Dispelling the Postloop myths

January 22, 2012 5:20am CST
There are a lot of discussions flying around about Postloop, so perhaps I can dispel a few of the myths going around. That way, anyone thinking of joining, or disappointed they were rejected, can at least see the clear picture. Myth 1: Postloop is a scam site. Truth: It is not a scam site - it just has high standards. I made my first payout in 2 days, and I have been paid again. A site that pays out on demand with no questions is not a scam site. Myth 2: You don't need good grammar and writing skills for forum posts, so Postloop shouldn't insist on it. Truth: If you are writing content for websites and being paid to do it, the quality and content should be exactly the same for a 50 word forum post as a 500 word article. Myth 3: Post anything, as long as it's 3 - 4 lines and good grammar, and you'll be accepted at Postloop. Truth: Members with good grammar skills have been rejected because their posts were not engaging or natural. The forum owners who pay for posts want content that will encourage responses and draw in new members. Stilted posts or long quotes from articles will not do that. Make your test posts to subjects that you are interested in, and make them spontaneous if you want to succeed at Postloop. Myth 4: Once you're in, quality doesn't count - as long as you post, you'll get paid. Truth: Quality always counts at Postloop. You can only request payment if your rating from forum owners and other Postloop users is higher than the site average rating, which is fair and easily achievable as long as you maintain standards. If you fall below that standard, not only will you not get paid on request, you could be banned from forums and Postloop. Myth5: Once I'm in, I can promote my blogs and sell my products through the posts. Truth: That's the quickest way to get banned from the forums and from Postloop. While most forums will allow you to post links in your profile and add a link in your post signature, you should not use the posts to promote yourself or your products. There are probably many more myths flying around, but these are the most common ones. What about you? Can you add to the Postloop myths? What's your experience as a Postloop poster and/ or forum member?
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9 responses
22 Jan 12
Lovely info there, as usual, Sandra! As you know, I'm on both sides of the fence with Postloop - a poster and forum owner. So here's my thoughts on your myths, plus some other bits: Myth 1: Absolutely. Totally legit. Myth 2: Agreed, completely. Myth 3: Agreed, completely. Myth 4: Agreed. Additionally, forum owners are asked to rate you EVERY so often (and they get a few points for doing it). If your post quality drops off or you turn into one of those crummy quote-50-lines-and-type-I-agree people, you'll get a sucky rating. Forum owners can also retract membership from you (i.e. block you from earning on their forum) if you suck. Note that down-rating for bad reasons is NOT allowed at Postloop, so forum owners can't stiff you. There was a thread in their own forum where someone had given a low rating because the poster didn't post after they'd hit the daily paid-post limit. Ryan went and removed the rating and gave the forum owner a warning for that one! Myth 5: Depends on the forum. Some are spam-fests and don't care what you post. Others have strict rules. On mine, for example, your referrals, affiliates and other product spam are welcome... in the right forum. Post them anywhere else and it's an insta-ban. There's another myth I'd like to add, too, if I may: Myth 6: Postloop is easy money (and a lot of it). Truth: It's easier than full-on article writing but it still requires effort and thought, much like myLot does. Low-quality posting gets low-quality results and pay. The money is also VERY low for writing work (average of about 8c per decent post)... but that job's immense fun, so - again like myLot - if you're not expecting tons of cash it's a great pastime. It also has side-benefits, in the same vein as myLot: you can learn a lot while you're earning, meet some LOVELY people (and some annoying scumbags) and maybe even pick up some extra freelance work if you're on the right forums. Overall, I'm a big supporter... with the pay caveat.
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22 Jan 12
(I have no idea why I put "EVERY" in capitals. Brain drain.)
• Spain
22 Jan 12
It's catching - first line, 2nd para should read 'or should that be.' Serves me right for trying to be cleverer than you.
