If it comes down to Romney Vs Obama
By dark_joev
@dark_joev (3034)
United States
January 21, 2012 6:14pm CST
Okay I have been playing this in my head over and over again. I mean lets face it the GOP won't pick Ron Paul even if GOD came down from the sky and said he endorsed Ron Paul it wouldn't be enough. I don't even think the media would cover it. Anyway I am getting of the subject that I choose so let me get back to it.
If it comes down to it who would you pick?
Would you go third party?
Do you think their is enough of a difference between the two for it to matter which one you pick?
I think for myself if it came down to it I would pick Gary Johnson over either one of these two clowns. I mean really I can't find anything that makes them that much different beyond the skin color of one over the other. Would the Country be that much worse with Obama getting another 4 years I am not so sure.
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9 responses
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
22 Jan 12
Charlie Sheen, my vote is for an absent president. I think we'd actually be better off with a president who doesn't sign crap and lets all this junk that is supposed to expire do so. I think no president is a good 4 year investment, then we can recover from a little damage since we won't waste time worrying about renewing all this garbage. Plus, it would force congress to actually make bills so good they could get enough suppprt to override the vetos.
Id vote for Obama but I'll likely be living in a Republican state next election cycle, so I'll probably just stay home.
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@crossbones27 (50069)
• Mojave, California
22 Jan 12
You bring up a good point of why we should consider doing away with the electoral college. If they just went by the popular vote they could probably get more people in your situation to vote because literally every vote would count then, no matter what way your state tends to vote. Of course it would not really matter because Republicans are making it harder to vote anyways with the ID law. Like people can't get fake ID's. So either way there is still going to a chance of voter fraud.
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@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
23 Jan 12
Yeah. Its hard to vote when they screw up your registration and then you can't register because its too close to election time when you find out. I'm not exactly why there is such a concern with voter fraud since only a small percentage of the population actually votes.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I voted for Ross Perot to show my dissatisfaction of both party candidates. This year I just might vote independent once again! I am not happy with Obama at all. I don't see any reason to think he will make an about face if he gets re-elected and undo some of the damage he has done. Honestly I feel that Ron Paul is about the only candidate willing to turn this country around. I haven't heard Gingrich or Romney say they would cut the deficit, do something about our trade imbalance with China or they would even think twice about starting another war we can't afford. If I am incorrect in that statement I would like to see a link...
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
22 Jan 12
My biggest complaints have nothing to do with health care. In fact I think healthcare may be the last thing we have left to hold onto in this country to promote jobs. Our manufacturing and technology base has already been outsourced and I don't see it ever coming back.
My issues are his renewal of key portions of the patriot act that were due to expire. The failed bailouts that used tax payers money to move more jobs south of the border. The bailouts that still left nearly 2 million homes in foreclosure last year alone. The attorney general that is under him and his administrations recommending to BoA a company who deals in "blackmailing" reporters to not speak the truth, considering putting returning veterans on terrorist watch list or people who blog about their constitutional rights. Failure to investigate and press charges against broker and lending firms that had a direct connection with the market crash (some of which now are working for his administration).
How many more reasons would you like me to list? I know you are going to say "oh that is all out of his control" right?
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@crossbones27 (50069)
• Mojave, California
22 Jan 12
All right besides the debt (which was needed), what damage has Obama done? I know you are going to say health care but that for the most part it has not even went into effect yet. So how do you know if it has done damage to our country. How can people criticize something they don't even know works or not. How about we give it a shot and see if it works better and if it don't, then lets criticize it. Other than those how has Obama done damage to the country?
