Pirates - "Captain Hook" for Real?

Pirates - Are they for real, or is there something else that is going on!
@Bamboee (645)
United Arab Emirates
January 24, 2012 11:52am CST
Well I thought Peter Pan was just a story, and Hook was just a character. It seems like there are many "Captain Hook's" out there waiting to pawn of people and internationally traveling ships. Why isn't there any strong action taking on this issue. This is the figure of 2011: Total Incidents: 83 Total Hostages: 250+ Total killed: 7-15 If they can throw off a ruler in a country, why not take action on these pirates? I think there is a huge power involved in this. They are paying millions and have already paid millions of dollars to these pirates. And they cant give that million to a poor nation who is starving to death... sounds ridicilous! What's the real agenda?
3 responses
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
25 Jan 12
In the past there were pirate stories which were entertaining and fascinating like Long John Silver and Captain Cook was an explorer of the world. There are children's books detailing these sorts of characters which are delightful for the junior age range. Teenagers and adults like the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. I have heard of some really horrible pirates for real lately! Two English people got taken hostage by some pirates from Somalia. Some nasty pirates kill people and take people hostage to get loads of money. There should be a strong action against them. People that go around on yachts should be able to feel safe and be totally safe. Children's toy pirate ships look lovely but modern day pirates are awful.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
25 Jan 12
I'm not sure why you mentioned Captain Cook in the same breathe as with pirates. I thought he was more of an explorer. Francis Drake would have been more appropriate since he was both a pirate as well as an explorer.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 12
I have visited some of the places that Captain Cook the explorer went to.
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
25 Jan 12
Actually, the US and NATO countries have increased their presence in the Indian Ocean to combat the Somali pirates. There have been several cases lately where pirates have been captured. The Indian Ocean is rather big though and the pirates use fast small boats plus they live in a country with no real government. Even so the pirates now look to capture hostages more so on land rather than on the sea.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
25 Jan 12
I think the pirate stories we know about are somehow about adventure, hero's also kind of romantic. I always loved the comics about Captain Redbeard (officially French). The only pirates I hear about now are comming from Somalia. Once in a while it's big news but I also don't have the feeling the governments are really doing something to catch those kind of pirates. Perhaps it's easier to spend money on what they lost???