and this is depressing me.. Thank you so much for your kind response, Please let me know.. God bless you.
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
19 Jan 12
So sorry that you are going through this. One thing that you can do is to try to talk things out with your husband. Ask him what is going on with him. I understand why you felt that way because it's really hard to raise a child without a father. So, I guess you need to slow it down now that you are confused about your marriage. I think it would be better if you and your husband will have this pleasant and happy atmosphere first. If you are confident that you can raise your baby well even without him (which I hope won't happen) then you can go ahead and have the baby. I am sure that without him you will be able to raise the kid well. Give your husband an chance and talk to him. Maybe he was acting that way because he was also wishing to have a baby with you but you are still not getting pregnant.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Well my husband is very difficult person to communicate too. No matter what I try to say to him, it just does not get across his head. He is very egoistic, and very selfish. He just thinks about himself. The reason that concerns me is because he has isolated me from my family and friends. He does not wish to see them or want me to see them. This highly concerns me because I am the only daughter of my parents. Its really difficult for them when they see me in this state. I dont understand why he is doing this. They have never interfered in my marriage life, they have been so good to him and treated him like a son. But he on the other hand just want me locked up in the house and not meet anyone - specially my family. I am afraid of such a life because this is not how I thought marriage is suppose to be. So if a baby comes in picture, what if he tries to take it away from me? I am even afraid of that factor. At times he does talk like he loves me so much, but his actions dont show me that. Talking is not working for me at all.. As you have said, I think I should just work on knowing how things will be with my husband in future rather jumping into having a baby. I dont want to a rise a baby without a father, I want to give the little angel, a happy family. That is what I always dreamed about.. Thanks for your BR. It truly has helped me.. God Bless u.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
19 Jan 12
There is never a right time to have a baby. But to better get advise we kind of need to know what is going on. Just saying you have a problem doesn't help solve the problem. All marriages have issues no marriage is perfect. 9 months of marriage is still young and you need to talk to your partner about what ever the issues you are having with the marriage if you feel that the issues will be more of a problem with a baby around then you need to go see a marriage councilor to help yo through your issue. You are right don't being a child into a difficult relationship if its not going to work. If you really want a child you don't need the other person to help you do it on your own but if you really want a partner then you need to find away to work it out or end the relationship.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Jan 12
I highly suggest to start prenatal vitaims if you want a baby the early they better. You can start then while you get things fingered out. If he isn't the one that you need to have kids with it's a good thing to stop now or even just take a break not a break up but space a part that some times helps couples as well as bring in a 3rd partner that isn't going to be biases of the issues you two have. Babies bring in a whole new word of stress and I know some people believe a baby will bring them a better relationship it won't it'll test you in a different way.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Thank you so much dear. i think we both really need some space. Some time away from each other might help us figure out. As soon as my parents come to town, I will go and spend some time with them. Maybe my husband can straighten out his issues. Thanks alot for your help.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Hello Shy Bear, Yes when the situation is already complicated then its difficult to make such a tough decision, which is truly life changing. Well I have written more about my issue at the top. Its really complicated and after listening to all your suggestions, I think I should focus on taking care of my health and fixing the problem with my husband. I need to know where I stand in this relationship..and have a stable mind before making such a big decision. Thank u so much for taking your time to write. I really appreciate it, as talking this out has helped me alot. God bless u.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
20 Jan 12
Hello.. It appears that you are not sure whether you have a happy marriage or not.. You are not confused about the 'baby' part of it. You are confused about the marriage itself. You are not able to determine, if your marriage is happy one and whether it'll be a good one... Having a baby is part of the marriage! It happens when everything is going smooth... Better talk to someone who has known you for long time and whom you trust... Take care..
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Hello Mr.Pearl, You have actually given the reason for my confusion. U are right, I dont know if my marriage is a happy one, a lasting one, a healthy one, and mostly a forever one. So I am confused that if things will be okay between me and my husband in the future. I am afraid with his attitude, I wont be able to take it for a lifetime. And having a baby will just make me more crazy and bonded...ofcourse I am worried about the baby's future to as God knows in that situation what he/she has to go through.. THanks for helping me.. I shall definitely talk to mother about this and get her help. God Bless u.
• United States
20 Jan 12
It all depends on what you need. Do you need a equal partner to raise a baby or not. If you Need a partner , then you should make sure your marriage is as secure as it can be And that Hubby Wants a baby just as much as you. But... if You want a baby and you can Handle raising the alone ,If You Had to, then go for it and have the baby. I believe every person who needs to be a parent should have or adopt a baby , period. The timing may never be perfect but one should go for it. So it is up to you. There is always a plan c, divorce and find another partner who wajnts a baby as much as you. So just sit down and figure out what you need and follow your bliss.
