Have you already discover your core gift?

@whengcat (1457)
January 20, 2012 4:54am CST
Core gift is said to be given to us by God. We are designed to effectively use it to be able to bless everyone. A preacher once point Manny Pacquiao as an example regarding core gift. He said that Manny knows exactly what his core gift and that is his boxing abilities. He is using it effectively and as a praise to God, he gives back. He has helped so many people in need. I think that's really the way to become successful in life. Discovering your core gift, use it effectively and when you're there, give back because it will return a thousand folds.... For me, I feel that my core gift is in art & cooking but I'm still struggling to use it effectively. I hope someday I'll find a way so I can give back too. How about you? have you already discover your core gift?
3 responses
@vt689586 (584)
• India
20 Jan 12
yes you are right ,God creates us for some purpose and that purpose is different for everyone.so to fulfill that purpose God rewarded us with specific gift or quality.if we understand or discover that gift then we found our purpose of life. and i thinks that i have discovered my Core gift.i feel that my core gift is in social work and in technology.because i relate myself very well with technical events.my mind is very logical and sharp. and i solve puzzles very easily. and i am part time social worker also .i love to serve the peoples and i am always with the who are needy.
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• Poland
20 Jan 12
I don't think everyone has a core gift, which for me is another word for talent. I'm not a big believer, I'm not gonna lie - but I think i have one core gift, I learn very quickly. Some people have difficulties in learning and I don't, still it makes me experience more stress because of the other's expectations.
@mselin (77)
• India
20 Jan 12
I don't think core gift can be classified as talent. May be it is what you are best at. You may not be the best in the world, yet, that is what you do best. There may be people who are better than you in many aspects yet when it comes to your core gift, that is when you are at your best.
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@klw5000 (213)
• United States
21 Jan 12
I do believe that we each have a gift, I don't know that I have found mine yet. As you, I do cook very well and I used to want to open a restaurant, but that just seemed to be one of those things that I could never get together. But I haven't really found any talents that I have. I know in my job there has been a lot of people that seemed to think that I had some special qualities. I am currently taking Psychology and I hope to find something in that field to match up with my personality and abilities. Maybe there I can find that special gift to help others.
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@mselin (77)
• India
20 Jan 12
No, I do not think I know what my core gift is. I am still trying my hand at various things. I hope to find what I am best at. As you say then I will be working at my full potential. I only hope that I will be able to keep trying till I find that and not stop till I know my purpose in life.
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