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@crossbones27 (50069)
• Mojave, California
22 Jan 12
Yes jobs have been outsourced and continue to be outsourced, but manufacturing jobs are up. 250,000 factory jobs since 2010 have been added to the economy. That is the most since 1997. If we keep on this path at get housing stabilized I think this country will be all right. The problem with this country over the last 10 years has been we stopped making things. We thought we could just ship everything overseas and just become and country that plays the stock market all day. As far as the patriot act. Are you afraid that once it expires the country will be less safe. You may have a point but I think President Obama has done a excellent job at keeping us safe. So he has earned my trust in that department, so I trust that he knows what he is doing and will continue to keep the country safe. As far as the bailouts I think he did what he thought was best at the time. It definitely worked for the auto industry. I have no problems that he bailed them out as most of their problems had to do with poor leadership which is why he fired the head guy at the time and appointed someone else. Then the rest was due to high pension costs mainly due to healthcare. They were able to get all that reformed and now they are thriving. Who said government can't help the private sector. You just have to understand their problems and work with them. As far as the big banks they are just greedy b@stards and if they would let people in to see what the hell they are actually doing we could probably fix them. I definitely think they should be broken into smaller banks because they are to big to keep up with what everyone is doing with in their company. Has Obama made mistakes, yes. Has he done everything I agree with, no, but I think he has helped this country more than he hurt it. This being in one of the most trying times in US history. Can you think of a modern President that has had to deal with more than he has in his first three years. Being critical of your President is good but lets be fair about it.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
24 Jan 12
Personally this is a hard one, and one I have been debating with myself for quite some time now, and not sure what is really the Best way to go. There are many instances when I agree like others both are just as bad, and really scared to say is this what the Presidential Election has come too? As a Christian am I ready for a Mormon president? I guess overall it is really time someone start standing out so people are not so confused.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jan 12
Obviously, my answer is Obama. I wouldn't vote for Romney or ANY of the clowns running for the GOP nomination if my life depended on it. I'd feel this way even if I DIDN'T support our President!
That's not to say I've supported everything all the time because I haven't, but haven't been able to say that about any President ever in my lifetime nor have I ever been able to say I've disagreed with everything any President has done, much as I didn't support Bush, for instance.
Romney has no core, no principles whatsoever; he's an empty suit or a Ken doll stuffed with money, take your pick. He doesn't even seem to human! At this particular time in our history I couldn't take the chance on voting for a third party candidate, not unless both of the nominees were absolutely horrible. Our country and many of its people won't survive if any of the Republicans win the Presidency, especially if they keep control of the House and gain any seats in the Senate. Those who think things are bad now have no idea what we could be in for!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
22 Jan 12
"Romney has no core, no principles whatsoever; he's an empty suit or a Ken doll stuffed with money, take your pick."
So is Obama, I fail to see why you think one is so much better than the other. Both will flip-flop in a heartbeat if it suits them. Both will criticize opponents about something and later embrace it (remember Obama MOCKING the healthcare mandate?)
Both are able to appeal to the most superficial voters who like the looks, hair, skin color, etc. Really Annie, they were practically separated at birth with one getting an R and the other a D. Romney even implemented a healthcare plan like the one the your hero, Obama, signed into law.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Jan 12
Taskr, from where I sit there is a HUGE difference between the two. Yes, I remember President Obama OPPOSING the health care mandate but how many candidates have EVER carried out all of their promises to the letter. With Romney we're not just talking flip-flops as in the kind of changes of heart everyone has from time to time as they learn more about an issue but total and complete 180s. Changing a position on what is a relatively small detail is not a change of core beliefs.
I support our President and will most likely vote for him again but he'll have to turn a lot further to the left for me to consider him "my hero".
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Jan 12
Anniepa, what is your evidence that many won't survive if any republican wins the Presidency? We republicans have always been able to survive the democrats. What flaw do democrats have that makes it impossible to survive a republican president?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I want the best chance of getting Obama out. If I thought enough people would vote for a third party candidate to win, I'd do it but history tells us that isn't going to happen. I'll end up voting for whoever the nominee is. I might have to hold my nose while I do, but so be it.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
23 Jan 12
I would either go for Gary Johnson on the libertarian ticket or write in Ron Paul. I am done voting for status quo bought and paid for by corporations politicans. DONE. NEVER AGAIN! So if either of the major parties want my vote EVER they better get out of bed with lobbyists, special interest groups, and corporations.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Jan 12
The ONLY thing the two have in common is Romneycare, and that wouldn't have passed as a federal bill under Romney, so I laugh at everyone who says Romney and Obama are close to the same thing.
However, if a third party candidate comes closer to your ideal of who the president should be, then go for it!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
23 Jan 12
You're right about Romneycare in that he has specifically pointed out that the constitution allows that in the state of Massachussets, but not at the federal level. Aside from that, both flip flop so often that it's hard to know where they stand on some issues. Romney would be better than Obama, no doubt, but the two really do have a lot in common with the way they play to the crowds and choose their opinions based on what will get the highest approval.
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@crossbones27 (50069)
• Mojave, California
23 Jan 12
Wow, I actually agree with you.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I'd vote for Romney just to get Obama out of office. He doesn't care about the country or what the people want. He's proven that time and again. Can you really trust someone who tripled the deficit in 2 years?
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