Are you scared of getting older?

@GreenMoo (11833)
January 21, 2012 11:50am CST
I've been miserable today because my ankle has been hurting and stopping me from doing all the things I want to. I've been carrying on as normal, though I've been noticeably slower. I have a pretty active lifestyle, and my body slowing me down is the one thing which worries me about getting older. I've already noticed that little injuries take longer to heal and I need to be careful of a pelvis injury as well as the dodgy ankle. My appearance changing doesn't really worry me at all, although I know it's a big worry to many. You only have to look at how many anti ageing creams there on the market to realise that! Is there something about getting older which concerns you? If you're already what you'd consider older, have the things you were worried about come to pass or were you worrying about nothing?
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35 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
21 Jan 12
I don't worry too much about getting older. I know that I can't do things the way I used to, and I'm pretty much resigned to that now. It surprises me sometimes at what my body can do, though, when I push it a little. As far as looks, no. It doesn't bother me; not much anyway. Gray hair, wrinkles and the whole bit, but life is about a lot more than the way we look. I kind of feel sorry for those women (and men) who spend so much time and money trying to look better, as if that's all they had in life. Aches and pains irritate me, but what can you do but live with them? I agree that we just have to carry on even if it's slower.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
21 Jan 12
You're right, we just have to live with those little niggles. And grey hair and wrinkles are signs of a life well lived :-)
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
21 Jan 12
Yep. I say that I've earned every gray hair in my head.
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22 Jan 12
Me too! I started going grey when I was in my twenties and decided then to let it go naturally. The only time I coloured it was when I was looking for work in my late thirties. Once I'd got the job I let it revert. Growing old is just life. The trick is to stay positive about everything. Tell youself that you are a wonderful healthy person every day and your body will respond and do its best to keep you that way. If you constantly worry about your body it will get the wrong message and may start creating problems. Our thoughts create our world. So we must be careful what we are putting out there, and that includes thoughts about our body.
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@beeeckie (802)
• United States
21 Jan 12
I turn 30 in three weeks. I kind of can't wait. Because of a serious neck injury in 2010, I do get stiffness and pain and headaches, but I take care of that and have recently taken care of a lot of other health issues as well. We're all going to get older and that's that, might as well work with it and not fight it!
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@GreenMoo (11833)
21 Jan 12
Absolutely! We can't stop time, so we should embrace the opportunity to progress. It doesn't stop me worrying about how I'll do all the things I plan to continue doing if my body doesn't perform as well as I'd like though.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Jan 12
You have a long way to go till you can call yourself old! The only thing that scares me about getting older is loss of independence. I'm sure that might be a concern to you with your ankle and the slowing process of healing. I've noticed that the thing that has concerned me as I've aged (I'm 57) is not being important to anyone. That's partly why I'll be moving back west to take care of my new grandchild that's due in September. We need to be needed. I don't care about looking old but I am concerned about not being able to take care of myself--doing minor repairs by myself, keeping my residence clean, doing my own laundry and stuff like that. I also care about financial independence but I'm resigned to the fact that I'll probably be living with my children in my old age. I just fear the loss of independence.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
21 Jan 12
I'd forgotten my actual age was visible! It's not any more ;-) Although I'm a little younger than you still, it sounds like we have similar concerns. I just started thinking about this as we were making further plans for the farm. I was sitting thinking how pointless they all were if I wasn't going to be able to follow them through because of this darned ankle. But of course, I'm just being pessimistic! I have a partner around too of course just now. If he wasn't then I'm not sure I could cope here alone.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
30 Jan 12
I'm almost 69. I'm feeling a lot of the same things Dragon mentioned. Things I never thought twice about before are now concerns. Will a bone break? Will I remain mobile and able to drive? Worse yet, will I get some form of dementia that has stolen some of my old friends to one degree or another, or will my husband? We live where there is no public transportation and no water if the electricity goes out. We have to hire people now to take care of problems with the pump and other repairs. I can feel myself slowing down. I've lost the confidence I had even ten years ago. Yet mentally I don't feel older at all.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
24 Jan 12
I'm going back to my knee again. With this joint aching again, I just had a thought that 'what if this is going to be permanent?'. That this pain would be something I've had to deal with for the rest of my life. It just made me feel old. So, that's what scares me. Having to constantly deal with this pain, and not being able to be as active as I used to be.
