Say NO to ACTA

January 23, 2012 9:21pm CST
Can you imagine your Internet Service Provider policing everything you do online? Can you imagine generic drugs that could save lives being banned? Can you imagine seeds that could feed 1000's being controlled and withheld in the name of patents? This will become reality with ACTA. ACTA is the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Disguised as a Trade Agreement, ACTA goes much, much further than that. For the past 3 years, ACTA has been negotiated in secret by 39 countries. But the negotiators are not democratically elected representatives. They don't represent us, but they are deciding laws behind our backs. Bypassing our democratic processes, they impose new criminal sanctions to stop online file sharing. ACTA aims to make Internet Service & Access Providers legally responsible for what their users do online, turning them into Private Copyright Police & Judge, censoring their networks. The chilling effects on free speech would be terrible. In the name of patents, ACTA would give large corporations the power to stop generic drugs before they reach them people who need them, and stop the use of certain seeds for crops. The European Parliament will soon vote on ACTA. This vote will be the occasion to say no once and for all to this dangerous treaty. As citizens, we must urge our representatives to reject ACTA. NO TO ACTA. Learn more, Take action
6 responses
• Romania
6 Feb 12
It's to late. They try because is theyr last chance. The world has changed and evolved and the time has come, the humankind is on the edge of a big cange.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
5 Feb 12
ACTA was kept HIDDEN from the people and only through leaking from people who opposed it have we found out that countries including mine have singed such a stupid act BEFORE asking US the CONSUMERS about it. ACTA is against the right to freedom of speech and against the right to knowledge and information. Such a law can never be allowed to happen and should be banned from existence just like SOPA and PIPA were. Remember to sign the avaaz petition: and show them that we want our FREE internet. Show business companies already have laws to protect their copyright they don't have to delete all our sites in order for them to be happy. I own many paid games and movies but I am still against ACTA. I actually am against any law that would deny free access to information and since the news are MOSTLY censored and stupidity is more often promoted the internet is our last stand !
@peavey (16936)
• United States
24 Jan 12
We're coming closer and closer to a police state - the entire world. "They" want to control every aspect of our lives and they're moving closer to it all the time. Lately, they've become bold, as this shows. There have been prophecies for years that a world wide shortage of food will come and if something like this actually comes into effect, it will. Monoculture, GMOs and artificial pesticides and herbicides combine to make our food sources insecure anyway. If they're given complete control, they'll destroy what nutrition our food now has.
@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Jan 12
It's not physically to keep track and police the internet, though there are those who might want to try. However, it doesn't mean they will be successful in their indevor s. I've seen this a lot recently, and what we hanles. And, the question then is "Where to draw the line?" This is the problem that must be solved, before any act can be taken into account. I'm sure many of you have heard of Sopa. It, and a simular bill were preposed in congress, to help control and regulate online spending and cut down and stop piroit acts by people. This however, has a direct impact on photo and file sharing. It is because they didn't know where or how to draw the line, both bills are at a stand-still, and have been put on an indifinate hold. Meaning enither bill is going to go into law. And, personally while voiting is about to take place on this one... it will meat simular problems as well.
• United States
24 Jan 12
People have kind of been in denial that for the past 20 or more uears that government was run by elected officials instead of giant corporations. But I think with sopa and acts like these it should be a lot more clear that lobbyists and big businesses have way too much power. But now its beyond a local problem where we can easily fight it with boycots protest and regular political means. Its now a problem where multinational corporations are trying control the world powers through influence and financial hardball. There may be embassies all over the world but huge corporations have multi billion dollar businesses worldwide. You'll probably never see an American embassy on your average international trip, but you probably will see golden arhces anf i-stores. No nation ever made an army to rule the world, but there's businesses that have the entire word as an avid consumer.
@keihimekawa (2009)
• Philippines
24 Jan 12
I honestly just heard of ACTA this morning since a friend forwarded me an email about pursuing ACTA since SOPA and PIPA gained unfavorable results. Personally, I find this unfair and violates internet user's freedom. I know Piracy is crime but taking it to this extent (SOPA / PIPA / ACTA) is way too offensive for internet users. But then, as long as there's people who are willing to "outwit" FBI with this act, I'm quite sure they'll find loopholes in these acts.