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22 Jan 12
"Myth 4: Agreed. Additionally, forum owners are asked to rate you EVERY so often" No, it's EVERY. To be honest, I was really wary of using Postloop to get my forum started: I'd seen plenty of rubbish on other sites and didn't want the same thing. Setting the minimum quality level over 4 and having a well-focussed forum (which doesn't pay for off-topic stuff) appears to have made a significant difference. Either that or I'm just lucky, 'cos I haven't had anyone posting rubbish. Yet.
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• Philippines
23 Jan 12
I was enlightened with your post. From the very beginning that I had heard about Postloop. I do now that it is not a scam site. Scam site are after for your money but then postloop is not after our money. How come they will be so strict when it comes to grammar? I'm not a postlooper but then I do believe on that site.
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• Spain
23 Jan 12
Scam sites also promise to pay out earnings but make excuses not to pay. Postloop are strict regarding grammar because the forum owners are paying for posts. They want quality posts which will attract new members to their forums, and quality posts should have good grammar.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
23 Jan 12
I have found Postloop to be a very good and reliable site to earn from. It does have high standards, which only makes the site that much better. I have also been paid from this site, and there was absolutely no problem with the payout process. In my opinion, if you are going to join a forum, it should be one that you have a genuine interest in and one that you can actually contribute to through your posts...especially if you are expecting to get paid by posting. I think that Postloop is a great site, and hope that it is one that is around for many years to come.
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• Spain
23 Jan 12
Hello Lynnemg. I go along with everything you say. Certainly you should post to forums in your interests. I write a lot of health and fitness articles, so I mainly subscribe to those. I really enjoy it, and it's nice to get paid for having fun.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
22 Jan 12
Believe me, if only this was an article . . . Never mind. I'll go the Spyke way with this one: Myth 1: Not a scam, I've been paid more than 3 times, and I can present the payment proofs. Myth 2: You only need good grammer to get through. The only 'good' grammer I used were periods, as in commas and stuff. Also, I made it look very neat by formatting my replies into paragraphs and went through them again. Myth 3: This is not a myth (Sorry ). I chose the topics that I was interested in and posted in them. I made about 25 posts before getting through (Hadn't subscribed to the portal ). Myth 4: Yes, once you are in, try to make a few good posts to get noticed by the owner, for if he feels like rating you, he will rate you good. Then, the quality doesn't count. Myth 5: It is up to the owner of the forum. Almost all the forums have a section for promotion, so it works well for website/blog owners. Myth 6: Oh wait!!! There's no Myth 6!!! Have a good day.
22 Jan 12
Myth 4: Incorrect (though there's no way you'd know it) - I can go back and re-rate you any time I want to. And a big D'OH and DITTO for "(Hadn't subscribed to the portal)"... me either, hehehe!
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
23 Jan 12
I received a 5 point rating recently . . . Was it you?
• Spain
23 Jan 12
Hello, Boyuancy. I see we disagree slightly on some points, which is fine - I'm just saying how I see it. I did remember to subscribe to the portals, so there! On Myth 5, promoting, yes some forum owners do have a promotions section, but I was referring to promoting yourself in posts, or putting spam posts in. As Spike knows, we've had some that have had absolutely nothing to do with freelance writing, and it clearly says in Spike's info panel for the forum, as well as the rules, that posts must be on topic. Spike - care to share some of the more interesting spam posts? Myth 6 is Spike's added one.
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
23 Jan 12
No thanks way too many requirements for only a few cents here and there.
• Spain
25 Jan 12
Agreed, Runi. I wasn't going to bother answering this post, but since you're in here, I'll add my comments. I joined Postloop on 12 January - less than 2 weeks ago. I've now cashed out $35, and had a lot of fun earning it. More importantly, I've made some useful contacts and have been offered a business opportunity which could be very lucrative but will certainly earn me some money. A few cents here and there? I don't think so.
@drow1212 (169)
• United States
26 Jan 12
Sounds to good to be true, but that's good you got something more out of it.
@runi1024 (126)
• United States
24 Jan 12
You are clearly mistaken. This is not a site that pays a few cents here and there I have made $10 in less than a week that is more than any other site I have seen out there.