@GreenMoo (11833)
25 Jan 12
Ditto bounce, although mine's my ankle. I think things start to take longer to heal once you're past the first flush of youth (that's a polite way of saying I reckon you're older than 21, like me!), but I reckon we'll both be right as rain soon.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
25 Jan 12
Yeah! I'm just 22!
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 12
HI greenMoo! Yes, a bit but I can't go against nature so I will try my best to accept it.(^^) We need to take a good care of ourselves because we live in poor environment when the air and water are not really clean, the foods are not really healthy, the lifestyles and so many challenges that will affect out lives and old age that I will consider as not easy to overcome it..(^^)
@GreenMoo (11833)
30 Jan 12
If we take care of ourselves when we are young we'll certainly reap the benefits when we're older.
@GreenMoo (11833)
31 Jan 12
Sensible lay!
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 12
Absolutely right. My mom is a good example. She still in good health as she always take a good care of herself since in her young age.(^^)
@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
24 Jan 12
I don't normally think about it but I have my moments. People always tell me I look younger then I really am. I guess thats a good thing, but I never worried how I looked anyway. My girl is feeling it now, she was a model years ago and I kind of think she wants to look like she did 25 years ago. But as we all know that is not possible. But she is trying to lose some weight now so she would feel better about herself.
@GreenMoo (11833)
24 Jan 12
People used to think I was older than I was when I was younger, but now I seem to have 'grown into' my looks!
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@inertia4 (27978)
• United States
27 Jan 12
I think we all do at some point. Getting older is just a sad fact of life. But I really don't think about it much at all. I have other things to think about and worry about.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
31 Jan 12
I am not really afraid to get older. I know it is a part of life and there is no way to avoid it. I am doing things now to help myself as I get older, eating right, drinking the right things etc. I don't know what to expect when I get older all I can do is live my life happily.
@GreenMoo (11833)
31 Jan 12
That sounds like a sensible outlook.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Jan 12
I'll be sixty this year and I no longer recognise myself in the mirror. As you become older you realise a few cannot stop time or the effects it has on our appearance or physical abilities; next, you realise that getting to be older is not for sissies; then, you wish you could have taken better care of yourself when you were younger and last of all, you realise you will never get used to the aches and pains but you can learn to push through it...never give in.
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Jan 12
Good advice MsTickle.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I am sixty....and I really don't appreciate that other woman who moved into my house quite sometime.....the one who can't work 12 hours a day doing a project....someone who had a bunch more energy.....didn't need so much time everyday to do everyday things...and the one with aches and pains....I want the old me back! It really is not nice getting old but my kids say that its just a reminder to slow down and smell the roses....enjoy the great things in life that are right before us instead of just passing them by....I am not really scard of getting any older....because I am already
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
I think your kids have the right idea! Knowing me, I'll still be trying to plant the roses when I'm sixty ...
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
22 Jan 12
I may be a little worried and such, but I'm not overly concerned about it. It's really a part of life, and I'm alright with it.
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
It's a part of life we can't change, so accepting it is so much more sensible than fighting it.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
23 Jan 12
When I was young, I never thought about the down side of getting old. My mother remained active well into her 90s. I assumed that I would, too. While still physically active, Mother was slipping mentally. The diagnosis finally came - Alzheimer's Disease. She continued to live and be active physically for almost another decade and finally passed away at age 101. At age 76, I have several chronic diseases, but the one I fear is Alzheimer's.
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 Jan 12
I can understand your fear of Alzheimers.
• Pamplona, Spain
21 Jan 12
Hiya GM, Not really but the way fresh Food is getting much harder to find and more quality Food as you know you need that when you are getting to that age to help you repair your Body quicker so its a must. I am now having to buy more expensive things which used to cost half the amount just a few months back. Would say fresh Food is the most important all you can and when you can. It is a bother to have to be slowed down by that yes but I had a back injury given to me when I was just 22 by an epidural needle and I have found that I am not alone with this problem so I have never been able to work myself too hard as my Back just would not take so many hours. Hope you feel better
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
I think I was just having a pessimistic day Lovinangels! I'm feeling a lot brighter today, certainly. A good sleep and a tight bandage has worked wonders ;) So I'm back to my normal outlook on ageing. It happens, we can't change that. So we had better embrace it and enjoy the benefits it brings.
