triond earnings

@indi15 (888)
January 24, 2012 2:55am CST
Hi friends. Can anyone pls tell me what is the paying structure of triond. i have submitted an article in triond last weeek, it has got about 250 views and the earning for that article is only $0.01. I do not understand this.
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4 responses
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
24 Jan 12
Hello friend, I guess it would be delayed for some reason. I guess you should wait for some more time and see. Else contact the admin there. I guess you should try Expertscolumn. It is way better than Triond and the same articles that you have posted on triond can be re-posted there. So, give it a shot. You might like that.
@indi15 (888)
• India
24 Jan 12
Thankyou so much, i will wait for some more time. I have not tried any other site yet but i will surely do that.
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
24 Jan 12
Good luck!
@twardwfh (49)
25 Jan 12
I find Triond tends to go more on the number of likes you recieve rather than the number of views. You can have 500 views and comments but only 2 likes and it seems to be the 2 likes that will depict your earnings for that article. At least this is my interpretation of my own experiences with it.
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@indi15 (888)
• India
25 Jan 12
I guess triond has kept this as a secret........ I never understand their concept, but lets keep on trying.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
24 Jan 12
Hi Indi15, the earning probably has not been updated since weekend just over. Are you publishing the content in Authspot or Writinghood? Some sites are very bad for earning. Another factor is the country where your readers come from. Only those from US or Europe will earn more for you. Readers from Asia are known to earn very little.
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@indi15 (888)
• India
24 Jan 12
Thanks scheng1, Earnings of my other 2 articles have been updated, but this article is getting so many views everyday , but the earning for this one is stagnant. I am not publishing in other sites as yet.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
24 Jan 12
Triond earnings tend to be rather inconsistent for many reasons. And it just seems to be getting less and less. Although some articles do seem to make slightly more. It kind of does depend on the website that it is on, because it is the theory to say the very least. Not to mention how views are counted as well, as there are times where I am certain that a lot of views are not counted. It really is a good place to practice writing before moving onto other ground, but I wouldn't expect to make all that much money on Triond. It is just one of those websites that is a good place to really get your feet wet and the earnings structure tends to be rather all over the place. Some people think they might have figured out, but they did not really.
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@indi15 (888)
• India
24 Jan 12
Thanks megamatt, you are right. it is very difficult to figure out the earning structure for triond. All the articles have different earn per view value.