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@runi1024 (126)
• United States
22 Jan 12
I agree with you. These are a lot of the myths that I have been seeing flying around, but I have been with postloop for a little under a week and will make my first payout today. They have high standards which I personally really like. It is very frustrating to read posts that have poor grammar, which was something that drew me to them. A note about myth number 4. If you have better ratings on different sites you will be able to earn more on them. I have one site with a 5.00 rating and I am making more off of this forum than any of the others. I like them, and feel that if you get rejected chances are there was a reason for it. When I came in I knew that they had high standards and followed all the guidelines. Thus far I find a lot of the forums I post into be very interesting and engaging so it is not all about the money but about the content as well. Happy Posting :)
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• Spain
22 Jan 12
Hello, Runi. I'm glad you're doing well, as I know you joined as a result of my first Postloop discussion. It's good that we can help each other here. I was also attracted by Postloop's high standards, and yes, some of the forums are very interesting. On your point about Myth 4, I had an alert this morning telling me one of the forums is paying a 10% bonus on my posts, which is really nice. As you say,it's not just about the money - it's great to know your content is appreciated and rewarded.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
25 Jan 12
Well, I had signed up, I think I told you this before. I started to post. At first they did not say anything. Then after the ten articles or posts, I got an email from them. They told me I cannot become a member. Well, I tried to appeal that. The outcome was that I was not allowed to participate at all. So I basically gave up. Look, I am not a writer, I just like to write about what hits me at the moment. SO, I am fine being here at MyLot. I guess this is more for me.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Hello Inertia4, I am LeeNess from Matesgate website I saw Postloop on Matesgate too and tried them. I got rejected too! Your account has been rejected for posting. The following reason was given: Your grammar is too poor for Postloop. We need posters with excellent English grammar. Your account has been closed, as you unfortunately do not have what we are looking for. You will not be able to apply for reviewal again, and you may NOT create another Postloop account. We do only get one chance with some places. I am happy with mylot too. Thanks Unique16
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
9 Feb 12
Yeah. I remember now what my rejection said. That is what it said. Well, I don't need them. I have MyLot and a few other sites I work with. Look I never flamed to be a writer and I will not ever claim that. I know my grammar is not the best, but hey, even some of the greatest writers make some mistakes as well. No one is perfect. If they were looking for perfection, then they should have been paying lots more money.
• Philippines
23 Jan 12
Interesting..I believe that postloop is paying,reliable and need good grammar. It is true your rating must met on their requirements,but i am fall on that because of my English. Maybe later on, i will be there,enjoy your time and good post you had.
• Spain
23 Jan 12
Hello, Befrindwithme26. I think your English is already improving, so keep practicing and you will reach Postloop's standards. Glad you like the post. When I find a good site, I do try to help people get onto it.
@runi1024 (126)
• United States
24 Jan 12
I got a very strange email this morning informing me that this discussion was deleted. I am confused because I logged in just moments ago and lo and be hold here it is! What is going on?
• Spain
25 Jan 12
Hello, Runi. I really don't know. The only thing I can think of is that someone reported it for a breach of guidelines, or one of the admin team thought it was promoting Postloop and took it down for further investigation. As anyone can see, there is no referral going on here, or anything else that could be construed as self promotion. It could simply be because I posted 2 discussions about Postloop in a few days,which might have looked like suspicious activity. If admin did delete it, I would protest, because I've given people a lot of information, and several of them have joined Postloop and are earning well, and I never suggested to anyone that they should join as my referral. Thanks for the heads up - I'll keep an eye on things.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
9 Feb 12
One more thing once you are rejected you do not get another chance. Here is my rejection notice!Your account has been rejected for posting. The following reason was given: Your grammar is too poor for Postloop. We need posters with excellent English grammar. Your account has been closed, as you unfortunately do not have what we are looking for. You will not be able to apply for reviewal again, and you may NOT create another Postloop account. You only get one chance! There are places like this. You are very lucky to have got in! Thanks Unique16