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• Pamplona, Spain
23 Jan 12
Hiya GM, Tight Bandage that does help yes a lot indeed. It seems everyone has some kind of ailment going just lately if its not one thing its another. If I had the Traumatologist I had for my youngest I think he would find my problem easily. He is so nice you know his Son and mine both had the same problem the middle toes of each foot kept coming out of place and they had to be kept in place with Bandage and plasters. I had to renew them every Day but it did work all thanks to him such a simple idea and I was quite alarmed at the start of it as I had never heard of this problem before the two middle toes of each foot overide each other and come out of place it took months to unravel and he used to kick hell out of me all the time. End result was worth it though and his Son also got cured. We used to compare the X-rays lol as well as if I was a
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
23 Jan 12
I don't really worry about getting older. I am 56 now, and already use a walker due to a physical problem I have had for 10 or more years. I know I look a lot older. In fact when I look in the mirror (which I try not to do) I see my mother looking back at me. Being attractive is low on my list of things I am concerned about. As long as I am clean and neat, I worry more about comfort than I used to. I have already lost a lot of my independence, but I try not to think about the future, because it will be much worse!
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 Jan 12
The future will come, whatever. So worrying about won't do us any good I suppose.
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jan 12
I am a little worried about getting older but I would rather get older than the die. I think I am more afraid of dying than I am of getting older. My appearance doesn't really worry me too much because I have a husband that loves me no matter what I look like. =) He thinks I am beautiful and that is all that matters to me. =)
@GreenMoo (11833)
25 Jan 12
Definitely the better choice of the two! I'm not scared of dying. It'll happen, whatever, one day. So there's no point worrying about it.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 Jan 12
Getting old is no escape as it is part of life cycle. What I fear most is old age diseases that like to lick on an aging body. I am starting to feel my body aching after a while of sitting in front of the computer. I have to move around to relax the muscles so I won't suffer much pain. No amount of anti aging creams can reverse the sagging face. It would have been better if God has designed that all wrinkles are placed on the soles of our feet so we can age beautifully with wrinkled free face! I have to accept the fact that I am no longer a spring chicken and body aches are part of getting old.
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
wrinkles, I like to think, are the story of a life well lived!
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
22 Jan 12
When i was in my 20's i thought 30 was old. In my 30's i thought 40 was old. In my 40's i thought 50 was old. Now in my 50's i see its really not that old. Ive deside i no longer know when old begins. I also notice that each age group goes through very interesting things. Like going from one room to another and in each room different activities are going on. Like when my kids were at home i thought what am i gonna do when they leave home, my life will be over. No, it was far from over. Once they were gone i was free to do things that i was limited when they were home. Being grandma is so much better than being mom. Now i just look forward and think im not getting older things are just changing. I dont use anti aging junk thats just vainity. You cant stop time so age gracefully and dont waste your money. Save it for a trip to somewhere you always wanted to go. I live near the mountians and have met people in their 80's going sking. Playing in the snow is not for me but theres a lot of things id like to do yet.
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
I've never learnt to ski, but I'll have more time when I'm 80 :-)
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
22 Jan 12
It's mostly the physical changes that worry me. You see wrinkles here and there, the skin starts to sag, and yes, we slow down too. The mind seems to slack too that is why it is good to keep the mind awake by participating in discussions here.
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
I'm not worried about the wrinkles. They show experience, I like to think.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I'm 54. My body isn't youthful anymore but as I can't do the things I used to do new activities come along to take their place. Worrying about the future is a waste of time. I live a lovely live and hope to maintain that until the end.
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
That makes good sense. Worry will probably prematurely age us!
@myzhian (584)
• Philippines
22 Jan 12
Mostly single people are scared to get old, especially for those who are generating money from their physical appearance and strength. They fear to be alone and no one was their to give them support! But for those who have their family and children don't worry to much of getting old because they know they'll be safe and taken care of, and one thing more they're excited to have grand children soon and and happy enough to watch their family generations grow!
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
I think that the relationship between age and family differs from culture to culture. There are those where the elders are revered and cared for, and others where people would seemingly prefer to stick their elderly relatives in old people's homes and pay someone else to give them a minimum of care.
@cttolledo (5451)
• Legaspi, Philippines
22 Jan 12
Getting old is scary! transformation will happen physically, emotionally, and socially .. hehe! i should have start doing all that i want while i am still young...and you too guys don't waste time...!!!!
@GreenMoo (11833)
22 Jan 12
It's a fact of life and everyone must either get old or die. I think most of us would prefer to get old, so let's embrace it and go forward happy.