• United States
21 Jan 12
Thank you. By your response Hubby is not the father of your children. The worse thing to do is force Anyone to be a parent when they Never wanted to be. It isn't fair to them And the child is the one who suffers. You want babies then go out and find a partner/ spouse that feels the same.You deserve it! It will be hard but your freedom is worth it. I wish you all the best.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Hello Sarah, Thank you for your time to read and write down a very mature advice. I surely need to sit down and figure it out. You are right about the fact that I need a partner who holds the similar dreams as mine, to raise a baby with love and care. my husband does want a baby but he has no idea where our marriage is headed too. Its not about the baby only, if we both are walking different roads then the baby will end up in the middle, with no road. So I will definitely give it a very hard thought and talk to someone very close who can help me through this process, because I am tried of fighting all by myself.. God Bless u.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jan 12
Hi Bamboee, I'm a bit confused too,I think. So,you really want a baby and I'm guessing that the medical condition that you had is no longer an issue? Now the issue is that you are not sure if your marriage is going to work out. Am I understanding you correctly? If so, I'll tell you that being a single mom is not easy at all. If you do decide to get pregnant knowing that your marriage is in trouble then you really need to face the fact that there is a possibility that you could be raising the child on your own. Are you prepared to do that? Personally, I would suggest that you first work on the problems within your marriage before adding a child to the mix but that's just my thoughts. The ultimate decision is yours alone to make. The fact that you are questioning it tells me that having a child right now might not be in your best interest. How does your husband feel about this? Have you talked it over with him?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jan 12
I just read your comment to the first responder. I understand your situation a little better now. Please, please do not have a baby right now and think that it will help your marriage. It may bring you closer for a short little while but not for long. In fact, it will probably make things worse because there will be more tension. I really hope you make the right choice for you and your future child.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jan 12
Hi Bamboee, I think you have really answered your own questions here. You sound like a smart lady. I'm sure having your husband pressuring you for a baby makes it hard for you. I know you want to be fair to him and all but like you said, you have to consider you and your child first. I don't know how bad your husband is but from what I read, he sounds a bit controlling. I hope that you will be able to find a way to talk openly with him about these things. They are too important to ignore.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Thanks Sid, That is what is bothering me the most, that what if my marriage ends up on a bad note with the way things are going. If I end up having a baby, and later getting divorced. Its the baby's life that I am more concerned about than my own. Because I dont want to bring him/her into this world with such a mark on the future. I want to give the baby the best, secure future as possible in my reach. And for that I need my husband to give me that security. So I really should wait for it, and give more time to know about where my relationship is headed with my husband. I dont want to end up in a fix, where I regret being pregnant. I dont want to regret bringing a life into this world, I want to have a baby and give him a stable happy family. my husband all he thinks about is having a baby, because his family is pressurizing him. He is not looking at our situation over all. But as a woman, I know I have to bare all the consequences for me and my baby. Thanks alot for your kind response and reading my first response too. It shows how considerate you are. God bless you.
@Rapierz (56)
• Indonesia
20 Jan 12
uhmm... i confused when read your article.. its like you want a baby but you dont want it too.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Hehe, yes that is the confusion :) Thanks for taking time to read,i wrote the whole story to many of the lotters who commented.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
20 Jan 12
If you find yourself in a state of confusion in your marriage, you might just postpone the thought of having a baby that soon. Having a baby when you are unsure of your marriage situation is not going to help the baby to have a good start in life. Talk to your husband and tell him that you want to start a family to gauge his reaction. If he is not too excited about the idea then you should give it a second thought. Most men are excited to have children so the reason for them to tie the knot.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Well my husband does want to have kids with me. But with his attitude and behavior its just so difficult for me to focus on my marriage. I feel I am in the dark and I am all by myself. So your are right I should postpone the idea for now and maybe when I see some light and some hope in our marriage, I should give it a try then. I dont want my baby to end up in a messy situation, I want to give him/her a perfect family, if not perfect atleast close to perfection. Thanks so much for ur kind comment. God bless u.
• Philippines
19 Jan 12
What I understand is you wanted a baby but due to some medical conditions you are having a difficult time conceiving and also, you have concerns about your marriage now that you think it would not be the best time to conceive if you were able to. These are too much stressful thoughts for you. I think first, you have to go at it one concern at a time. You have to ensure that you are taking care of yourself right. The health concern must be addressed immediately. Nine months into marriage, it must be that it's an adjustment period for both of you. Communicate well with each other on why you feel that way and how he feels also. Best to lay things out on your relationship with each other before you could begin another chapter of married life and that is becoming parents. Do not give in to your conflicting emotions. Also seek out some help from people you trust. And pray also for a healthy body and clear mind.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Dear Blue Angel, You have spoken just like an angel. Thank you so much for being concerned about me. Yes, I have many conflicting issues that are bothering me. I all by myself, I dont have anyone to talk to about it. My husband is not good at all when it comes to putting things on the table. Even if i do try to talk to him, it does not get across and I really feel more depressed and confused. I do need to work out on my marriage first before taking this huge step. That is why I have not started my medication in order to start the process of conceiving. I really want my baby to have the best and not end up having to choose between his dad or me. The doctor has advised me to take as much as less stress as possible because it will make my health worse. But I no matter how much i try, there is some or the other problem that keeps giving me stress and I just cant find out any solution for it. Thanks alot for your response, I will take your advice and look after myself, because unless and until I am healthy with a body and a happy mind - this wont work out. God Bless you.
19 Jan 12
I understand that you're confuse about your situation, because you're thinking of many things that going on with your marriage, well if you really have health problems, it's not also the right time to have a baby and in additional because you also have problems with your husband, why not think first of your health, then talk to your husband and iron things out and tell him what you feel,then after you ironed everything about that, it's time for you to decide if you still wants a baby now or later.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
19 Jan 12
Thanks flower for your kind response. Yes, I think with all the comments I have read, I should first focus on myself and then think about working things out with my husband. And maybe when finally I can make my mind stable I can decide to go on for a baby. Its very tough choice to make, and being with a man who is difficult, just makes it even more difficult for me. Thanks alot for your response. God bless u.
@tatzkie23 (770)
• Philippines
20 Jan 12
Hi bamboee, I've read all the comments on your discussion, and i think you already know what to do. You are a smart woman, you can do this. It may be hard, but i know that things will work out for you and your husband. I'm sorry to hear that you have some medical difficulties, i think that your doctors are very good so they could really help you.
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
21 Jan 12
Heylo Tatzkie, Thank you for your kind comment. Trust me my smartness does not work at the stages of frustration and stress. Well yes, I am seeking some medical help just at the moment to get my self in proper health but to conceive a baby because I need to first sort it out. God bless u.